WDBJ7’s caption, “Quilt stirring up controversy in Martinsville,” is completely wrong. It is racist City Councilwoman Sharon Brooks-Hodge that is stirring the pot in Martinsville. And I just noticed that
WDBJ7 has cut the innocuous section out of the picture--what a coincidence!

Martinsville Councilwoman Sharon Brooks-Hodge
By Nicholas Stix
There we have it. Even one black councilman on a council of eight seats today is one too many. If you look at the linked tape, you will see that not only did racist city councilwoman Sharon Brooks-Hodge interrupt and ruin what should have been a joyous occasion for some wonderful kids, but she later interrupted a white councilman, when he spoke in defense of the kids whom the vicious councilwoman had libeled.
I guarantee you that bringing that sweet white girl to tears was the highlight of Sharon Brooks-Hodge’s day.
Brooks-Hodge demanded that the quilt not be shown at all. She and the NAACP want to “train” white kids to know that anything of value that they do can and will be destroyed by the totalitarian black will to power.
One of the many ways Brooks-Hodge left no doubt that she is racist to the bone is how she depicted a positive as a negative: she charged that the kids had “only” spoken to “10 percent of the people in a town that is 45 percent black.”
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2012, Martinsville had approximately 13,733 people. That means that the kids had spoken to approximately 1,370 residents. That’s tremendous! The diligence tells you as much as the racist’s insults that these are white kids. For racist scum like Sharon Brooks-Hodge, nothing a white kid does is worth spit, while the crappiest work by a black kid is proof of black genius.
Note that racist blacks have gotten to express their racist “black pride,” both at white taxpayers’ and white businessmen’s expense, for almost 60 years, without whites bringing them to tears, vetoing their expressions, or blacks having to print disclaimers.
The comments ripped the racists a new one.
Note too that the WDBJ7 headline is misleading: “Martinsville councilwoman offended by quilt…”
Sharon Brooks-Hodge wasn’t offended by the quilt. That was just a pretext. She was offended by the existence of whites. Taking offense is simply the way she and other racist blacks interact with whites. She went to the meeting that day fully intending to ruin those kids’ wonderful work.
White parents have to train their kids differently for dealing with blacks, so that the kids diminish blacks’ ability to physically and emotionally harm them. This is an awful thing, but these are awful people, and you cannot let the acknowledgement that perhaps 10 percent of blacks are decent people lead you to disarm your children, in dealing with the 90 percent who are evil.
Thus, you can’t raise your daughters to be wonderful, sweet things, like the girl whom the racist reduced to tears, because they will then be too vulnerable, which could cost them not only tears, but their virtue and their lives.
The Sharon Brooks-Hodges and the NAACP are waging a war to the death. Do whatever you can, to prevent your kids from becoming casualties.
* * *Martinsville councilwoman offended by quilt students presented as gift to city council
By Justin Ward
April 25, 2013, 7:17 p.m. EDT
Comments 258
A city councilwoman says a quilt made by a group of students should not be allowed to hang in the Martinsville City administration building.
She says the quilt is offensive to African Americans.
But the students who made it say it showcases what they learned working on a special project.
It's a story that's got plenty of people talking.
It was supposed to be a nice gesture from students at the Piedmont Governor's School in Martinsville.
Each student made a quilt square.
But one representing their journey learning about the area with a black stick figure offended councilwoman Sharon Brooks-Hodge.
Here's what happened:
"We got to walk across the Philpott Dam and the small black person represents us before we learned all the information and then the bigger gold person is how he feels after he's been enriched with all the different knowledge,” a student said as she showed the quilt to council members.
The student started explaining another quilt square when Councilwoman Hodge had a comment.
"Excuse me. Um, why is the small black person the negative image?" Hodge said.
"It's not negative. It's just showing how much we increased," was the student’s response, to which Hodge replied: "I take offense to that."
"I didn't mean to make it offensive," another student said.
"Whoever reviewed that to make a small black person the before and the gold which you are afterwards, considering you only talked to 10 percent of black people in a city that's 45 percent African-American, I take offense to that and I hope that you do not display that," Hodge said.
