The black criminal and the white cop he repeatedly assaulted, while seeking to escape custody
While Black Lives Matter Copycats Murder Police Across the Country, the Persecution of White Police Officer Michael Slager Continues
By Nicholas Stix
So #BlackLivesMatter means #Blue/WhiteLivesDon’t, in Dallas and copycat killings across the country. [ It’s not just Dallas — police officers have been killed across the country , by Erica Evans, LA Times, June 13, 2016] Naturally the Lying Press is now working especially hard, with cuckservatives’ compliance, to keep the Narrative focused on white guilt [Enough Already With “All Lives Matter,” by Jeffrey Kluger, Time Magazine, July 11 , 2016] and away from Donald Trump’s potentially embarrassing call for law and order. Already down the Memory Hole: the recent collapse of several other BLM Narratives. Unfortunately also forgotten: the ongoing judicial torture of a white policeman caught in one of these hysterias—South Charleston SC police officer Michael Slager.

[Read the whole thing at VDARE.]
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