🆘‼️🐸📢 You think it's in Mosul? No, the Liberal #Copenhagen under shouts of "Allahu Akbar" and "La ilaha illa Allah". pic.twitter.com/ItCDwqDAK7
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) August 21, 2016
"You think it's in Mosul? No, the Liberal #Copenhagen under shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' and 'La ilaha illa Allah.'"
"They" are no longer at the gates.
That does appear to be the black battle flag of ISIL. It is all for Denmark and Europe. They are finished. Islam will take over. Hell, from that video you can see that it already has. The chickens have home to roost and I for one am not glad.
The latest this morning,is the FBI thinks there is a terror cell,operating in NJ/NY,and a manhunt is in progress for one of Obama's and HRC's immigrant types,Ahmad KHAN Ramani.The name KHAN comes back into the news.
When the bombs went off Saturday,I heard DiBlasio say,"There is no connection between the two bombings in NJ and NY".That was outright bull,as anyone with a brain could understand,two incidents don't just pop up coincidentally.
Go get 'em Trump.Keep speaking the truth.
--GR Anonymous
Hillary Clinton had a quick presser this morning,and her suggestion that Muslims should tell on other Muslims--in order to stop terror attacks,will never occur.Do blacks inform on other blacks,even AFTER crimes are committed?Rarely.To expect Muslims to give info BEFORE an event,is pie in the sky.
I'm watching this garbage and the reporters garbage questions.Someone named Monica asked this one:
"Could these attacks be because Isis and Russia want Trump to be president?"
Who would ask a question like that?Clinton ate it up,just as if she wrote the question herself.What crap...and complicity.
--GR Anonymous
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