Original title: “Marcel Jackson, Co-Founder of Detroit 300, and Owner of X-Men Security, Fronts for the Nation of Islam Murder Cult, is Murdered While Trying to Keep the Peace at Detroit Nightclub; Detroit News “Reporters” Cover Up NOI Connection

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:
“Detroit: Was Delric Miller IV Murdered Over a Seat at a Baby Shower?; Are Genocidal Black Supremacist Malik Zulu Shabazz and the Nation of Islam Murder Cult Angling to Take Over City?”; and
The Zebra Project: On the Nation of Islam’s Zebra Murders.”]
June 21, 2012
By Nicholas Stix
The Nation of Islam (NOI), which seeks to seize power in Detroit and possibly other cities, such as Houston, has numerous fronts, many of which are under the direct control of Malik Zulu Shabazz (Paris Lewis), whom I suspect NOI leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has chosen as his successor: Detroit 300, the Marcus Garvey Movement, Black Lawyers for Justice, the New Black Panther Party, and surely others.
That the murder victim in this case, Marcel Jackson, was a co-founder of Detroit 300, suggests that he was a member of the NOI. However, his funeral is being held on Sunday, at Detroit’s Pentecostal Greater Grace Temple, so who knows? (Greater Grace is a black megachurch which is the pulpit of charismatic Bishop Charles H. Ellis III. According to Greater Grace’s Web site, Bishop Ellis “is the newly elected Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (P.A.W.).”)
I could find no mention of the Web of Jackson’s security company, United Security and Urban Services. That’s because that isn’t its real name, which is X-Men Security. Although the firm’s Web page shows a picture of a token white security guard, its name leaves no doubt that it is yet another NOI front, though one that since mid-1990s controversies, has managed to keep a low media profile, likely because it has received more support from politicians and the MSM.
Why a man so deeply involved with the NOI would be laid to rest at a Pentecostal church, and the relationship that church has to the NOI, are questions beyond the limits of this article.
[Postscript, October 16, 2015: At the very least, Bishop Ellis is a very close NOI ally, and at worst, Greater Grace Temple is yet another NOI front.]
Note that the Detroit News “reporters” who wrote the story below breathe not a word about the NOI. Detroit reporters never do, in stories on NOI fronts.
[P.S. Note that in the NOI, members of the bodyguard/security detail the Fruit of Islam (FOI) double as elite assassins, such as the FOI men who murdered New York City PD Patrolman Philip Cardillo on behalf of Min. Louis Farrakhan on April 20, 1972 (Louis 17X Dupree shot Patrolman Cardillo on April 14; he succumbed to his wounds on April 20), and who during the San Francisco “Zebra Murders” two years later, tried to murder lone prosecution witness Anthony Cornelius Harris and his family, his lawyer, and the policemen protecting them:
“Louis Farrakhan’s Murder of New York City Police Department Officer Philip Cardillo”; and
“Domestic Terrorism: The Nation of Islam and the Zebra Murders.”]
By Josh Katzenstein and Tom Greenwood
June 20, 2012 at 5:22 pm
The Detroit News
Detroit — A volunteer for the community activist group Detroit 300 was shot and killed early Wednesday morning while working security at a nightclub in downtown Detroit.
Marcel Jackson, 39, was working at a club in the 400 block of Congress, near Beaubien, and was shot after evicting a man who reportedly had hit a woman in the club earlier in the evening, said Detroit 300 co-founder Angelo Henderson.
Wayne White Jr., 25, was working with Jackson at the club and said the man returned after the club closed looking for his cellphone, but they didn't let him in because he refused to be patted down.
The man came back around 3:15 a.m., according to Detroit Police, in the passenger seat of a smoke gray Dodge Charger from about 2007 to 2009. The car circled the area a few times and returned without the passenger.
"We were paying attention to the Charger, then we heard shots from over here," White said, explaining the shots came from a different direction about 25 feet away.
White, whose bulletproof vest stopped one bullet, said Jackson was shot in the back with the bullet entering his lung and then exiting through his neck. He died Wednesday around 6 a.m. at Detroit Receiving Hospital.
A "hard-core family man," Jackson was married to his childhood sweetheart and was the father of six children, including a 5 1/2 -month-old daughter, said Detroit 300 spokesman Che Daniels.
Stan Shephard, Jackson's father-in-law, said a group of about 30 relatives celebrated Father's Day on Sunday at an Outback Steakhouse in West Bloomfield Township. Shephard said relatives are at Jackson's west-side home providing support for the children, and his widow is handling the death as well as possible. The couple's 17th wedding anniversary is Sunday.
"We're trying to keep her optimistic because that's all he was about, taking care of the family," Shephard said. "That's the kind of person he was."
Leaders of the activist group said Jackson was one of the first people they called when the group needed to patrol the streets. Daniels said Jackson spent the past few days searching for the man who allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl on the city's west side.