One student started crying and a teacher explained the black figure had nothing to do with race.
Councilman Danny Turner was sitting just a few feet away.
"These children are two generations away from that and black, white, green, or blue they're not, they don't see those things," Turner said.
WDBJ received a statement the Martinsville chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People gave select members of city council.
It reads quote:
"This young man had not received training on how offensive depictions like this were to people of color [read: colored people]. If he had, this incident could have been avoided."
"The city already has issues with the Black [sic] community; this does not help matters at all." [Read: The black community is racist to the bone, and is intent on taking over, and otherwise making whites’ lives miserable.]
Turner said he visited the Governor's school yesterday and apologized for what happened.
He says students are still upset.
The students still gave the quilt to the city.
We’re told it will stay in an office until city council makes a decision whether or not to hang it up.
If it does get approved, it will have a disclaimer describing the quilt square.
[Why should it have a disclaimer?! That’s outrageous!]
Cheryl Shepherd at 7:34 PM April 25, 2013
I am ashamed we still have adults that are so small minded! The quilt was beautiful and it was a childs impression of being in the dark with little knowledge to be enlightened and growing in knowledge. Ms. Brook Hodges should be taught how to not bully a child!! An innocent child who had meant NO harm to anyone was in tears and running out of the room, that is shameful!Children today are not living in the past and do not see color the way the older generations do, it's time Ms. Hodges started living in 2013 were have a black President, black Doctors, lawyers, teachers, senators, congressmen & women, etc. We're no longer living 100 plus years ago and an innocent child who meant NO HARM paid for her ignorance !!
Kirstin Bonney at 7:46 PM April 25, 2013
This broke my heart! That poor child! Why is it okay for Ms. Brook-Hodges to reduce a poor kid to tears over what was obviously meant as a kind and generous gesture? This woman needs to issue an apology to the school and the child she made cry. Take a gesture as it's meant! We really don't need people like that in any sort of office.
History Queen at 7:50 PM April 25, 2013
I try to be sensitive to racial issues, but this councilwoman had a MAJOR OVERREACTION! These kids had NO IDEA what the heck she was talking about! This is not the 1950's! The majority of kids today look at racial stereotypes as something they read about in history books.
simple_truth at 7:56 PM April 25, 2013
These children have not yet learned of the culture we have in this country of treating people of color with kid gloves. Most kids learn that when they either get to college or work at a public company - that's when the diversity indoctrination begins. After being made to cry in a public setting in front of adults by another adult, it's unlikly these children will look upon black people the same any more. Congratulations councilwoman, you've taught these kids that people of color are different and must be treated differently based only upon the color of their skin. It turns Dr King's dream upside down.
Robin Goodman at 8:09 PM April 25, 2013
What an ignorant and rude woman. Her remarks probably undid so much of the positive they experienced in this learning process. Perhaps someone could educate her on art, and symbolism and what it means to be in the dark (black) and then to become enlighten and now be in the light (gold). Did anyone state that people aren't GOLD?
It's clear this councilwoman remains in the dark and could learn a great deal from this gracious, kind hearted group of young people. Martinsville would do well not to re-elect Mrs. Hogan, but rather find someone who lives in the 21st century to be apart of making your city better.
She clearly needs to apologize. What a horrible thing to have happen during such a sweet presentation by these students. She should be ashamed!
Texsheva at 8:41 PM April 25, 2013
What a shame that a grown councilwoman made a student CRY because she couldn't understand the SIMPLE explaination the student gave. She SAID, 'The small black figure represents us before and the gold figure represents us after we had knowledge and were enlightened.' In even MORE concise terms, the quilt square represented, US (the collective) in DARKNESS, as in before KNOWLEDGE. The golden person represents, US (the collective) after knowledge, being ENLIGHTENED. I hope that makes it clear enough for her to understand. She OWES that student who was totally innocent an APOLOGY. In fact, she owes the City Council and the entire school an apology. She was vitrolic in her false attack and it was a very poor reflection upon her. To be offended over her own ignorance is ridiculous!
sldunn67 at 8:59 PM April 25, 2013
or the color black could simply represent darkness and ignorance, an absence of light, and have no reference what so ever to people of color. too many people sitting around waiting to be offended at anything. political correctness does not move a country forward but keeps everyone afraid to examine history. In the wordless Gospel, the color black represents the sin sick soul and the state of darkness that the individual is in prior to salvation. the color gold represents the brightness of knowledge and glory of salvation and the value of the person. if the same person starts as black and becomes gold, why would you be offended. the value of the person is what is represented not the color of his skin or his race. White is the color of the soul made clean by the red blood of Jesus Christ and it does not refer to skin color or race but the purity of the heart changed by God.
