Tuesday, March 31, 2015
WEJB/NSU Exclusive: Update on the Papa John’s Murder of Gordon Schaffer; are Tennessee Officials Dragging Their Feet, in Order to Quietly Thwart Justice, in the Case of Suspect Darious Fitzpatrick?

Suspected war criminal Rodney Harvell

Suspected war criminal Darious Fitzpatrick, though only 17 at the time of the Schaeffer murder, was already a violent, career criminal with several felony convictions as a juvenile; his example is spurring calls for juvenile justice reform in Tennessee
By David in TN
5:01 p.m.
I was at the Maury County Courthouse in Columbia, Tennessee, this morning of March 31, 2015. I had been informed the County Juvenile Court would meet to transfer Darious Fitzpatrick, incarcerated for the murder of Gordon Schaffer at a Papa John's Pizza last October to adult court.
At 8:30 a.m., an elderly black lady wearing a uniform opened the door for Juvenile Court. She asked everyone "Who are you here for?" When I came to the door, I told her I was there as an observer. She told me an "observer" can't come in. You have to be a relative or friend of somebody.
I saw several people who might have been relatives of the accused.
So I left. When going out the back entrance of the courthouse (only one you can use), I saw a deputy sheriff talking on a cell phone. I heard him say "Bring him around to the other side." I suspected who "him" might be.
I followed the deputy to the front side of the building. He stood there a few minutes. Then a sheriff's patrol car circled the building three times. I walked across the street and sat on a bench, where I could observe.
A few minutes later, there were three patrol cars. Out of one of them came Darious Fitzpatrick. He looked just like the arrest photo. Fitzpatrick wore a green jailhouse jump suit with his hands manacled in front. He had a blank facial expression.
He was escorted by four deputy sheriffs and a juvenile system worker. One of the deputies looked at me, might have wondered why I was watching. They went through a basement entrance out of sight.
I'll check back in a month or so.
Previously, by David in TN at WEJB/NSU on this war crime:
“Papa John's CEO Attends Funeral of Employee Shot Dead by Robbers While Working at the Popular Pizza Chain - and Pays for his Service and Medical Expenses”;
“War Crime Follow-Up: The Papa John’s Murder in Columbia, Tennessee”; and
“Exclusive Update on the Papa John’s Murder of Gordon Schaeffer.”]
Pro-Violence Activists Seek to Disarm NYPD; Enforce Black and Hispanic Free-Fire/No-Go Zones; and Impose the Rule of Crime
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
I thank the reader who sent me this article, remarking,
Let's hope this campaign is successful.
Then black-on-crime crime and Hispanic-on-Hispanic crime will erupt.
“Disarm NYPD” movement grows in New York
“Police have proven that they're not responsible enough to carry arms”
Published 4 hours ago
by Cheryl Chumley
An activist group calling itself “Disarm NYPD” is seeking to strip officers of their firearms and boot them from select neighborhood streets, all in the name of keeping city citizens safe.
[Translation from the Orwellian: They want to keep criminals safe. No decent person wants cops blocked from their neighborhood.]
A Twitter message from Occupy Buffalo gives a quick summary of the group’s mission: “‘Disarm NYPD’ is a new collective seeking to immediately stop the New York Police Department from killing anyone,” Twitchy found.
The activists have teamed up with another group, Copwatch, that seeks to create “no-cop zones” and to hold police accountable via aggressive filming of their activities, the nonprofit Waging Nonviolence reported.
Mass-Murdering German Pilot Andreas Lubitz Has Become a Human Rorschach Test: First, He was a Muslim Convert, Now, He was a “Jewish Mossad Kamikaze Agent”!
Men will not tolerate a vacuum, be it of power or of information. In the face of a horrible crime, the rumor mill will churn with people’s pure, uninformed speculation, and/or projections of their personal obsessions onto the incident.
For the past few days, a rumor spread on right-of-center blogs and Websites, according to which Lubitz was a Moslem convert.
On March 28, I saw a headline, according to which Andreas Lubitz was a convert to Islam. I believe it was at AmRen.com.
I started hitting links, but all I got were “translations” with no links to the original story. Since I’m a German speaker, there’s no way I’m going to rely on a translation at a third-hand site. I have to see the German at the original publication.
After 9/11, Moslems and their allies flooded the Web with a hoax claiming that Israel was behind the attacks. Web sites would re-print the whoppers second, third, and fourth-hand.
I went to the German blog claiming Lubitz had converted to Islam, but the story had been pulled.
Fehler 404. Die angeforderte Seite wurde nicht gefunden.
[Error 404. The requested page could not be found.]
Here is the alleged translation of the purported story.
The co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus was a convert to Islam
According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News [Politically Incorrect], Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.
Translation from German:
All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of "radical", ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he - as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York - received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.
Converts are the most important weapon of Islam. Because their resume do not suggests that they often are particularly violent Muslims. Thus Germany now has its own 9/11, but in a reduced form. And so it is clear that Islam is a terrorist organization that are in accordance with §129a of the Criminal Code to prohibit it and to investigate its followers. But nothing will happen. One can bet that the apologists (media, politics, "Islamic Scholars") will agree to assign this an act of a "mentally unstable" man, and you can bet that now, once again the mantra of how supposedly peaceful Islam is will continue. And worse still, the attacks by the left against those who have always warned against Islam, will be angrier and merciless.
For now the German Islam supporters like never before have their backs against the wall.
Michael Mannheimer, 26.3.2015
The Daily Mail today writes:
Police investigating the Germanwings crash said tonight they had made a 'significant discovery' at the home of pilot Andreas Lubitz, who deliberately ploughed the Airbus A320 into the French Alps.
Officers refused to reveal details of the potential breakthrough but said it was not a suicide note.
Hopefully we'll know in a few days if this article is accurate.
[N.S.: The Daily Mail article had nothing to do with Islam. The “potential breakthrough” had likely been the discovery, in Lubitz’ home, of a torn-up doctor’s note excusing him from work the day he committed the atrocity.
The new phony story is that Lubitz was a Jewish kamikaze pilot working for the Israeli Mossad, thus, the blog National Liberation, which is one of the Web presences of a young Englishman named Joshua Bonehill, who is a white supremacist/neo-Nazi/whatever, and/or Internet prankster and con-man. Bonehill also maintains Daily Bale News, Joshuabonehill.net, and God only knows how many other sites.]
Germanwings Pilot, Andreas Lubitz exposed as a Jewish Mossad Kamikaze agent
March 26, 2015
National Liberation
Since the crash occurred, a lot of people have come out and claimed that Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim or a Muslim-convert. This is completely false, Mr. “Lubitz” was in fact a German Jew.
