Saturday, November 10, 2018

Breaking News! We Interrupt this Fundraiser, to Report on New Dirty Tricks at Jack Dorsey’s Twitter!

By Nicholas Stix

At 4:57 a.m., when I went to Twit to post an announcement about my fundraiser, I got the following fake error message. I’d been working my butt off in recent days, both to spread the news of the election fraud in Florida, and to expand my “followers” there, and the Twit apparatchiki didn’t like that. They’ve done this to me before.

So, I did their bidding. We’ll have to see what their next stunt is. After all, they have been purging right-of-center people by the thousands, of late.

Password change required

Nicholas Stix


What happened?
We have detected unusual activity on your account. For your security, your account has been locked until you change your password.

What can you do:
To secure your account, please change your password before logging back in.


Anonymous said...

Remember,it's all for your benefit.
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
It's all for my benefit
(Repeat until convinced)
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Could be a phishing expedition. You do not really need to change your password but do so not realizing the party at the other end is not who they say they are.