Friday, March 07, 2014

Ted Rall: Sovereignty isn’t for Everybody



Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to Ex-Army Libertarian Nationalist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, gotta love Ted Rall, he hits it square on...All that impotent sabre rattling over Crimea by Obama is as sanctimonious as it is hypocritical. Never once does he mention or anyone anywhere in the mainstream media that 80% of the oil used by Eastern Europe flows through the area. Russia is going to assert control of the area and no amount of military threats or threats of sanctions is going to stop them. Gotta love the style of those Russkies, they don't bother so much, like the US, to contrive elaborate ruses about WMD's or phony charade's about helping persecuted people in countries we invade, they just do what they feel needs to be done. Jerry