This article will not delve into what happened to the downed Germanwings aircraft, here we will merely expose Andreas Lubitz as being the Jewish subversive he was.
Firstly, one has to understand that the surname “Lubitz” is a traditional Jewish surname used by many Jews of Slavic descent. The Lubitz family line can trace it’s history back to the days of the ancient Kingdom of Israel dating from 930 BCE–720 BCE and we find this family had mythological connections to King Solomon as noted in the Talmud.
We have therefore established that without any shadow of a doubt, the surname “Lubitz” is indeed Jewish.
To fully understand the Jewish origins of Mr. Lubitz, one must racially profile his Jewish facial features to determine the level of Jewry to which Lubitz belongs.
It should be fairly obvious to the seasoned Jew-Spotter that Mr. Lubitz is not a White man. Firstly, let us examine the eye slits of Lubitz, we find that they are small and slit-like. This is a common feature among the Jews, for they are originally from the desert and the eyelids evolved in a way as to defend the eyes from sun glare.
[As someone who lived in West Germany for over five years, I can confidently say that the man in the photograph above looks as German as they come.]
The structure of Mr. Lubitz’s face is entirely narrow and lacks the broadness that one may find in the face of a White European. Notice the long and elongated forehead, this itself is another typical feature of the Jewish people. Jews appear to have bulbous foreheads for the most part, again this can be attributed to their desert origins in order to protect the eyes from sand-storms.
Lastly, one should note that the colour of the skin is not nordic white, it appears to be more of a magnolia or terracotta yellow. Judging by the colour of this man’s skin, we can attribute this to Jewry in the sense that most Jews have a darker shade of skin.
Another Tell-Tale sign is the fact that Andreas Lubitz visited Israel on more than 10 separate occasions in the last year alone. This is public information and can be found on Lubitz’ flight record by inquiring with GermanWings.
[Lubitz may have visited Israel—as part of his job. However, we can’t assume he’s ever been to Israel, simply Bonehill or some stooge of his says so.]
In conclusion, Mr. Lubitz is definitely not a Muslim or a Muslim-Convert. Lubitz is most likely an agent of Mossad and this would give a reason in downing the plane. There is no record of mental illness or depression to suggest suicide, one can conclude safely that this was a kamikaze-style attack on behalf of Israel.
It’s by no coincidence that many pilots working within our airlines are Jewish or indeed hold dual citizenship to Israel. The question is, what does Israel stand to gain from downed planes?
Think about it.
DOJ’s Criminal General Eric Holder is Trying to Extort Free Auto Loans for Colored People Out of White Dealers, but is Having Trouble Determining Who’s Colored
P.S.: This is just an extension of the criminal practices I exposed in my VDARE report:
“Obama Wages Racial Socialist War on White-Owned Corporations, Taxpayers.”
Monday, March 30, 2015
Ramirez Cartoon: Barack Chamberlain
Ramirez cartoon: If you like your peace in our time, you can keep... http://t.co/esFB90LAu3 #Iran #tcot pic.twitter.com/AXi7dzCt1L
— IBDeditorials (@IBDeditorials) March 31, 2015
Bisexual NFL Player is Offended by Michael Sam's Comments
As you read down, the player opines that Sam didn’t play well enough to make a pro-team. That he wasn’t ‘discriminated’ against. If he hadn’t been black and ‘gay,’ he wouldn’t have rec’d all the notice and all the opportunities to make a pro-team.
What Christians are Driving Gays to Do! (Humor)
#BecauseOfRFRA You either bake me a cake for my gay wedding or I'll shoot this dog. pic.twitter.com/Dn1xZOWc4Z
— Pablo (@Pablo_1791) March 30, 2015
Obama Department of Labor BLS “Economist” Tweets that Indiana Christians are “Nazis,” then Deletes Twit, Along with Mention of Her Job
Labor Dept. economist delete tweet calling Christians 'Nazis' re Indiana law @elizabethashack http://t.co/7OA7BwXWk5 pic.twitter.com/TwKj4VFDaU
— The Paranoid Pundit (@psyberjnke) March 30, 2015
@AmericnElephant @elizabethashack @GovPenceIN @TGowdySC she now has removed her duties at labor from her acct..go see pic.twitter.com/x4FVgK1CCq
— Patrick (@oooorah) March 30, 2015
Via The Right Scoop:
There isn't a single thing in the Indiana law that refers to a single rectal banger and yet that is the only context people continue to argue. I would bet most haven't even read it. The bill was informally nicknamed the Hobby Lobby bill. The Hobby Lobby case had ZERO to do with homosexuality and had to do with forcing businesses to provide certain types of contraceptives that ran contrary to their religious values. The law mirrors the FEDERAL Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 which aimed at preventing laws that "substantially burden" a person's free exercise of religion.
Ironically, the bill was introduced by Congressman Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on March 11, 1993 and passed by a unanimous U.S. House and a near unanimous U.S. Senate with three dissenting votes[1] and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton.[1]
"1A. What Is the Religious Freedom Restoration Act?" The Volokh Conspiracy.
N.S.: My understanding is that the bill was intended to protect business owners from being destroyed by lawsuits by militant homosexualists for, for example, refusing to bake a cake for a homosexual couple.
A License to Kill, a Duty to Die? While Obama and Holder Wage War on the Police, White Police Chiefs Assume the Position (My New VDARE Report is Up!)
Boston Police Officer John Moynihan, who is presently clinging to life, and the late Angelo West
By Nicholas Stix
Racist Criminal General Eric Holder Indicts Innocent, White, Ole Miss Student and Frat Member on Fraudulent “Federal Civil Rights Charges”
[Previously, by this writer:
“Report from Occupied America: Free the Mizzou Two!”; and
“O Canada!—Modern Show Trials.”]
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
A tip ‘o the hate to Countenance.
Ex-University of Mississippi Student Indicted for Noose on James Meredith Statue
By Phil Helsel
March 27th 2015, 8:55 p.m.
NBC News
A former University of Mississippi student was indicted Friday on federal civil rights charges for allegedly hanging a rope and a flag featuring the Confederate battle flag around the neck of a statue of James Meredith, the university's first black student.
Graeme Phillip Harris was indicted by a grand jury on a charge of conspiracy to violate civil rights and using a threat of force to intimidate African American students because of their race or color, the Department of Justice said.
The rope and an old version of the Georgia state flag, which displays the crossed bars and stars used as a battle flag by the South during the Civil War, was placed around the neck of the statue in the early morning hours of Feb. 16, 2014. Meredith was the first black student after the university was desegregated in 1962.
This shameful and ignorant act is an insult to all Americans and a violation of our most strongly-held values," U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement. "No one should ever be made to feel threatened or intimidated because of what they look like or who they are."
