Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Now, it’s fakestats, or nostats: “lower crime numbers in big cities? No, it’s just not being reported anymore to the fbi for tabulation

[“‘Everyone Knows’ that Crime Went Down for over 20 Years—Everyone but Me” (fakestats exposés from 1996-2024).]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, june 12, 2024 at 12:10:00 a.m. edt

“(zh) crime across America must be so out of control in failed leftist metro areas that radical leftists in local governments just stopped reporting crime data to the fbi. this is an admission the woke utopia of criminal and social justice reforms is an utter disaster.

“here’s more from the nra-ila report:

“in ‘2021, 37% of police departments stopped reporting crime data to the fbi (including large departments for chicago, los angeles, and new york),’ and for other jurisdictions, like baltimore and Nashville, crimes are being underreported or undercounted. this leaves a large gap; by 2021, the real crime data collected by the fbi represented only 63% of police departments overseeing just 65% of the population. when compared to pre-2021 data, the result is a questionable ‘decline’ in crime.

“One x user provides the three easy steps under progressive control to reduce crime:

“Don’t arrest criminals.

“Don’t prosecute criminals

“Don’t report crime statistics”


N.S.: It’s not just leftists. Rudy Giuliani and his police commissioners, starting with William Bratton in 1994, engaged in radical fakestats.


Anonymous said...

Full credit to you,N.S. for being among those--if not the first reporter--to reveal the b.s.Even now,very few will admit the truth about crime by minorities.


Anonymous said...

The whole East coast vicinity NYC. West coast LA and San Fran. Houston add to the mix. That is a lot of criminality missing for any sort of reasonable and accurate report.