Plubius2 at 9:08 PM April 25, 2013
What a stupid, stupid woman. I hope someone requests her resignation promptly.
HillbillyReaper at 9:19 PM April 25, 2013
They are scared to get rid of her. She has made it clear that the NAACP is on her side. Martinsville couldnt afford a lawsuit.
lazyrebel at 9:04 AM April 26, 2013
Yep if you try an get her to resign. The NAACP would sue. What do you think they would do if we formed a NAAWP?
HillbillyReaper at 9:31 AM April 26, 2013
I just hope that this story doesnt get hidden and forgot about. I hope it goes viral and nationwide. She needs to be removed from office before she gets anymore power.
itsjustme4 at 9:22 PM April 25, 2013
I really hope WDBJ7 looks further at this woman and I really hope if there is enough complaints we can get her removed from her position! If she really did not like the quilt she could have at least waited until the children were out of the room before making such racist and hateful comments. I think WDBJ7 should be made aware of the interview she gave defending her comments made about the quilt. She says having a black stick figure on the quilt is offensive but the comments she makes such as "you white people" is suppose to be ok? (Heres a link to the video: http://youtu.be/McGr25A65sk) She has also made very rude comments on her facebook page basically calling Martinsville "uncivilized"
http://postimg.org/image/6lymvg7e5/. She's even made rude comments about the Boys and Girls club knowing that the Boys and Girls club is all that some kids have in their lives to look foward to. http://www.martinsvillebulletin.com/article.cfm?ID=35312. This woman should be ashamed of herself!
Dick Hertz at 9:14 PM April 25, 2013
Someone should start a petition to have Brooks-Hodge resign immediately. What a crock.
HillbillyReaper at 9:17 PM April 25, 2013
From what I hear she has put down The Boys and Girls Club, saying that they are a glorified babysitter. She also called the blacks in this area "Housegrown Nigroes". She once said that our area needs more people like her because she has a 6 figure income. She does not belong in government. Being in government means you represent all citizens, not just the color you are. I am far beyond racist. Hell, I voted for Obama. I think the kids and teachers should auction off that beautiful blanket and donate the proceeds to The Boys and Girls Club, Martinsville Chapter. Councilwoman Hodge has contacted the NAACP to make sure the community knows that she will sue if forced out of office. If you read between the lines you can see that is what she means. She sure sounds like a loose cannon.
maloof at 9:36 PM April 25, 2013
How did that moron get elected? What were you thinking Martinsville? Way to put down kids. Real porfessional. I guess she'll be call Jackson and Sharpton next to advance and play the race card agenda and hatred of America.
FOOTBALL FAN at 9:39 PM April 25, 2013
Folks in Martinsville should put pressure on her to resign. At the least show up at the next council meeting and raise enough HELL that they force her out. If she had something she did not like it could have waited till the end of the meeting and explained in private instead of her idiotic way of handling it. Do you really think the students in this school would have done something to revert to racisim? GET RID OF HER!!
AtJude at 9:42 PM April 25, 2013
"'These children are two generations away from that and black, white, green, or blue they're not, they don't see those things,' Turner said."
That's ignorant. We all know that racism is not ancient history.
The kid who made the square did not MEAN to cause offense, but that's the problem isn't it? He (and the entire group) was (were) ignorant of the fact that what he was displaying was racism. It isn't his fault this happened, it's the fault of our culture and society. The status quo must not be upheld this way.
