Thursday, June 13, 2024

american spectator channels Sam Francis to explain the "gay" tide

By "W"
thursday, june 13, 2024 at 03:57:43 p.m. edt

american spectator channels Sam Francis to explain the "gay" tide

an example of how a "system" operates:

2-min X video:


Anonymous said...

Sam Francis was right. And the so called far right or conservatives just "too nice guys".

Anonymous said...

My name is Mohammad and I am a black man. Just leave the gay folks alone. Stop O-pressing the gay folks in the same manner as we black folks are treated.

Anonymous said...

I meant to post the Paris Motors story here,because it's just another example of how decent Whites get crucified for stating an opinion that media and other groups are opposed to.

I said years ago,Whites need to organize--even more so in 2024.