Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Sugar Ray Rice Lands KO on His Beatch (Video!)


Ray Rice -- ELEVATOR KNOCKOUT ... Fiancee Takes Crushing Punch [Video]
Well, now we know: Ray Rice can win a fistfight with a girl. If only girl fight promoters can find females willing to get in the ring with him, he’ll find himself a new career!

The caption read, "Bal Ray Rice marries Janay Palmer amid assault. Ray Rice shown with daughter Rayven and Janay Palmer at The Lyric in This Sun." The eyeglasses are fake, and will have been procured by Rice's lawyer, so that his client will look like a rocket scientist to the jury. Rice got his girlfriend/victim to marry him, so that when his case goes to the court, she can't be forced to testify against him.


By A Texas Reader

She should have listened to John Derbyshire's "The Talk."

Now he can get a real job.

Like, say, "working" for the postal "service."


Chicago guy said...

Yeah, but who really cares? She sure doesn't having married him. Why should anyone else care more about it than she does? It's just two hedgehogs dealing with each other. Michael Vick tortured and hanged dogs as part of his dogfighting hobby yet was allowed back into football. All was forgiven. He got a pass like all these ballplayers do.

Anonymous said...

They said the "boy" will not have to forfeit his signing bonus or other incentives. The contract will not allow the team to deny him many tens of millions.

And this Rice can ask for reinstatement in several years or less EVEN AFTER HAVING BEEN BANNED FOR LIFE. Life never seems to be life.

Anonymous said...

Big strapping black dude and he cold cocked her with a single punch. They are very physically able. Robust and sturdy and always very dangerous. Use violence more often for less reason.

Anonymous said...

The Sugar man can claim they are denying him the right to practice his trade. The punch is not related to his work. Hell, he might even win in court.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that a job requirement of a big-time football coach (college or pro) is the ability to act as a criminal defense attorney.

David In TN

Anonymous said...

The way some black women behave...I don't know if I can really blame Mr. Rice too much, for those who say a man should never under any circumstances lay a hand on a woman, I say, yes, in most cases, but if Crystal Mangum's boyfriend had been a little quicker with his fists he might still be alive. Jerry PDX