A spokesman for the university said Harris withdrew from Ole Miss in the spring of 2014, not long after the incident.
There were others involved, the Department of Justice said. Three members of the University of Mississippi Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter were thought to have hanged the rope and flag around the statue.
They have never been named, but the national fraternity suspended the chapter and expelled the three members from the organization a week after the incident. Sigma Phi Epsilon CEO Brian C. Warren Jr. said it was "embarrassing" that they were members.
The Department of Justice said the investigation is ongoing.
University of Mississippi Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Brandi Hephner LaBanc said the situation is regrettable for all involved, including the former student who was charged.
"I can't help but feel the pain of the student and the parents who will now feel the full weight of our justice system, but also feel the pain of our campus community and the entire Ole Miss family, which suffered greatly from the terrible act committed a year ago," she said. "We're hopeful that this indictment will begin to bring closure and the next step in healing for our university."
—Phil Helsel
March 27th 2015, 8:55 p.m. [Two different times are given in original, 4:55 and 8:55 p.m.]
Another Elmer Bernstein Homage to Aaron Copland Discovered! (Recording, Photos)

A youngish Aaron Copland—such pictures are rare on the Web—from roughly the period in which he composed Billy the Kid (1938)

Elmer Bernstein from the period in which he composed the score to The Shootist
By Nicholas Stix
The Shootist (1976) was John Wayne’s swan song, and a fitting one it was.
Elmer Bernstein did the music, and while the opening is nice, it’s not top drawer Bernstein. There’s just not enough quality or quantity, and some of it is cannibalized from his score to To Kill a Mockingbird.
The passage below is the best part with, as protagonist J.B. Books says during it, “A little somethin’ extra.”
Bernstein composed several homages to Copland. One, during Mockingbird, evokes Copland’s Rodeo, and lasts only a second or two, while one child rolls another, sitting inside an old truck tire. The most elaborate and original homage, is Bernstein’s long version of his National Geographic Theme, which honors Copland’s greatest work, Appalachian Spring.
There is no homage to Copland that I’m aware of in the actual movie score to The Shootist (yes, I checked), and this one is atypical in its lack of originality. Bernstein added it to this particular recording, beginning about 3:02, and it is the music from the end of the first movement to Copland’s Billy the Kid, which my chief of research played for me last (Saturday) night, to confirm.
The Shootist: Main Title
Heather Mac Donald Explains the University Diversity Scam in Less than Six Minutes (Instant Classic Video)
What is the University Diversity Scam?
Published on Mar 23, 2015 by Prager University.
America's campuses, particularly those in California, spend tens of millions of dollars on administrators and programs to combat issues like sexism, homophobia, and racism on campus. But are these problems in any way prevalent at our universities? Or is this diversity bureaucracy a big waste of money? Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute explains.
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Handling Instructions for John Wayne: The Life and Legend, by Scott Eyman
By Nicholas Stix
Many people like me will curl up with a good book when they’re sick that they otherwise might not find the time for. Do not do that with this book. Buy it and read it, but not when you’re ill, and vulnerable. Read a funny book then.
And whenever you do read it, don’t hold it too close.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Racial Segregationist First Lady Michelle Obama “celebrated the beauty, power and tenacity of black women… at Black Girls Rock!”
And the "event" was held in Newark?
Why not Soweto?
Hey, when you're gonna go native, then go native.
At the Dallas Morning News.
Slate Gets into the Blacklisting Business
In spite of being a leftwing blog, Slate had always either respected freedom of speech, or at least recognized its value to a blog that requires as many readers as possible, in order to sell advertising.
No more.
William Saletan, who is probably the blog’s only writer worth occasionally reading by people who don’t read and write for a living, wrote an article two days ago arguing that we shouldn’t call mass murderer Andreas Lubitz a “suicide.”
O.k. by me, except that Saletan was widely criticized as “Captain Obvious.”
But when I read the article today, I wasn’t looking to criticize him. I came across the following comment.
Danielle Garland 2 days ago
You know who else also didn't commit suicide? Hitler.
I responded,
@Danielle Garland Huh? Of course, Hitler committed suicide. What a stupid remark.
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored
I always seek to plug my blog.
Actually, that should be, I sought to respond, because I immediately got an error message with a red corner to it, saying:
An error has occurred.
Please try again.
I tried again, with the same result.
Next, I tried a more innocuous comment, with no personal tag:
Have I been whitelisted? This is a test.
Same immediate result.
If some day, America is ever freed from tyranny, or some portion of her escapes their chains, say in a new nation carved out of the old one, newly-freed Americans will be set upon by people like the Slate thread Nazis, who will assert that they had never supported “Obama’s” “excesses,” and always opposed him in little ways, after their fashion.
Don’t believe them for one second. They’re all in, all the way down the line, to the 100 millionth corpse.
Not Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood: Israel is Surrounded by Terrorist Nations and Terrorist Organizations (Map)
Why is #Israel concerned about its security? Check out the neighborhood. pic.twitter.com/miit3v5ILQ
— MichaelDickson (@michaeldickson) March 29, 2015
Immigration: Hopeless Republicans in Action, at Town Hall Meeting (Damning Video)
I hope this video, and videos like it, survive, so that future generations can see what happens when the purported “patriots” of a nation dedicate themselves to its destruction.
However, I doubt it will. I find it rather more likely that the powers that be will replace its like with counterfeit videos showing frothing-at-the-mouth white Republican leaders (played by racial socialist actors, natch) screaming unkind racial phrases about non-white immigrants, with the “documentary’s” explanation that such racism, such unadulterated hatred, forced King Barack I to abolish the racist, white supremacist political system, and introduce True Democracy in the People’s Republic of North America.
The Stupid Party in Action
Published on Apr 23, 2014 by American Renaissance.
At a town hall for candidates for Virginia's 10th Congressional District, American Renaissance editor Jared Taylor asked a smart question and got a stupid answer. [Actually, multiple stupid answers.]
Georgetown University’s Grand Tradition of Basketball … Racism
When you see the phrase “social activism,” regarding John Thompson Jr. (the father), that’s just a euphemism for his in-your-face black racism.
By the way, the New York Post’s Phil Mushnick wrote years ago that he didn’t buy the cover story for the elder Thompson’s sudden “retirement” in the middle of a season, and was sure that he was pushed out. That was during the middle of one of the periodic spasms of exposés of academic corruption on behalf of black athletes, at the University of Minnesota, in 1999, over white personnel illegally doing school work for black jocks. Mushnick suggested that the same sort of corruption had cost Thompson his job at Georgetown.
At Countenance.
