Sunday, February 02, 2014

Minneapolis Hate Crime: Black Man Allegedly Tells White Grandfather and Veteran, 69, He’s being Chased by Men with Baseball Bats, in Order to Get Inside His House and Kill Him

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Updated at 6:08 a.m.

Thanks to my partner in crime, David in TN, for this article.

This scenario, which sounds like it was lifted straight out of A Clockwork Orange, is reason #1,000,792,976 why one does not open one’s home or car door to strangers claiming to be in distress, particularly black strangers. You dial 911, while keeping the door chained, bolted, and barricaded, while you stand behind it with an AK-47.

Note that the alleged murderer “was on probation for a felony assault in 2011. Records show he has been booked on numerous felony charges, including shooting at a public vehicle or facility and throwing bodily fluids or feces and has drug and trespassing convictions.”

He gets convicted of felony assault, and only gets probation? A black guy has to beat someone half to death, to get convicted of felony assault. On the other hand, all a white guy has to do is stare long and hard at a black female, to get the same conviction. And what about all the other charges, including “shooting at a public vehicle or facility” (attempted murder?). It sounds like they were “disappeared.”

Yet again, if not for criminal justice affirmative action, Devon Derrick Parker would have been in jail, and Thomas Sonnenberg would still be alive.

And yet again, the national MSM in America (as opposed to England) refused to carry this story, because the wrong kind of guy was murdered.

P.S. I just found this comment at the Daily Mail:

Jack, Saint Paul Minnesota USA, 15 hours ago

It is interesting that the DM published pictures of the shooter. It is policy in both papers in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN) not to publish the shooter due to his race. This was a hate crime, but both papers in the Twin Cities news media do not report this information, as we have to go to the UK for local news.

57 Up, 1 Down


Grandfather, 69, shot

dead after opening door

for 20-year-old man

who said he was being

pursued by men with

baseball bats

  • Thomas Sonnenberg, 69, was shot dead at home after opening his front door to Devon Derrick Parker
  • Sonnenberg had called 911 for Parker after the 20-year-old told him he was being chased
  • Parker said his pursuers were wielding baseball bats
  • When police arrived, they found Sonnenberg shot dead and Parker inside the house
  • Sonnenberg's daughter, Raina Baldwin said her father did not know Parker
  • She said her father 'had a big heart' and had helped many people
  • Police say that there is no indication Sonnenberg was anything other than an innocent victim

By Alex Greig
PUBLISHED:12:07 EST, 1 February 2014; UPDATED: 16:07 EST, 1 February 2014

Mail Online

A 69-year-old Minnesota man has been shot dead after opening his door to a man who claimed he was being chased.

Kind-hearted: Thomas Sonnenberg was shot dead after opening his front door to 20-year-old Devon Parker

Thomas Sonnenberg called 911 at 11:46 a.m. Friday for 20-year-old Devon Derrick Parker who police say told him he was being pursued by assailants with baseball bats.

When police arrived at the home on the 3700 block of North Aldrich Avenue in north Minneapolis, they found Sonnenberg dead.

Parker was apprehended inside the house.

Police spokesperson John Elder earlier indicated that Parker and Sonnenberg were acquaintances, but Sonnenberg's daughter Raina Baldwin says that was not the case.

[More police mischief! What was Elder trying to insinuate, that there was some sort of sex thing going on?]

'No. Absolutely not,' she told the Mail Online through tears.

'He thought he was helping someone in need, that's why he let him into the house,' she said.

Baldwin said she believes Parker was attempting to rob the house but did not realize that her mother was also in the home.

Sonnenberg answered the door to Parker begging to come in because he was in danger. He let the young man inside and closed the door before calling 911.

It was then that Parker shot him in the head.

Thomas Sonnenberg's wife Elaine Sonnenberg, 68, was in the kitchen at the time of the shooting.

'When the murderer found out she was here, he threw her around and choked her, and he was going to rape her,' Baldwin told Mail Online.

The front door locked behind Parker when he entered the house. When Parker realized, he threatened Elaine Sonnenberg to force her to give him the keys, says Baldwin.

Police, who Thomas Sonnenberg had called on Parker's behalf, arrived before he could escape.

Sonnenberg 'seems like an innocent victim. From all indications, this
is not a bad guy, a drug deal gone wrong, or anything like that,' Elder told the Star Tribune.

Police recovered a handgun in the house which is believed to be the murder weapon, Elder said.

Court records show that Parker was on probation for a felony assault in 2011. Records show he has been booked on numerous felony charges, including shooting at a public vehicle or facility and throwing bodily fluids or feces and has drug and trespassing convictions.

Arrested: Devon Derrick Parker was on probation when he arrived at the door of Thomas Sonnenberg

Devon Derrick Parker was out on probation when he arrived at the door of Thomas SonnenbergArrested: Devon Derrick Parker was on probation when he arrived at the door of Thomas Sonnenberg

Family home: Thomas Sonnenberg was shot dead inside the home on Aldrich St where he and his wife raised their three daughters
Family home: Thomas Sonnenberg was shot dead inside the home on Aldrich St where he and his wife raised their three daughters

Long record: Parker's police record includes felony arrests for violence, drugs and trespassing
Long record: Parker's police record includes felony arrests for violence, drugs and trespassing

Sonnenberg has no police record.
[What a surprise! Was that to pacify black readers who suspected the vic of being a persistent felony offender? Well, guess what? It won't work.]

