Thursday, November 13, 2014

Marching for Immigrants’ Rights! (Poster)


Stan D Mute said...

Wait just a minute here. Those look like regular old white guys. How could this be? I keep reading its all the Juice. That's what it seems like 90% of the "race realist" blogs and commenters keep saying - its a vast conspiracy of the Juice!

Heck, even on the American Renaissance site, where the proprietor himself says he's pro-Juice, I had 8 (EIGHT!!) comments "removed" (censored!) because I had the temerity to point out that the real problem is all the damn fool christians starting with my Quaker ancestors and continuing right up to today with Catholic and Lutheran charities importing Bantus by the millions to rape and murder those evil white parishioners who don't sufficiently love their black brothers. Apparently AmRen doesn't like to see the truth of the matter that their "we are all created in gods image" and "we are all equal in the eyes of the lord" dogma is and always has been the root of the tree from which we will all hang.

"But Stan, the Juice own MTV and CBS!" Yes, according to their victimology, whites are so stupid and easily controlled that just a handful of Juice can control their thoughts and behavior. Never mind what their pastor says every Sunday about loving their black and brown brothers or the tenth of their income they dump into the collection plate to bring even more Bantus and Mesoamerican Indians straight from the jungles into their kids' elementary schools where desks are mistaken for latrines and blue eyed white girls confused with eager sex slaves. Ignore that christians led emancipation, suffrage, and civil rights movements from beginning to end. Ignore that christians occupied congress and the White House when anti-white laws were passed including the 1964 Immigration Act that guaranteed white genocide in America. "But Stan, that Act had some Juice help write it!" they'll cry. Perish the fact that Teddy "Lady-Killer" Kennedy was Catholic and the Act passed only because the Christian congressmen, senators, and president eagerly approved.

"No, no, no," insist the Faithful at AmRen and too many other sites to list, "It's the Juice!" It's not my grandpa who's voted Democrat for 70 years! Not my mom who always told me Jesus loves Bantus just as much as he loves me while driving to the voting polls to cast her pro-life Christian vote for a Republican. Or uncle Charlie who is proud that his Republican Party freed the slaves, guaranteed universal suffrage, and passed all the civil rights laws because "it was the Christian thing to do.."

Stan D Mute said...

THIS is why I know all our efforts are in vain. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will change because even those who can see what's coming are too cowardly to place the blame where it belongs. They will wrap themselves in a leftist blanket of victimhood blaming a minuscule but highly intelligent and successful population that can't even permanently ensure its own survival in Israel. Yet this group is somehow omnipotent when it comes to forcing white americans to undergo indescribable war crimes on their way to complete genocide. They're so infatuated with this victimhood they fail to see that these Juice are as white or whiter than they are and just as sure to be eaten by cannibal Bantus when the now inevitable comes to pass. At least they'll die secure in their Faith that Heysoose loves them (along with the now well-fed Bantus)..

Oh well, at least we never had to embrace that scary sciencey evolution stuff. Genes? That's devil talk.

Maybe we deserve our fate. We will march into oblivion because of our irrational faith in a compilation of literature written by authors unknown, edited by editors unknown, closely tailored to replace our even older gods. And as we march along we will steadfastly refuse any course correction because we are obsessed with a small segment of our marching partners who have equally irrational faith in some of our literature but (gasp!) reject Chapter Two. Oh well, since the Juice will be there with us waiting to boil in the cannibals' pot at least we won't be thirsty..