The councilwoman was clearly caught up in emotion and responded rather snippy to the students. Since it wasn't their intention to offend, I believe she could have said what she had to say in a much less emotional manner. The problem with that is that these things get ignored and brushed under the rug so often that sometimes it's all you can do not to scream.
Most of the comments here are outraged at the counsilwoman, however I invite you to examine this from her perspective, since clearly we all see it from the perspective of the children.
Texsheva at 9:57 PM April 25, 2013
And what about the GOLD people??? Your comments are as ridiculous as hers.
The quilt had nothing to do with color of skin. It had to do with being in darkness...IGNORANCE, and being brought out of it into the knowledge of ENLIGHTENMENT. Time to get rid of the over-sensitiveness.
Uniquely Chaotic at 10:04 PM April 25, 2013
If she as a Council member cannot control her emotions and conduct herself in a professional manner when an open session is being held with students present, what are we to expect of her when something really goads her with adults present? Everyone is entitled to an opinion. No one should express their opinion is such a way as to humiliate, embarrass. and stigmatize anyone else. She is an elected official, held accountable by the people. Use your votes Martinsville!! Do you really want someone who reduces a child to tears expressing a viewpoint to represent you?
AtJude at 10:27 PM April 25, 2013
Uniquely Chaotic and Texsheva:
Thank you for contributing to the conversation in an intelligent manner. I really appreciate your responses.
Uniquely Chaotic:
I can agree with this asessment. As I stated, she could have handled this better.
Hugh Dalton at 7:47 AM April 26, 2013
Try as hard as you might to make the black about race... Darkness will always be described as "black", the color of absence of light.
If she didn't understand what the child was trying to say with a simple picture, she has no chance of being a councilperson who understands what it will take to turn a town's poor fortunes around.
lazyrebel at 9:02 AM April 26, 2013
At jude you are an idot!
History Queen at 7:53 PM April 26, 2013
The ONLY way this person could have handled it better was to have kept her mouth SHUT!!! Like my mamma use to say, "if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all". Racism is a two-way street................me thinks she is the real racist!!!!
wade0000 at 9:42 PM April 25, 2013
simple solution. don't give presents to ungrateful people.
sad. sometimes the people who say we should be colorblind, see race in everything. oh well... and to make children cry... I'm not sure who owes who an apology here.
St. Michael at 9:46 PM April 25, 2013
Grown ups need to start acting like grown ups and stop playing the race card in everything they see. These kids worked hard on this project and it should not be spoiled by some dit wit that is still living in the 1850's. enough of this childishness already.
David Johnson1 at 9:50 PM April 25, 2013
In case anyone wanted to contact the councilwoman
docmel at 10:30 PM April 25, 2013
This idiot should be removed from office and should be required to make a public apology to the students before her exit.
MrsJWayne at 10:31 PM April 25, 2013
Ms. Hodge-Muse (fancy name, huh?) always seems to be offended by something. She's always writing letters to the editor of the Martinsville Bulletin because she has been offended by something or other. I guess she's not happy unless she's making her extreme displeasure, about things SHE finds offensive, clearly known to EVERYBODY in Martinsville and Henry County. And, yes, folks, she really DID write a letter to the editor BRAGGING about her income -- in a community that has been suffering with the highest unemployment rate in the commonwealth for years now! Now, I ask, WHOOOOOOO needs some sensitivity training???!!!!!!
lazyrebel at 9:01 AM April 26, 2013
It offends me that women hyphen their name when they get married!
Patricia Wilkins at 10:33 PM April 25, 2013
https://www.facebook.com/sharon.b.hodge?viewer_id=100000380826326 As someone that shared this link earlier said..look at her posts and how she puts down "African American" as well as other people and organazations. Please STOP voting blindly. KNOW who is behind that Name! Lets have her removed!
AnAmericanRelic at 11:24 PM April 25, 2013
Acts of racial hatred such as this "councilwoman" displayed towards those children should not be allowed to go unpunished. If a person of "non-color" (by her definition) had done such a thing, Sharon Brooks-Hodge would have probably been the first to demand resignations and apologies.
Racism will never go away as long as bigots such as Sharon Brooks-Hodge (and others) continue to use their position of authority to abuse those who are different from themselves. But perhaps they don't really want it to.