Hoax! Ultra Polite White Cop Let Racist Marcell Johnson, Son of Starlet Taraji P. Henson, Get Away with a Felony; Johnson Returned the Favor by Crying to Mommy that He was “Racially Profiled”; Henson Initially Pulled a Racial, but Then Apologized to Cops; Johnson, aka, the Little Black Boy Who Cried Racism, Has Yet to Apologize
A tip ‘o that hate to the Last Refuge.
What really happened
Published on Mar 27, 2015
(WWETV) Footage has been released by LA Police over the police pull over of the son of Empire star Taraji P. Henson.
“I’m gonna give you a citation for the marijuana,” the officer said. “Listen, I’m not gonna give you a citation for running that yellow, because that’ll actually put a moving violation on your driver’s license, and you’re gonna have to do traffic school and all that stuff. So I’m helping you out by not giving you a violation on that. All I’m gonna do is take the weed.”
check out http://www.worldwideentertainmenttv.com
Saturday, March 28, 2015
That Germanwings Mass Murderer Andreas Lubitz as Convert to Islam “Story” Remains No More than a Popular Rumor
This afternoon, I saw a headline, according to which Andreas Lubitz was a convert to Islam. I believe it was at AmRen.com.
I started hitting links, but all I got were “translations” with no links to the original story. Since I’m a German speaker, there’s no way I’m going to rely on a translation at a third-hand site. I have to see the German at the original publication.
After 9/11, Moslems and their allies flooded the Web with a hoax claiming that Israel was behind the attacks. Web sites would re-print the whoppers second, third, and fourth-hand.
I went to the German blog claiming Lubitz had converted to Islam, but the story had been pulled.
Fehler 404. Die angeforderte Seite wurde nicht gefunden.
[Error 404. The requested page could not be found.]
Here is the alleged translation of the purported story.
The co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus was a convert to Islam
According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.
Translation from German:
All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of "radical", ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he - as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York - received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.
Converts are the most important weapon of Islam. Because their resume do not suggests that they often are particularly violent Muslims. Thus Germany now has its own 9/11, but in a reduced form. And so it is clear that Islam is a terrorist organization that are in accordance with §129a of the Criminal Code to prohibit it and to investigate its followers. But nothing will happen. One can bet that the apologists (media, politics, "Islamic Scholars") will agree to assign this an act of a "mentally unstable" man, and you can bet that now, once again the mantra of how supposedly peaceful Islam is will continue. And worse still, the attacks by the left against those who have always warned against Islam, will be angrier and merciless.
For now the German Islam supporters like never before have their backs against the wall.
Michael Mannheimer, 26.3.2015
The Daily Mail today writes:
Police investigating the Germanwings crash said tonight they had made a 'significant discovery' at the home of pilot Andreas Lubitz, who deliberately ploughed the Airbus A320 into the French Alps.
Officers refused to reveal details of the potential breakthrough but said it was not a suicide note.
Hopefully we'll know in a few days if this article is accurate.
[The Daily Mail article had nothing to do with Islam.]
"The Jews Did It!"
September 23, 2001
A Different Drummer/Toogood Reports
[This is an early version of what would develop into the “Truther” hoax. Don’t miss the postscript.]
'The Jews did it!'
You read correctly. In the newest example of Arabprop, some pan-Arabist/jihadist propagandists are flooding the Internet with a bogus report, according to which THE ISRAELIS committed the September 11 attacks on America, in order to regain the sympathy of the American public:
* NEWS EMBARGO AFTER ISRAELI LINK LEAK *The above-quoted "report" is a state-of-the-art version of the ancient blood libel against the Jews, which claimed that Jews murdered Christian children, and used their blood in the baking of Passover matzos. Last year's version claimed that Israelis were engaging in genocide, through poisoning "Palestinians'" water supply, and using "depleted uranium."
Stern-Intel (Canada). A US military intelligence source revealed details of an internal intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence service having links to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The intelligence source, who requested his name be withheld, confirmed the internal US intelligence memo circulated four weeks ago described information that pointed to the threat of a covert Israeli operation on US soil to turn mass public opinion against Palestinian Arabs via an apparent terrorist attack on US interests that would give Israel the green light to implement a large scale military onslaught against the Palestinian Arab population.
The 11 September attack has been described by experts as being too sophisticated for a lone terrorist group to execute. "This attack required a high level of military precision and the resources of an advanced intelligence agency. In addition, the attackers would have needed to be extremely familiar with both air force one flight operations, civil airline flight paths and aerial assault tactics on sensitive US cities like Washington, Stated David Stern an expert on Israeli intelligence operations. The attacks targeted the Pentagon, World Trade Center towers, with the white house and air force also being targets according to the FBI.
"The attacks have certainly turned US public opinion firmly back in Israel's favor after 11 months of Palestinian uprising, heavy criticism of Israel over war crimes allegations and racism by a UN conference in Durban. The attacks serve no Arab group or nation’s interests but their timing came in the midst of international condemnation of Israel for its policy of death squad assassination of Palestinian political and police figures," added Stern.
If verified, the news of Israel’s involvement in the US attack will come as no surprise to intelligence experts. The state of Israel has a long history of covert operations against Western targets with attacks on the King David Hotel, USS Liberty, murder of a Scandinavian UN envoy as well as espionage against the US during the Jonathan Pollard case.
On Wednesday the US defense department issued a warning to its officials to halt the leak of information on the investigation which it says is happening on a daily basis since the attacks occurred."
I first encountered the bogus report posted at Jim Robinson's conservative, Free Republic media web site. I quickly copied the thread, since I know [sic] it wouldn't last. Robinson, who has a short fuse in dealing with neo-Nazis, more sophisticated white nationalists, and America-bashers alike, almost immediately deleted the post and its poster, "TruthBites," who claimed to be from the web site, Media Monitors Network.
I e-mailed the post to Muhammad Ali Khan, the founder and editor of Media Monitors, asking him if he would like to respond, but he never replied.
I couldn't find the report at Media Monitors' web site, which is a collection of anti-Semitic/anti-Israeli rants by the likes of PLO spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi, the occasional civilian, and "humanitarian" op-eds by the likes of racial-socialist, University of Texas/Austin journalism professor, Robert Jensen.
Continuing my search, I found the "report" presented as "news/reportage," at the jihadist web site, Khilafah, under the title, "Israeli Mossad Links To World Trade Center Attack." Khilafah proclaims,
"Islam is the efficient cure for the world from the horrible disease of CapitalismA Web search for "David Stern Intel" and "Stern-Intel," turned up only a computer expert, who responded that, "I am not a reporter and have no knowledge of this 'military intelligence' article."
