Sunday, June 04, 2006

Invasion: The Movie

by Nicholas Stix
Updated 8:50 a.m., Monday, June 5, 2006.

The good folks at Politics of Prudence sent me a link to the reconquista/aztlan video that the courageous, tireless Minuteman who maintains Immigration Watchdog shot at Los Angeles' March 25 Gran Marcha, and put together, with English-language speeches given over the years by reconquista leaders who either spoke only in Spanish at the march, or who uttered only safe platitudes that day (as if the MSM would have honestly reported on seditious speeches given in English!).

If you have been reading up on illegal immigration/reconquista/aztlan you may have read the text of some or all of the speeches in the video. I already had, before viewing it.

And yet, somehow hearing the same words spoken aloud provoked in me a more visceral response.

David Orland, sole blogtender of faut de pire and one of the team (with Michelle Malkin, Juan Mann, Bonnie Eggle, Peter Gadiel, Chris Kelly, Heather Mac Donald and Bryan Preston) that tends The Immigration Blog, felt similarly. David wrote:

My reaction was much the same as yours: I've read all that stuff before but hearing it spoken, often in a voice quivering with hatred, is deeply disturbing, even pornographic.

"Pornographic." That's the best description I've heard of the frenzied racist hatred motivating the reconquista/aztlan movement.

See if you have the same reaction.

Reconquista/aztlan video.

Send links to everyone you know. And for $5.99 at the same link, you can buy a copy of the video to send to an elected official.

And speaking of frenzied racist hatred, the Minuteman (I don't even have a nom de cyber for him) also sent me a link to the videos he shot of communists' and illegals' attempts to shout down and shut down the Minutemen March held in Los Angeles on May 21.

Technorati tags: immigration, boycott, illegal aliens, law, minutemen, reconquista, aztlan, sanctuary cities, immigration reform, amnesty,
politics, border, Mexico, terrorism and homeland security.