I am thankful that the "people of color" and people of "non-color" get along fine in my world.
CatherineBowersLouya at 11:26 PM April 25, 2013
Why don't the council people take the gift in the way it was intentended. It was a gift made by the govenors shcool chidren for the council men and women. How dare she take a wonderful gift and turn it into a racial issue. I think she is the one with the issue and should be removed from her seat on the council. That council group needs to grow up. The children have more sense than they do. What a shame and if I had been there I would have said SHAME ON YOU COUNCILWOMAN..SHAME ON YOU !!!
JD1002 at 11:26 PM April 25, 2013
What a buffoon! Some people really reach to play the race card. And this was a huge stretch to make it racial. I think that she might need to see a counselor or look into therapy for her race issues. Definitly not someone you need on a city council. Her preconceptions could affect decisions that affect a community.
docmel at 11:50 PM April 25, 2013
I commend the instructor who spoke out and defended the students and the one man who had the cajones to expose the racist for what she was.
Melissa Tolbert at 11:50 PM April 25, 2013
When I saw the video I could not believe what she was saying (not to mention she butted in to say her piece) I can honestly say probably no one thought about race until she made a big deal out of it. He said he used a dark color (the last time I checked there is not another color darker than black) and then went to a brighter color and he used gold if he was thinking race like she was he would have used white that right there shows he was not thinking race when he did it. I believe she should apologize to the students and then announced to the public that she did so considering we all saw what she did to start with. She is the one that turned it into a race thing. I have three kids and they don't think about race and I believe most kids are like that until they see people like her who make it a point to point it out to everyone. I believe what she did was in terrible taste. I believe she needs to go back to the saying of if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. I can only imagine how hard they worked on their project and then to be crushed when all their hard work was so belittled. I hope she see's this and the error of her ways.
MarineNC at 11:51 PM April 25, 2013
Really want to see more of this woman's ignorance? Check her Facebook page (and it is public). Everything on there is "black this" or "black that" and she's all about equality - for blacks. But Sharon doesn't believe in equality for other minorities such as gays. Yeah, Sharon believes in equality as long as it doesn't include the gay and lesbian community. So the way I see it, Sharon sees everything as a black and white issue (she's a black racist) and she doesn't care for gays (and that makes her a bigot). Pot meet Kettle. Enjoy your one term as a council clown, Sharon.
Melissa Tolbert at 12:06 AM April 26, 2013
I wish they would have let the young man that stood up for it to keep speaking his piece I praise him for standing up for himself and the others I believe if he had kept speaking he would have put her in her place.
proudpoppa at 5:43 AM April 26, 2013
while I do not condone the Councilwoman's actions, your response it exactly part of why she complained. African-Americans had been "put in their place" here in North America [sic] for more than 300 years. I am not surprised she reacted as she did. Power and institutionalized racism are not just things one "gets over."
Seven777 at 8:20 AM April 26, 2013
Proudpappa....really? Tell that to Obama.
beachlady at 8:54 AM April 26, 2013
proudpoppa..and you are one of the reasons that AfricanAmericans have the problems that they do...people like you who still lives in the 50's and the 50' have been gone for a long time...power=obama
lazyrebel at 8:59 AM April 26, 2013
Proud, she needed to be put in her place!
beachlady at 9:23 AM April 26, 2013
what place would that be???
Seven777 at 4:45 PM April 26, 2013
Beach, the place she needs to be sent is where she is forced to be alone with herself and her own miserable thoughts. I cannot think of a worse punishment.
JMStandingUp at 12:34 AM April 26, 2013
I'm okay with the council woman. I've lived in different places throughout the country, and it seems that subtle racism and outdated ideas are accepted in this area. Not to be harsh to the students, but they appear to be old enough to realize right from wrong. I think that the student and their instructor could have probably been approached privately, not in a public forum. I don't think that the council woman played the "race card".
lazyrebel at 8:58 AM April 26, 2013
What the heck doe this have to do with racism. JM you are part of the problem, quit being part of the problem! She sure did play the race card!
