[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:
“Vanessa Marcotte, 27: Another Lovely, Young, Diversity Murder Victim; but She Fought Back Heroically, and Identified Her Killer and Would-be Rapist from the Grave.”]
By Reader-Researcher RC
"We got him": Police arrest Vanessa Marcotte's suspected killer
Angelo Colon-Ortiz, 31, was indicted for murder on Friday by a grand jury over the slaying of 27-year-old Vanessa Marcotte in August near her mother's home in ...

Murder suspect Angelo Colon-Ortiz at his arraignment
Jogging while white. Sorta like riding your bike through a colored area.
What is the immigration status of the villain.
Too late now to matter.Maybe,if massive roundups and deportations of Mexicans, plus massive roundups of blacks (with warrants for starters-and a ride to the nearest state pen),THEN and only then would it be safe for white females to jog again.There has to be discussion of more prisons and more aggressive ICE personnel to turn this sh*t around.But this continues to happen,day by day,little by little.No one gets steamed.More importantly,no WHITES get steamed,except for Steve King,Nicholas Stix etc.These views get overwhelmed by the MSM and their denial/amnesia of such events.
DJTrump,Sessions,Banyon and the like,must coordinate a tough anti-criminal plan.That means no illegals and no repeat felons running around our cities.
Or else,this type of heinous crime increases to a level of normalcy.
--GR Anonymous
What do you want to bet she voted for Obama and planned to vote for Hillary?
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