I called the Israelis, for their take on this new, blood libel. Ido Aaroni [sic; Aharoni], the director of the Department of Media Affairs at the Israeli Consulate in New York, was unaware of this newest hoax, but unimpressed. "No, I am not familiar with that." And what of Daniel Stern, of "Stern-Intel"? "I never heard of the guy.... Since the violence broke out in the territories, the Palestinians have accused us of a number of things. They have accused us of using depleted uranium. It's so ridiculous, there's no point even responding."
Postscript, September 12, 2011: Cyber sleuth Richard Shand, who contacted me at the time, was able to trace the origins of “the article to an e-mail sent to six Islamic news services on September 13, 2001,” but was unable to go further back, in order to determine the hoaxer’s identity.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Amazon: Developing the Labor-Free Warehouse... and the Labor-Free Customer Base (a Photoessay)
By Nicholas Stix
A future world of “brilliant” robot warehouse “workers” and permanently unemployed Amazon “customers”?
White Racism is so Bad! (Anti-Racism Poster)
I'm so #AntiWhite I risk death to go to White countries & demand my "rights"! #howantiwhiteareyou #WhiteGenocide pic.twitter.com/09Bmvfc5Pb
— Wolves Amongst Sheep (@society_strong) March 27, 2015
Scott Walker: The GOP’s Arafat?
By Nicholas Stix
The late Arab Moslem terrorist Yasir Arafat was notorious for telling Western audiences in English that he wanted peace with the Jews of Israel, while telling Arab Moslem audiences in Arabic that his life was dedicated to running the Jews into the sea. It was the latter claim that was Arafat’s true intention.
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker recently said he was against a mass amnesty for illegal aliens, but that’s not what he told a private dinner in Donorstan earlier this month.
Myrtle Beach, SC: To Kill for! Would You Kill for a Good Cinnamon Bun? (Weird Crime News)
Cinnamon bun argument escalates, Myrtle Beach woman charged with attempted murder
By Elizabeth Townsend
03/26/2015 10:58 P.M.
03/26/2015 10:58 P.M.
The State
Police arrested a 34-year-old Myrtle Beach woman in connection with attempted murder and unlawful conduct toward a child on Wednesday after she allegedly tried to hit someone [boyfriend?] with a car following an argument over a cinnamon bun, according to a police report.
Amy Joe Derepentigny was charged with attempted murder and unlawful neglect of a child or helpless person and was booked into the J. Reuben Long Detention Center, according to jail records.
Police were called about 2 p.m. Tuesday to the 400 block of 28th Avenue North for an incident involving a car crash.
An investigation revealed that Derepentigny and the victim of the alleged attempted murder had argued at a local gas station about not having enough money for a cinnamon bun before driving to the home where the incident happened, police said.
Derepentigny told the victim, “If you step in front of this car, I’ll run you over,” according to the arrest warrant.
Derepentigny then quickly accelerated toward the victim and attempted to strike him in a 2000 Ford Expedition, police said.
Authorities said there was a 13-year-old child in the front seat during the incident, so Derepentigny was also charged with unlawful neglect of a child.
The victim told police that he did some “high stepping” to get out of Derepentigny’s way when she allegedly drove toward him, and she then ran the vehicle into the fence of a nearby apartment building, according to the report.
Contact ELIZABETH TOWNSEND at 626-0217 or on Twitter @TSN_etownsend.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
14 Words: The GOP
“Spine of a worm, integrity of a whore, and the morals of a pirate.”
Glenn Beck
Accused Felon-Officers Carlos Curiel Quezada Jr. and Henry Solis: This is Not Your Father’s LAPD
By Nicholas Stix
Bill Parker’s body
Is ‘a spinnin’
In his grave.
Bill Parker’s body
Is ‘a spinnin’
In his grave.
Bill Parker’s body
Is ‘a spinnin’
In his grave.
And his truth
Goes marching on!
Slavery in America: South Asian Restaurant Owner in Santa Clarita, California, Allegedly Had Slave Cook, Whom He Brutalized
Cue the chorus: It's Whitey's fault!
The Tandoori Grill, located off Valencia Blvd. in Santa Clarita, remains closed after the owner, Pardeep Kumar, 47, was arrested for enslaving and beating the victim.
At CBS L.A..
It was Terorrism! Germanwings Crash was Deliberately Caused by Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz, 28; Was Mass Murderer of 149 a Muslim?
By Nicholas Stix
At a just-concluded press conference, Lufthansa initially talked nonsense about “improving training.” The training had nothing to do with it. If pilot error had caused the crash, then they could talk about “training.”
But then the Lufthansa CEO straightened out and said, “Another word should be used, not ‘suicide,’ because he killed other people. Not suicide to kill 149 people.”
You’ll never hear an American official use that sort of bluntness.
A year ago, The Boss said, “Where do we go now, Germany?” Now she says that’s out. “I’ll lose my [son].”
At Heavy.
Breaking News: “Kidnapping” of Californian Denise Huskins was a Hoax; Charges Possible!
By Nicholas Stix
Inside of one day, the cops in Sacramento called this a hoax, but almost four months after Jackie Coakley’s UVA rape hoax was debunked, the Charlottesville PD still won’t call a spade a spade?
At CBS Sacramento.
Is the Mossad Behind the American Nazi Movement? Purportedly Pro-White Activists Put Fake, Anti-White Quotes in the Mouths of Prominent Jews That Make “Pro-Whites” Look Like Monstrous, Genocidal Liars
This is the latest one to come down the pike. I googled, and could only find Nazis who had published the “quotation,” and none of them linked to an original source.
This is exactly the sort of thing you would do, if you wanted to aid and abet the goal of white genocide. Hardly anyone is going to want to have anything to do with these lying, genocidal freaks, and those who will are merely other lying, genocidal freaks.
The evil anti-White Nadine Gordimer supports #WhiteGenocide in South Africa. #StopWhiteGenocideInSA #MyExIn5Words #wr pic.twitter.com/JdtKYyQgbk
— Ann Kelly (@LadyAodh) March 26, 2015
Honoring of UVA Rape Hoaxer by Fan Blog Dedicated to Her Gets Her an Instant Boost of 400 Google Hits!
This blog does not seek to silence University of Virginia rape hoaxer Jacqueline "Jackie" Coakley, the white Tawana Brawley!
By Nicholas Stix
Shortly after 11 p.m., all rape hoaxer Jackie Coakley got at Google were 10,000 “hits.” By 11:30 p.m., just after I posted about her, she had 11,400. Progress often comes in drips and drabs, my friends.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Is ABC World News Tonight Anchor Man David Muir a Compulsive Liar, or the Most Ignorant Man on TV? (Ann Coulter)
By Nicholas Stix
I don’t understand Ann Coulter’s problem with this guy. He’s handsome and pc, ergo, ultra-qualified to be a national news reader.
