Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Talk about Kicking a Dead Cliché, but One of the Usual Suspects Stole a Horse, and Rode It to Death; wasn't that Why We Had Lynch Law?

By A Texas Reader
Tue, Jan 7, 2020 10:53 p.m.

"It's literally going to break my granddaughter's heart," said Henny. "We can get another horse, but it's still not the same thing. This is something she was looking forward to, waiting for, and now, I have to tell her her horse is dead."

ATR: Yeah, he's a garden variety nigger.

What more do you need to know?


Anonymous said...

With big lips and a bigger afro he jumps on his (stolen)horse--and lets loose with a mighty "Hey YO,Silva AWAY M-EFFER."
Next scene:Dead horse.
"Shit,I gots to walk 30 miles back.Dat crap never happened to Cleavon Little."

eahilf said...

"When people are cruel like that, there's something missing in them. That's not human," said Henny.

Exactly sir -- you're catching on.

Anonymous said...

A lawn jockey come to life?

Anonymous said...

In Texas, stealing a horse during hours of darkness is a crime where you can use lethal force to defend yourself and the horse.