JMStandingUp at 2:21 PM April 26, 2013
I'm just saying.. When is enough .. enough. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in. Race, faith, etc. etc. Do I think that maybe it should have been addressed privately? With less emotions on all parts.. absolutely... I applaud her for standing up for what she believes.. as do I. Would I have had a better tact? Probably. I didn't grow up around here, so I do have a different perspective. But it's 2013.. and even subtle racism.. whether it's blatant, on accident, etc. Should be addressed.
MrsJWayne at 8:08 PM April 26, 2013
It was not "subtle racism". It was not racism at all.
JMStandingUp at 4:29 AM April 27, 2013
How is it not? Because it was something small? Not deemed "important" enough to be considered racism? How about just plain ignorance? I don't mean that in hate. I just mean that the concept should have been thought out better. I can't cosign with a little black figure, or a rebel flag.. or any other subtle form if "ignorance" (aka racism). Again, I'm not saying that in hate. It's just my truth. I love all, as God would want me to. I just can't stand the mentality that somethings just because it's small should be ignored. This is 2013 not 1813 or 1913. It seems like all races in our area just let things slip by, not addressing the "good ole boy" mentality. Again not saying it in hate, just an observation.
MrsJWayne at 8:10 AM April 27, 2013
So, JM, should we all just walk on eggshells around each other all the time? That could make people not want to be around each other because of the tension it creates.
Snappy71 at 7:29 AM April 26, 2013
I think the councilwoman handled the receiving of a gift badly. Very badly! The figure went fron a dark sad place to a light happy place through the acquisition of knowledge. Making a person cry from bullying is worse than what she perceived to be an insult. We are quickly becoming the land of the offended. I hope they hang the quilt it looks like it took a great deal of time and effort.
ChrisCraft at 7:54 AM April 26, 2013
I think she was rude,hateful and she needs to learn to shut up these kids were trying to do something nice and she chews thrm out.
Shes not one that deserves to be in that position !!!!
Martha2 at 7:59 AM April 26, 2013
Seems to me it was showing that they were in darkness, and now they are enlightened. How shameful for that councilwoman to treat these students the way she did!
The kids did a great job and should be commended instead of condemned.
Are we next going to outlaw nighttime, because it's dark?
rideahd at 8:07 AM April 26, 2013
Fire this stupid b#*%h! Say what you want to about me i don't care,but theres not alot you can do not to offend black people.They all think the world owes them something.BS!
beachlady at 8:50 AM April 26, 2013
the world does owe them something ..the same respect we have for everyone...what is wrong with you..it is 2013, when are you going to get your head out of your behind and realize that the world is large and anyone has the right to live and progress..that is the problem in the world today..not realizing that we are all God's children..even you...
lazyrebel at 8:57 AM April 26, 2013
THE WORLD OWES THEM NOTHING! IF lincoln had not be assasinated, he would have shipped all the former slaves back to africa. Maybe this b#%^h would be in somalia today!
mgkelly01 at 8:14 AM April 26, 2013
in the name of sensitivity, it appears the councilwoman was very insensitive to the feelings of others.
lazyrebel at 8:55 AM April 26, 2013
Don't you know that libtards are like that? They can offend, but you cant offend them.
Seven777 at 8:18 AM April 26, 2013
It's a beautiful quilt. I'd be happy to take it as a gift and display it in my home. Clearly Hodges is the offensive one.....but the students now have the lesson in mind that some folks are just nasty and strive to find something wrong with a good dead.
beachlady at 8:19 AM April 26, 2013
I have lived in Martinville and worked at the Martinsville hospital..the town is a beautiful place to live and the people are delightful but a lot of narrowminded people live there..I was amazed how the community was so upbeat when there is nothing there ..no money, no jobs and doesn't look like much hope for any..I love this area and its people..so sweet and still happy after all they have endured...this woman if she has so much money needs to be sharing some of it ..when I think of it why does the city have a council at all...if she has so much money why does she need this job..I will tell you, so she can run that mouth about problems that Martinsville does NOT even have..the blacks and the whites seem to get along fine as far as I could see..it only takes 1 POS to stop the toilet up... and we just found her..