Why Does the Name of the University of Virginia Rape Hoaxer Only Come Up 11,000 Times on Google?
By Nicholas Stix
Answer: She’s getting massive protection from rape hoax activists in the MSM and Wikipedia.
Jackie Coakley.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The Good News: Below is a Picture of Pretty, Blonde Californian, Denise Huskins, 30; the Bad News: I Only Have Her Picture, Because She’s been Kidnapped, and is being Held for Ransom
URGENT - Police: California Woman Kidnapped For Ransom - http://t.co/spt7jYqY5f pic.twitter.com/mppYZS3aq9
— Breaking News (@Breaking911) March 24, 2015
Mississippi: “White Supremacist” Sentenced to Life Until Parole for “Hate Crime” Murder of Openly Gay Black Mayoral Candidate

The MSM wanted so dearly for killer Lawrence Read to be a white supremacist
By Nicholas Stix
Obama on Obamacare: The Joke’s on You! (Poster)
#ACAisWorking so well that 6 million less people are insured now instead of 30 million more...
#TooFunny pic.twitter.com/uFxRFULe0r
— Winners Win (@CelebrateTheWin) March 24, 2015
The Three Laws of Economics
1. Money helps money;
2. Money marries money; and
3. Money makes money.
What Tucker Carlson and Roger Ailes Don’t Want You to Read! The Suppressed Mickey Kaus Column on Fox News’ Censorship of Stories on the Fight Against “Obama’s” Illegal, Unconstitutional Amnesty of Tens of Millions of Illegal Alien Criminals
Fox Makes It Easy for Amnesty
By Mickey KausMarch 18, 2015
[Note: I posted this on Daily Caller. They took it down, saying I couldn’t “trash Fox” on their site. I quit Daily Caller. Reposting the item here without changes.]
Axelrod’s Wish: On page 424 of his recent memoir, Obama’s former top strategist David Axelrod describes running into Fox chieftain (and immigration amnesty supporter) Rupert Murdoch at a dinner in the fall of 2010:
During the dinner, Murdoch, who was seated beside me, insisted that the president had to move on immigration reform. ….
“But the solution has to be comprehensive,” I said. “We can’t just attack a piece of the immigration problem. And you know, there’s one big thing that you can do to help, and that is to keep your cable network from stoking the nativism that keeps us from solving this.” [Emphasis added]
Four years later, Axelrod may be getting his wish. Most of the mainstream broadcast and cable networks avoided giving excessive coverage to the recent congressional fight over the Department of Homeland Security, which was all about Republicans trying to block Obama’s executive amnesty by attaching restrictions to DHS funding. NBC Nightly News went a step further and avoided mentioning the immigration issue even when covering the funding fight — treating the threat of a DHS shutdown as if it were some sort of out-of-the-blue natural disaster.
But it’s one thing for Dem-friendly NBC to go to bat for Obama’s causes. It’s another if Fox does it too. Fox is supposed to be the feisty opposition network. You’d think it would wage a rousing campaign against Obama’s executive actions on immigration, which are surely wildly unpopular among its viewers, both because of their ends (de facto legalizing of illegals) and their means (presidential overreach).
You’d think that. But you would be wrong.
Fox didn’t editorialize in favor of Obama. It just covered other issues. This is a proven pro-amnesty posture, pioneered in the spring of 2013 when the “Gang of 8″ amnesty bill snuck through the Senate while conservatives were distracted by a seeming trifecta of Obama scandals (IRS/Benghazi/seizing AP reporters’ phone records). Given the unpopularity of amnesty with a large swath of voters, any publicity given to the issue is likely to result in an intimidating blizzard of phone calls to the U.S. Capitol, complete with threats against Republicans who might be primaried from the right, Cantor-style. Corporate pro-amnesty lobbyists need peace and quiet to work their influence on Republicans in the face of this GOP-base opposition. No stoking!
That’s what Fox delivered. What makes me so sure? I’ve got proof! Or close to it. Here is a list of the lead story each day on Megyn Kelly’s “Kelly File” show from January 14 (the day the House sent the Senate a DHS bill with a “rider” blocking Obama’s amnesty) until March 3, the day the House finally caved and passed a “clean” DHS bill. (I picked Kelly File because it seemed the high-viewership show likely to best express Fox News Channel’s id. Bill O’Reilly is powerful and egomaniacal enough to go rogue.) I’ve also noted when immigration was discussed, even if it wasn’t the main story — which (spoiler) it never was:
1/14 — ISIS
1/15 — ISIS
1/16 – ISIS
1/19 – State of the Union
1/20 –State of the Union/Terror. (Obama veto threat over immigration is mentioned)
1/21 — Iran (Later in the show, Gov. Perry is interviewed and immigration is discussed)
1/22 — Terror (Yemen)
1/23 – Israel
1/26 — Blizzard/Terror
1/27 –Terror/Israel
1/28 — Terror (Later in the show, Sen. Sessions is interviewed and the immigration fight is discussed at some length)
1/29 — Terror/Taliban
1/30 – Terror/Taliban (Immigration later mentioned in passing by a pundit)
2/2 – Terror
2/3 — Terror (ISIS)
2/4 — ISIS (Immigration by Muslims mentioned later in the show by Gov. Jindal)
2/5 — Terror
2/6 — Terror
2/9 — Terror (ISIS) (General Dempsey in passing mentions open borders as a security issue)
2/10 — Brian Williams/Terror
2/11 — Yemen/Terror
2/12 — Yemen/Terror
2/13 — ISIS
2/16 — ISIS
2/17 — ISIS (Federal court decision on immigration and Senate filibuster discussed later in the show)
2/18 — ISIS (Federal court decision discussed later in show)
2/19 — ISIS (Appeal of federal court decision discussed briefly later in show)
2/20 — ISIS, Feds fear right-wing radicals (Funding fight discussed later in the show)
2/23 — Terror (Mall of America threat) (Senator Lee gets to give anti-amnesty funding pitch in second half of show)
2/24 – “American Sniper” Trial
2/25 — ISIS
2/26 –CPAC convention/ISIS
2/27 — CPAC convention (Jeb Bush immigration pitch discussed. Mention of House funding vote but not that it was about immigration. Segment on possible “Dreamer” murderer)
3/2 — Netanyahu (Mid-show discussion of federal court case, “Dreamer” murder case, Jeb Bush position.)
3/3– Netanyahu (Brief mid-show mention that “the standoff over funding the Homeland Security Department is over.”)
