War crime victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom
The five known war criminals responsible for the violation and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. This was the only picture of the five handy. Two additional black rapist-killers were identified by DNA in semen they had left in Channon Christian's panties, but have yet to be named. Whoever put together this photo display did no research on the case, as attested to by his repeating the Internet hoax perpetrated by neo-Nazi/FBI informant Hal Turner, according to which the victims were sexually mutilated.
Racist, failed aspiring murderer, Trayvon Martin, showing his good side
By David in TN
Gary Christian said: “I would be glad to go on Good Morning America and talk about Channon and Chris. Just like they talked about that young man in Florida.”
N.S.: Gary and Deanna Christian have resolved to spend the rest of their lives, ensuring that their daughter Channon is not forgotten. While I never knew Miss Christian, I have dedicated myself to ensuring that as many people as possible know who she was.
My two first investigative reports on the Knoxville Horror for American Renaissance can be read here and here.
You sometimes hear whining about the media following trials in which the victim is a "pretty white girl." The fact is the MSM only pays attention to such trials if the defendant looks like Scott Peterson or Joran van der Sloot.
We were walking to the coffee shop during the Thomas trial last May. I turned to you and remarked "Where is HLN?"
David In TN
Any dentist out there know what would be the cost for the grille work that Treyvons had? Must be expensive and of course the question is immediate, where does a seventeen year old get that sort of money?
Yeah, Hal was an FBI agent provocateur deliberately probably at the behest of the FBI attempting to stir up so called RIGHT-WING violence. The man was apparently being coached quite deliberately to take advantage of the situation and cause further mayhem. Recall everyone, that the FBI is part of OUR government.
Giving the middle finger with the thumb pointing outward is a gang symbol? What gang is that? Anyone know?
I do not believe that the rape and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were committed by, until then, law abiding citizens. In other words this was was not the first time these people had committed any crime. I ask how is it that the DNA of two other people were found on the victims but the law can't identify these two others? Is Tennessee trying to find the donors of that DNA? I have been to TN a lot. It's a wigger state.
Must be expensive and of course the question is immediate, where does a seventeen year old wannabe CRIPget that sort of money?
Where does a good for nothing with a Slim Jim, marijuana and ladies' jewellery get that sort of money?
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