Sunday, February 05, 2017

You Might be a Liberal, if… (McCoy Political Cartoon)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

“You can't tolerate an opposing opinion without resorting to violence.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You ARE a liberal...
If you have time to blow at rallies. (Non -liberals work)
You ARE a liberal...
(MEN)If you have a voice like Liberace and walk like a supermodel.
(WOMEN)If you have a voice like Dick Cheney and walk like him too.
YOU ARE a liberal...
If you think those last two examples, about men and women I gave,are normal behavior.
YOU ARE a liberal...
If you want blacks to live in white neighborhoods,but not where YOU live.
YOU ARE a liberal(and insane)...
If you think black criminals can be rehabilated and should be released.
YOU ARE a liberal...
If you turn the volume UP when Alec Baldwin,Colbert and Seth Meyer appear on your TV.
I guess that last one is the real barometer for me.
--GR Anonymous