I sense a pattern! For this entire period, Kelly File was basically ISIS and Terror, with a few off-lead excursions into the DHS funding fight, usually when absolutely necessary (as when a federal judge blocked Obama’s executive action). Even some discussions of the federal court decision failed to mention the parallel Congressional funding fight. In fact, immigration was discussed as the underlying issue in the funding fight only 6 times over the whole 34 show period — and only 3 times in the crucial 20 show period that followed the Senate Dems’ initial filibuster of the Republican DHS proposal. These were the weeks when anti-amnesty organizations were desperate for some outfit like FOX to apply pressure on possibly wavering Senate Dems. Instead they got more ISIS. I would suggest that the near-exclusive obsession with Middle Eastern terror is difficult to justify by the inherent news value of the subject, let alone its value to Fox viewers. You’d think the network would want to take a break if only for variety’s sake.
The semi-hysterical focus on ISIS in itself played into Obama’s hands, of course, since the Democrats’ were making a ‘how-can-you-shut-down-Homeland-Security-with-all-this-horrible-terror’ argument. Technically, Democrats were the ones blocking a Homeland Security funding bill with a filibuster– but FOX was not about to emphasize that. “Filibuster” was mentioned only 2 times on Kelly File during this whole 48-day period (three if you count Senator Lee’s attack on “obstruction”). It was mentioned only 17 times on the entire Fox News Channel (plus nine uses of the word in relation to other issues, such as Keystone or Iran sanctions, or general chat show pundit-to-pundit admonitions to stop “filibustering”).
This isn’t what actual coverage designed to alert and inform opposition to Obama on the issue would look like. It would be more like: “Good Evening. Day 7 of the Democratic filibuster of Homeland Security Funding … ”
Even if Fox had done that, Republicans wouldn’t have succeeded in blocking the executive amnesty. Obama could have vetoed any bill they got to his desk, and the votes aren’t there for an override. The best the anti-amnesty side could realistically have hoped for would have been some embarrassing defections by Democratic senators like Donnelly, Manchin, Heitkamp and McCaskill (who in fact defected on one procedural vote). As Frank Sharry of pro-amnesty advocacy group America’s Voice pointed out, even a few key-vote defections would have punctured the Democrats self-presentation as a unified pro-legalization brand, and made opposition to executive amnesty bipartisan.
The main significance of Fox’s immigration tamp-down, though, was as a precedent — a dry run for how Murdoch’s network might ease the way for a legislative amnesty down the road (especially if, as is quite possible, the courts void Obama’s executive actions). If Fox gets away with it this time, there will be no opposition news network next time either.
P.S.: Whom to blame? It’s tempting to be sophisticated and point a finger at young FOX producer types who might be doing what they think the boss wants (as opposed to what the audience wants). That sort of thing happens in large organizations — the nervous aides are more autocratic and intolerant than the CEO. My sense, though, is that FOX is a pretty tightly run outfit. It’s run by the man who built it, Roger Ailes.
That seems to be Rupert Murdoch’s judgment. Remember Axelrod’s anecdote — the one where he lobbies Murdoch to do what has now been done. I didn’t tell you how it ends. Here is how it ends:
Murdoch shrugged. “You’ll have to talk to Roger about that.”
RT @MarkSKrikorian: Ex-chiefs of staff for Boehner & Priebus run ads pressuring conservatives to fund Obama's lawless amnesty bit.ly/18Gud05
Monday, March 23, 2015
How Barack Obama Has Transformed the Presidency into the Head of a Criminal Gang
Democrats for a Dictatorial Presidency
By Ed Lasky
March 23, 2015
American Thinker
Members of Congress from both parties once jealously guarded its power against the executive branch, but under President Obama, this is no longer true for Democrats. There are very good reasons Democrats have ceded their power to President Obama and ignored their responsibility to uphold the Constitution the past 6 years -- and disgraced themselves in doing so. Because governmental bodies rarely give up power voluntarily, this historic transition deserves careful scrutiny.
When Barack Obama was on the cusp of becoming president in 2008, he gave a speech declaring to his supporters that they were days away from “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” That was one promise he did keep. How has America been transformed? America has unprecedented levels of national debt. The Obamas, like the Clintons, will not feel the impact since they will all be vastly enriched from their “public service.” There have also been records set for food stamp and disability payments, record low workplace participation rates and unparalleled weakness abroad. Granted, the stock market is hitting record highs -- a consequence of abnormally low interest rates and the extraordinary use of quantitative easing. Obama’s War on the One Percent has failed. But Barack Obama has done far more and the consequences will be felt for many years to come. He has transformed the presidency.
Obama has seized power in ways that Michael Barone has aptly characterized as “Gangsta Government.” Barone was inspired to write his first column on that topic by Obama’s unilateral denying of creditor rights in the Chrysler bankruptcy. But it became a series for Barone, and Obama’s future actions provided the gist for David Freddoso’s superb book, Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy. Obamacare was jammed through Congress via “reconciliation” a rarely used procedure meant to deal with minor budget issues -- not taking over one-sixth of the American economy.
More arrogation of power followed. Obama made recess appointments when he alone declared Congress was in recess, and tried to load up government positions with like-minded ideologues without bothering to abide by the Constitutional mandate that the Senate had to approve these appointments. The Supreme Court eventually rebuked him for exceeding his constitutional authority. He has used his regulatory agencies to transfigure the laws as passed by even a Democratic Congress when those laws might cause him political problems (Obamacare waivers and delays, for instance; the IRS interpreting Obamacare legislation to require subsidies flow to people in states that failed to set up their own exchanges, though the legislation did not provide for that practice). Clearly, Barack Obama never had much respect for the second branch of the government.
But Obama does not show much respect for the Judiciary branch of the government either, as shown by his display of contempt towards the Supreme Court at various times, including a shocking display during his 2010 State of The Union Address when he (wrongly) accused them of making a decision that would allow foreign funding of political campaigns. He also declared that the Supreme Court should rule that Obamacare was constitutional:
"Ultimately, I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,"
Not only was this statement wholly inappropriate for a president to make it was factually wrong (maybe he should have been tested on the Constitution before being hired to be a part-time lecturer on it at the University of Chicago).
But he has no respect for the separation of powers; nor does he feel any obligation to abide by the Constitution. "By hook or by crook," he will expand the government.
Others have called Obama’s egregious actions akin to that of the leader of a Banana Republic. A few months ago, Charles Krauthammer said that Obama’s granting of de facto amnesty (and all the taxpayer-funded benefits that flow from that act) was comparable to that of a caudillo of a banana republic who rules by decree. But one does not have to rely on critics alone. Barack Obama’s own boasts show he is proud to have found ways to ignore Congress and the American people. When the House fell to the Republicans in 2012, he was not to be outdone:
I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions…
What followed was a veritable ”barrage” of “pen and phone” actions, in the words of the non-partisan The Hill. Tim Devaney writes:
Obama in January (2014) declared his intent to use executive power to enact policy changes without Congress, and he has lived up to his promise, making aggressive moves on climate change, immigration, land protections and the minimum wage.
