Monday, March 03, 2014

Even Weatherman Al Roker Says That NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio/Wilhelm is Incompetent, but de Blasio’s Aggressive Incompetence is Fueled by His Racism (My New VDARE Report is Up!)


New York City community organizer Bill de Blah-Blah-blah, l, and NBC weatherman Al Roker

Published on March 3, 2014 at 10:15 p.m.
By Nicholas Stix

To borrow from Casey Stengel, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio is amazin.’

In their 1962 maiden season, the New York Mets were the worst team in big league history. The team went 40-120, a record for futility that still stands. Someone asked Mets manager Casey Stengel to describe his team. In classic Stengelese, Casey lamented, “They’re amazin.’”

The Mets were trying hard to win, but they were awful. Mayor de Blasio, by contrast, is trying to lose. His incompetence is the expression of his racial hatred. He hates productive whites and Asians, and loves deadbeat and criminal blacks and Hispanics….

[Read the whole thing here.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Bloomberg was running the show he didn't plow the snow quick enough and a fleet of busses were stranded on the roads which caused vehicles that could move to stop and get stuck too. The subways also mostly stopped.

The only transport I could find working was on Flatbush, those illegal dollar (now $2) vans operated by likely illegal immigrants from the Islands. Apparently their limited English and formal education did not prevent them from getting snow tires.

As far as DeBasio goes it depends on what the purpose of the schools is. If you believe they are a babysitting service, then he did the right thing keeping them open so that people with jobs too important for a snowday could park their kids at school and go to work.

BTW, Bloomberg bought labor peace by increasing pensions. Now the city is broke which is why snow removal is so screwed up. You don't need a competent mayor to order snow removal, you need $$$$ which after Bloomberg is in short supply.