MsRkeCounty84 at 8:24 AM April 26, 2013
Shame on you city councilwomen for making this children feel bad,its a quilt,i dont think they were trying to be racist!!!She needs to apologize.
@Rideahd,I am a young educated black women and i dont think the world owes me sh**,so by you saying we all think the world owes us something is bulls***!!Go play wth yourself!!Idiot!!
Seven777 at 8:36 AM April 26, 2013
I love the young man's comment at the end where he asked the nasty hag on the council "what color would you have me make it?". Her response? Any color but black. Ok...change it to brown and see if that helps her stinking attitude.
lorend73 at 8:38 AM April 26, 2013
When will crayola take the white and black crayons out of the boxes! I'm sure they are offensive to many. People, we need to wake up and see that the Lord created us ALL special. Thank God we do not all look alike, what a boring place this would be. We have moved so far and made great strides through great people and speeches to be a free nation of equality. My children do not know what "racism" means because we have many friends of various backgrounds, color, etc. We choose to be racist not just to people of different color, but of gender, size, disability, etc. Everyone has faults and I don't agree with what this councilwoman did but maybe she will lay awake at night and think harder about the project that the children went through to gain greater knowledge about the area and people and that they through this quilt have learned to respect this area and people. Maybe we need to send everyone through a "time" lesson to see what everyone, not just blacks, or jews, or native americans, etc. But what humanity has had to endure throughout the ages. Lets grow up and respect everyone for who they are now and move foward with a greater love for humanity. Don't preach about the past, teach for the future!
Peggy Pierce at 9:03 AM April 26, 2013
This is so sad. These chilldren and their teachers ment nothing racist or any other harm by offering this beautiful quilt as a gift. This ccouncilwoman who is suppose to represent the good in Martinsville and Henry County just presented it as a racist city full of racist people. We are not. I think Martinsville is a City Without Limits and we sure are not limited by the bonds of racism. God help you councilwoman, its people like me who should have your job. Its people like you who try to keep us bound. The world is a beautiful ranbow.
Sbonger at 9:10 AM April 26, 2013
And....I'm offended..I didn't see ONE black person in the audience....and the two ladies holding up the quilt....they were wearing BLACK?!?!?!? OH MY GOD THE OUTRAGE!!
Seven777 at 9:18 AM April 26, 2013
I saw several. At least 2 sitting directly behind the students.
Seven777 at 9:18 AM April 26, 2013
I posted this to Free Republic and boy the comments there are picking up right away.
Encourage everyone here to put their 2 cents in (or more if you please :)
Would love to see this story go viral. The students deserve an appology from that miserable women.
beachlady at 9:33 AM April 26, 2013
she lists her home phone and her email address..I responded to both..flood her email and her phone with your opinion...she should have thought about how negative she is before listing contact info...
beachlady at 10:25 AM April 26, 2013
203 Greyson St.
Martinsville, VA 24112
336-580-3163 (home/cell)
rndalee73 at 9:35 AM April 26, 2013
The only person in this situation that has made any racist comments is Councilwoman Hodge. These children, like Councilman Turner stated, are decades behind the fight for equal rights and don't view color the way previous generations did/do. They weren't taught to be race sensitive, nor should they be in this day and age. One wonders if the phrase "kept in the dark" must now be changed or banned from speech because it would offend someone and in essence, that is what the quilt block depicted, these children being in the dark as far as what they knew about the area. The comments made by Ms. Hodge are the reason racism is still alive, not because of innocent students who made a creative work as a gift to show what they learned. Diversity training is not a necessary tool at this juncture in our world. We have all, for the most part, embraced each other as equals and proven that every living creature has a right to live and prosper and be happy. How much longer must we all tiptoe around to avoid offending someone regarding events that happened so long ago? As a woman, should I be allowed to scream in offense at being given an apron or an iron? No. Its time for everyone to get over it, put their big girl/boy undies on and grow up. Ms. Hodge honestly doesn't even deserve the attention she will get from all of this and will likely sue anyway.