Obama knew he would have to rely on executive action given Republican control of Congress, and he has raced through 2014 to get as much done as possible.
The pace has only picked up since the midterm elections, with big announcements on immigration, climate change and foreign policy with Cuba.
“He’s pushing every executive power to the limit,” said Robert Cresanti, executive vice president of government relations at the International Franchise Association.
He has actually pushed it beyond its limits.
One of the most dramatic actions he took was his granting of de facto amnesty -- after the 2014 midterm elections. Devaney continues:
Obama after the midterm elections issued an order protecting about 4.5 million illegal immigrants from deportation.
Obama directed federal agencies not to deport the parents of immigrants who are living legally in the U.S. He also expanded the scope of young immigrants who qualify for such protections.
The move enraged Republicans, who accused the president of going around Congress to act alone on immigration.
And Republicans have promised to take action to curb the orders. But it’s unclear whether there’s much they can do. Even a government shutdown would leave most federal employees involved with processing the new immigrant cases at their desks.
His flouting of the laws has accelerated. He hast taken advantage of loopholes, stretched the meaning and abused the concept of “prosecutorial discretion” to grant illegal immigrants “rights and privileges,” used his regulatory authority to circumvent Congress (and punish his political enemies via the IRS), and relied on the legal concept of standing (wherein aggrieved parties seeking legal redress need to demonstrate his actions have actually harmed them) to shield him from judicial action that might curb his trampling of the Constitution.
How have his fellow Democrats responded to his aggrandizement of presidential power? His shocking and unprecedented attack of the Supreme Court Justices during his 2010 State of The Union led to them giving him a standing ovation and rapturous applause. That was symbolic of how they have responded over the past 6 years.
A friend suggested that a Republican president would be able to now exercise power in the same overreaching way. There is a salient and crucial difference, Democrats cheer Big Brother, they want a bigger and more expansive federal government that ignores the concepts of federalism and rights of individuals as opposed to the collective. Republicans want a smaller federal government that frees people from the Leviathan. If a Republican President tried to exercise power as Barack Obama has, a Tea Party revolt would make the one in 2010 look like a tempest in (can’t help myself) a tea pot.
They have helped him stonewall all efforts by Republicans to exercise their responsibilities as the legislative branch of the government. Congressman Darrell Issa had been on a multi-year crusade since becoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (when Republicans won the House) to ferret out the truth behind Obama’s abuse of the Oval Office. The Democrats took the extraordinary step of appointing Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings to be the Committee’s Ranking Member, bypassing Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney who would have been expected to assume that role. Political pros realized what had happened. There was a belief that Cummings would be far more effective in blocking Issa's investigations into the Obama White House than Maloney would. Cummings has been running interference for Barack Obama ever since. Former Republican Senator Howard Baker recently passed away. He has been lionized for his role during the Watergate scandal in exposing Richard Nixon’s misdeeds -- exposures that led, with the help of not just Democrats but fellow Republicans, to Richard Nixon’s leaving office. Elijah Cummings is no Howard Baker; there are no Howard Bakers in the Democratic Party now.
Empowering Obama, cheering him on as he grabs more power, has been the automatic response by all Democrats during Obama’s six years in power.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid aided and abetted Barack Obama by the nuclear option of doing away with the filibuster so Obama could appoint left-wing judges to federal benches across the nation, for example.
This derogation of their duties, this abandonment of their responsibilities, this ceding of power to the president has been a disgrace. After all, who willingly cedes power?
But there is a rationale behind this strategy to support the abuse of the office of the presidency; to herald the circumvention of Congress and the will of so many Americans. They feel they have a lock on the presidency that may be perpetual and unbreakable.
Republicans have a geographical advantage when it comes to keeping the House (see “Why Democrats Can’t Win the House”). This can offer some, but limited checks against a President who has no compunction against seizing and exploiting power. So how to overcome any obstruction offered by conscientious members of Congress? Empower a president that will likely be a Democrat for many decades to come -- if not forever.
Chris Cillizza is just one of the most recent of political pundits who have commented on the electoral edge that Democrats have in winning the presidency:
No matter whom Republicans nominate to face Hillary Rodham Clinton in November 2016, that candidate will start at a disadvantage. It’s not polling, Clinton’s deep résumé or the improving state of the economy. It’s the electoral college.
Yes, the somewhat arcane — yet remarkably durable — way in which presidential elections are decided tilts toward Democrats in 2016, as documented by nonpartisan political handicapper Nathan Gonzales in a recent edition of the Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report.
Gonzales notes that if you add up all of the states that are either “safe” for the eventual Democratic nominee or “favor” that nominee, you get 217 electoral votes. (A candidate needs to win 270 to be elected president.) Do the same for states safe or favoring the Republican standard-bearer, per Gonzales’s rankings, and you get just 191 electoral votes.
That Democratic advantage becomes even more pronounced if you add to the party’s total the states that “lean” Democratic, according to Gonzales. Put Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes), Iowa (6) and Nevada (6) into the Democratic column and the party’s electoral vote count surges to 249 — just 21 votes short of winning a third straight presidential race. (Gonzales doesn’t rate any states as “lean Republican.”)
Such a scenario is decidedly realistic given that President Obama not only won all three of those “lean” Democratic states in 2008 and 2012 but that he did so by an average of eight points in Iowa and nine points in Nevada. And, the last Republican presidential nominee to carry Pennsylvania was George H.W. Bush, way back in 1988.
Gonzales’s analysis, which some will dismiss as premature but I applaud (it’s never too early!), reaffirms one of the most important — and undercovered — story lines in presidential politics in the past decade: the increasing Democratic dominance in the electoral college.
A Democratic only has to win 270 electoral votes to become president. There is the famous “blue wall” of 18 states and Washington, D.C. that have reliably voted Democrat in presidential elections going back 6 years that total 240 votes. Michael Barone thinks that this blue wall is not impregnable for Republicans, but it will be very challenging, especially since Democrats have opened the borders, engaged in massive voter registration drives, have not given up in efforts to grant felons the right to vote, and now President Obama pushes to make voting mandatory; red states are turning increasingly purple and become blue in presidential races.
So as promised, there are 270 reasons Democrats have aided and abetted and become accomplices to Barack Obama’s increasingly dictatorial view of the presidency. But 270 can be reduced to one reason: Democrats are optimistic they will have a hold on the presidency for many years to come and will now have the power to impose their agenda on America. Barack Obama has showed them the way and future Democrats will follow in his wake.
Image by Otto Veblin