Baldwin says it was not the first time her father had opened his home to someone in need.

'He had a big heart,' she said. 'He had helped people before who had come to his door. He was not stupid, he thought he was helping this person.'

Elder says there is no indication that Parker was being followed or threatened, and he did not appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Thomas Sonnenberg and his wife have three grown-up daughters and several grandchildren.

He was the second youngest of 10 kids who grew up on a vegetable farm in Brooklyn Center, Darrell Sonnenberg told the Star Tribune.

'He was a pretty good guy, pretty friendly, pretty nice,' Darrell Sonnenberg said. 'Not a tough guy. He took good care of his kids.'

Another of Thomas Sonnenberg’s daughters, Rachel Sonnenberg Baufield, posted about her father's tragic death yesterday.
'My DAD was cruelly taken from me and my family today. Please pray for justice for him and wish him to be at peace! I loved him very much! The world will be a much sadder place without him in it.'
Read more:


The PDK Herald/Crier Project said...

I sense it is a safe bet, that the negro's magnificently vaulted cranium, houses a physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum than his white counter part.

I further sense out that this negro is what both white liberals and negros themselves are heralding as a product of evil whitey, the blue eyed devil, who has in the past, and still does in the present, headhunted and persecuted the lowly negro simply because the negro skin color is different.

So another white man has bit the dust. So another white taxpayer has bit the dust. So another negro must now go on the white tax dollar lam for untold years before his release back into the white man's higher culture of civilization whence he may reinvigorate his parasitation and persecution of evil whitey, the blue eyed devil.

Does anyone sense something wrong with this reality?

As used to be said back in the late 80s, what's wrong with this picture?

From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

Anonymous said...

"before his release back into the white man's higher culture of civilization"

Well they better release him soon while there still is a bit of the White man's higher culture of civilization left. Blacks want nothing more than to destroy that higher culture and blacks are well on their way to doing that with help from their friends.

Anonymous said...

Well, we think we've seen everything and then one like this. But I recalled the 2000 Wichita Massacre and I think the killers got in the house by claiming to have a broken down car on a freezing night. I believe the victim who was thinking of becoming a priest opened the door for the Carr brothers.

The above scenario is just my own speculation. The prosecution in the Wichita Massacre never much tried to visualize the scenario inside the house.

This morning I couldn't find any non-local news stories on the crime except for the Daily Mail piece.

David In TN

Anonymous said...

Not a bad guy. NO police record.

But we know the villain the perpetrator WAS a BAD guy and DID have police record.

This an egregious offense as the victim is a senior citizen. MN dopes not have death penalty.

But they should at least lock this guy away for natural life.

Unless someone considers that to be "cruel and unusual" too!

Chicago guy said...

Yet another case where they seem to feel the murder victim has to be cleared of any wrongdoing. It's starting to get rather disgusting to hear these inferences that perhaps these unfortunate murder victims were somehow guilty of something or other.
Beware of ruses to lure people into traps. Claimed emergencies, broken down cars, anything at all just don't trust any of these people. Senior citizens in particular are prone to being trusting and thus get victimized quite a bit.

Anonymous said...

What jumps out at me is our benighted minority victim of rayciss system was a POO FLINGER. A POO FLINGER also convicted of violent crimes!

And yet some liberal judge, liberal defense lawyer, and probably a liberal prosecutor, ALL felt it would be a horrible injustice to keep our saintly victim of rayciss raycizm locked up in a cell. Oh No! This is clearly a fine upstanding young man, a regular role model for impoverished youths carrying the inhuman burden of victimhood (and flinging a bit of poo on the side).

And this may come as a surprise to any and all readers who neither know a jail worker nor have been jailed, but this poo flinging is NORMAL and COMMON behavior for a certain incarcerated demographic.

Every day brings more dead whites. Wait, let's not worry or even care about that - there's a feetsball game on TV and we can watch D'Felny play a child's game for millions of dollars per year! Yay! Go D'Felny! Run like the pohleeses beez afta yoo!

Stan D Mute

Anonymous said...

If that black man had actually been in some sort of danger, the white homeowner turned him away and he was shot dead you can bet CNN would have the story on 24/7 rotation.
Moral of that story is: You need to let black criminals in your home to rob and rape you or be nationally condemned as a racist. Personally, I'd take my chances with the condemnation. Jerry

Karla Marla said...

The whole problem is that the jails are too comfortable. The US has to learn from other countries, like Russia. The jails there are so horrible that it is a huge deterrent for any aspiring criminal. (Thanks God, I never been to those, but I know people who have). The US jails are spa and resorts in comparison to those. For criminals in US, there is no big difference between the miserable lives they live on the street and in the jail. Jail may be even better. Probably the only disadvantage for them is that there must be less access to drugs and sex in jail, but that's about it. Until jails are what they are supposed to be, deterrent, criminals will keep enjoying time spent there.