Wise Intelligent Supreme God Allah
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
I thank the old buddy who sent me this article, who writes,
Check out this winner's name (first line in the article).
I strongly suspect that Wise Intelligent Supreme God Allah is a member of the “Five Percenter Nation of Gods [males] and Earths [females],” because that is the way Five Percenters name themselves.
I have been respectfully criticized by Five Percenters for reporting that the cult has taken over organized crime in numerous prisons. They insist that the Nation is non-violent, but that claim is belied by the facts.
The Five Percenters were founded by former member of the Nation of Islam, Clarence Smith (February 22, 1928 – June 13, 1969), who renamed himself Clarence 13X after joining the NOI, and then Allah, after leaving the NOI and founding the Five Percenters. Smith/13X/Allah was murdered by NOI assassins.
I was also mentioned in a book on the Five Percenters, but just searched in vain for it in the library here at the Stix Family compound of Xanadu.
Ohioan, 18, Nabbed on Gun Charges Does Not Appear to be Wise or Intelligent
August 22, 2016
The Smoking Gun
Meet Wise Intelligent Supreme God Allah.
Belying his name, the 18-year-old Ohioan made the imprudent choice Thursday night to be carrying a loaded handgun while a passenger in a car traveling in Akron.
During a police traffic stop, Allah was found with a Hi-Point .380 caliber handgun in the waistband of his pants. The Canton resident was arrested on felony weapons charges, according to Akron Municipal Court records.
None of the four other occupants of the 2014 Kia were arrested during the stop, which occurred in front of a Taco Bell. An Akron Police Department report states that Allah and two women in the vehicle "has history of drugs and weapons."
The accused pistolero--whose rap sheet includes a felony burglary conviction--was booked into the Summit County jail, where he remains locked up on $20,000 bond.
According to court records, Allah’s residence is adjacent to a multi-county juvenile detention facility.
That buck is a real African probably without a single drop of whitey blood.
"after leaving the NOI and founding the Five Percenters. Smith/13X/Allah was murdered by NOI assassins."
Normal standard operating procedure for the Black Muslim. Kill all dissidents from within the movement [such as Malcolm Little].
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