"Just a good guy, man," Daniels said. "He gave his all for the city of Detroit."
Jackson was the owner of executive protection agency United Security and Urban Services, based in Southfield, and planned to start a job next month as a security officer for the federal government, Daniels said.
The Detroit 300 is a group of citizens, civic groups, organizations and businesses that have joined together to fight crime in the city's residential neighborhoods.
The organization is asking for donations on the family's behalf. Donations can be made at Roberts Riverwalk Hotel and Residence Detroit, 1000 River Place, or by calling the Detroit 300 hotline at (313) 826-2040 or (313) 826-8662.
"This guy helped others when they're down and out, and it's time now to do what we can to try and help them," Henderson said.
Detroit 300 volunteers have gathered about $5,000, and Daniels is asking [read: leaning on] area businesses to match the group's donation. In spite of the tragedy, Shephard said he appreciates the support from the community.
"It's a show of unity in this family and the community over here because Marcel was so widely known as a family man and always out to help somebody or to help diffuse [sic] some kind of situation," he said. "That's what my son-in-law was all about."
Jackson's funeral will be 5 p.m. Sunday at Greater Grace Temple, 23500 West Seven Mile.
The suspect is about 5-foot-7 with dark skin and was wearing a white shirt, cargo shorts and black-and-white athletic shoes when the incident occurred, Henderson said. The Detroit 300 is pleading for anybody who saw the suspect at the club, including the woman he allegedly harassed [sic; he allegedly battered her, which is an entirely different matter], to call police with information.
Anyone with information can call the Detroit Police Homicide Unit at (313) 596-2260 or Crime Stoppers at (800) SPEAK-UP.
(313) 222-2019
Anonymous said...
You have NO idea what you are talking about. US&US and X-Men is NO FRONT for NOI and they are not the same, they are two different businesses. As a reporter you should be a little bit more professional and get your facts strait.
Sunday, June 24, 2012 at 9:38:00 AM EDT
Nicholas said...
Anonymous Liar,
I researched the matter, and got my facts "strait" [sic]. No wonder you hide behind anonymity. If I were you, I would, too.
Let me guess. You support the murder cult.
To my honest readers: The "link" to "US&US" is nothing but a re-direct to X-Men.
Sunday, June 24, 2012 at 10:10:00 AM EDT
Hollie Jackson said...
No you did not do your research, your so-called facts are 100% false!! I'm Marcel's wife Hollie (married to this wonderful man for 17 yrs) and I am outraged that you would post such incorrect information on my husband who was the best in the security field that this city has seen. I Would hate for our 6 beautiful children to read such crap about their father who was a wonderful man who looked out for all people and who just wanted a better community for his family!! Marcel I miss you dearly!! A great thank you to The Detroit 300 and my church Greater Grace for their continuous support for our family!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 3:34:00 AM EDT
Nicholas said...
Dear Mrs. Jackson,
You made a completely vague and unsubstantiated charge against me, regarding your late husband, may he rest in peace.
I let you vent. Now I demand of you to specify, in precise terms what, if anything, I misrepresented about him. For you have not supported your charge that my “so-called facts are 100% false!!“ with one iota of evidence. Indeed, the one factual statement you made, “No you did not do your research,” was 100% false.
Getting things right is a point of pride with me. However, baseless, bombastic condemnations do not humble me. If you can show that I got something wrong in my item, I would be glad to correct it. As it is, I said nothing about your husband personally.
It's a terrible thing for six children and a wife to lose their father, their husband, their breadwinner, their champion. Baselessly condemning stranger may not be in the same galaxy, but it's still nothing to be proud of.
Nicholas Stix
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 2:49:00 PM EDT
Anonymous said...
your a piece of shit and this needs to be deleted
Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 5:47:00 PM EDT
Nicholas said...
Anonymous, racist, coward (Saturday, September 8, 2012 5:47:00 PM EDT),
After debating whether to post your vituperation, I decided to do so, in order to show, for the zillionth time, how pathetic my critics are.
Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 12:14:00 AM EDT
Nick, you are a racist bastard for sure. Being very close to the facts as I am, it amazes me how you can propagate lies about The N.O.I. as truth. How can you represent or claim Christ and @ the same time telling out right lies against other members of the human family...
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 12:48:00 PM EST
You are a vile spawn of Satan. Being one that is VERY close to the community, your lies about The NOI and how you present the so-called truth is as close to Christ as the sun is to the earth
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 12:51:00 PM EST
David In TN said...
I just sent some news items on the trials of the two perpetrators. For info, Google "Marcel Jackson Murder."
Friday, October 16, 2015 at 11:27:00 AM EDT
Nicholas said...
Thanks, David!
Friday, October 16, 2015 at 11:39:00 AM EDT
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