Seven777 at 9:45 AM April 26, 2013
I saw a GREAT post on freepers in regards to the posting of this article. One person asked if Ms. Hodges was offended by street signs. All the figures used for cross-walks, "men working", etc. are black. The horror!
Bree Adair at 9:47 AM April 26, 2013
Martinsville should be embarrassed and offended that she was even put on the council! She offends me, and I daresay she offends a lot of people, red, yellow, black, or white!
4/2AIRCAV at 9:53 AM April 26, 2013
Really.....Really........Really ???? It's a simple depiction nothing more nothing less. Don't worry Mrs. Councilwoman the "black man" isn't being portrayed as negative !! I'm not afraid to say what a majority of people probably would so here goes.....If it was a white person depicted not a damn thing would have been said !! So suck it up a drive on !! I'm sure your community has more pressing issues !!
Outdoor Lover at 10:01 AM April 26, 2013
Way to go Concilwoman Hodges, Thanks to you, Racism is alive and well and will never be forgotten. How many generation removed are we from true racism? I believe those whose family suffered true racism will never let it go because they NEED something to complain about. What a shame, but what a PRIME EXAMPLE of reverse racism! KUDOS!
forestva at 10:20 AM April 26, 2013
This public official is about as disgusting as Annie Pollard, (Bedford BOS) who called the Bedford County Teachers "CRYBABIES", for wanting a raise they haven't rec'd in 3-4 years. Who do these people think they are, and how do they get elected. Absolutely disgusting, unprofessional, and showing little or no class or character. They are both despicable.
nellie h at 11:29 AM April 26, 2013
Sharon Hodge is offensive. To treat guests to the meeting in such a way and disparage the gift they brought was beyond the pale. She is not a human. What an angry bitter old woman. She needs to be censured by the council. The council should hang the quilt right on her office door.
rideahd at 11:39 AM April 26, 2013
Iwill say this.If she is forced off council and sues and the city of martinsville can't afford it just tell me where to send my donation to help.And i don't even live in martinsville!This witch needs to GO!
Snickerboom at 11:45 AM April 26, 2013
I hope that this race-baiting hag is proud of herself for calling out these kids in front of everybody in attendance at this meeting and on TV. She can smile knowing that she made one of the students cry.
And, what "training" is the moron from NAACP referring to in their statement? Indoctrination, so that these white bred brats will get their minds right.
Don't put up mean spirited bullying of these kids just so that this witch, and her fake indignation, will shut up move on to the next made up "offense".
hikinggal1 at 11:49 AM April 26, 2013
Martinsville's mayor, Kim Adkins, should have intervened and allowed the young lady to proceed with her presentation. Her lack of response was just as inappropriate as the outrageous reaction of Hodge. (Obviously, Adkins is also intimidated by Hodge) Hats off to the council members who did speak on behalf of the students. They and Dr. Huff are to be commended for their professional and poised reaction to an obnoxious, racist council member, and a mayor who has absolutely no leadership skills. The Martinsville area desperately needs more individuasl like Dr. Huff and her students, and fewer individuals like Adkins and Hodge! Both Adkins and Hodge should resign their positions immediately if they are truly interested in having a positive impact on their community. The area needs strong leadership; NOT a "Silent mayor" and a council member who dwells in the past. Finally, I submit that Hodge should be the person who studies "racial diversity"----not Governor's school faculty, and students. Since Hodge professes to be a professional journalist, she should broaden her knowledge by the use of "imagery" in writing and dialogue. Perhaps then she will be better repaired to express herself in an articulate manner and will have a better understanding of the "imagery" and creativity used by the students. GOOD JOB, STUENTS AND DR. HUFF1
beachlady at 12:09 PM April 26, 2013
when one does not try to correct a problem they become part of the problem..
Seven777 at 4:43 PM April 26, 2013
Kim Adkins is likely intimidated by Hodges. It's no secret Hodges has fangs that she likes to use.
wgswst at 6:14 PM April 29, 2013
The children just got their first lesson in throwing pearls before swine.
Poptaert at 8:41 PM April 29, 2013
What a total cu*t!!! How's THAT for offensive!!!
david98_02 at 7:08 PM April 29, 2013
stay classy councilwoman and NAACP!