Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Oddly enough, the word now is of “prosecutors,” but not State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who would have to make the decision. I guess the black supremacist SA was too embarrassed to own up to her decision, so she left white Chief Deputy State's Attorney Michael Schatzow to do her dirty work.
Circuit Judge Barry G. Williams surely played a role in SA Mosby giving it up. Judge Williams had acquitted three straight of the Freddie Gray 6 in bench trials, and he was getting fed up with the complete lack of factual support for Mosby’s outrageous charges, and threw one charge out in the last trial, rather than wait until the end of the trial to acquit the officer, Lt. Brian Rice, on it.
It was looking as though the jurist might now do what he should have done from the get-go—dismiss all charges as baseless. And so, SA Mosby may have decided to save herself that final courtroom humiliation. For now.
“Freddie Gray I Trial: With Jury Hopelessly Deadlocked on Persecution of Black Officer William Porter; Judge Declares Mistrial!; Porter Will be Retried; Will Baltimore ‘Activists’ Riot?”;
“The New York Daily News Delivers Half a Loaf to Officer Edward Nero, Regarding His Acquittal in the Freddie Grifter Gray Case”;
“Freddie ‘Grifter’ Gray Case: Officer Caesar Goodson Acquitted on All Counts!”;
“Lt. Brian Rice, the Third of the Baltimore Six Falsely Accused Cops in the Freddie Gray Case Acquitted; Judge Barry Williams Said that the Prosecution Had Provided No Evidence that Rice Had Broken Any Laws; Judge is Getting Fed Up, and is Starting to Dismiss Some Charges on His Own; Two Trials and One Re-Trial to Come; Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, and All Other Decent People Want Charges Against Remaining B6 Officers to be Dropped, but Cops’ Black Supremacist Persecutors, Marilyn and Nick Mosby, Will Never Countenance It.”]
Prosecutors drop charges in Freddie Gray case
By Ryan Newton
July 27, 2016 at 8:53 a.m. CDT
BALTIMORE (AP) - Prosecutors have dropped the remaining charges against Baltimore police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, bringing an end to the case without a conviction.
Gray was a black man who was critically injured in the back of a police van in April 2015.
Prosecutors' decision Wednesday comes after a judge had already acquitted three of the six officers charged in the case, including the van driver and another officer who was the highest-ranking of the group.
A fourth officer had his case heard by a jury, who deadlocked and the judge declared a mistrial.
Prosecutors had said Gray was illegally arrested after he ran away from a bike patrol officer and the officers failed to buckle Gray into a seat belt or call a medic when he indicated he wanted to go to a hospital.
The death added fuel to the growing Black Lives Matter movement and caused turmoil in Baltimore, including large protests and the worst riots the city had seen in decades.
N.S.: No, BLM was fueled by the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” and his various criminal generals, the MSM, George Soros, and the blacks who refuse to obey the law or police.
The riot was fueled by the black supremacist mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s decision to make the police stand down, through since-fired, black supremacist Police Commissioner Anthony Batts, and let the black supremacist thugs riot. “We also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well.”
Baltimore City Police Commissioner Anthony Batts doing what he does best: Resigning
I guess Ryan Newton plum forgot about all that.
Let’s remind him.
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake: Giving Protesters Room to Destroy

1 comment:
...and now investigate why the black lotto was dispersed to the Grays--BEFORE the criminal trials even started.I know the burden of proof is different in civil cases,but this doesn't pass the smell test,unless you're testing for skunk or raCOON.A quick settlement raises a lot of flags for me.Will anyone,in a town that blacks have made their own,have the courage to check on where the Gray civil money went?What did the Grays do with the 6.6 million?How did they thank the mayor and those that negotiated this huge payoff--that in retrospect (but I said it at the time also),was
a huge MISTAKE.
If only I was a reporter....
--GR Anonymous
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