Saturday, October 10, 2020

Breaking News Alert: Denver Trump Supporter was Allegedly Shot by Local News Reporter's Bodyguard

By R.C.
Sat, Oct 10, 2020 10:09 p.m.

BREAKING: Denver Trump Supporter was Allegedly Shot by Local News Reporter's Bodyguard



Anonymous said...

Everyone has a gun now so...
If you show up to a rally where pro-Trump and anti-Trump crowds will both be attending--you might just get shot.

If you say to someone a)"Trump's great" or "Trump sucks,"-you might just get shot.

If you're at a blm riot and you bump into one of the many fat,White blob chicks out with their black bfs--you might just get shot.

If you're a black thug with the bright idea of busting into a random Whitey's house,near a blm rally--you might just get shot.

Now,as we learned today,if you say something to a highly sensitive,liberal TV reporter or his bodybuard--you just might get shot.

If you see a car trying to get through a crowded street--filled with antifa/blm'ers and the mob surrounds the car--someone in the mob just might get shot(or run over)


Anonymous said...

Allegedly? How they possibly use the word allegedly?