Killer, Dr. Henry Bello, shot his victims with an M-16 rifle which he’d hidden under a long coat; it is not clear whether he used the rifle or a handgun to kill himself. Bello’s corpse was found near that of a woman he’d murdered. Don’t be surprised if Bello was a “former employee,” because he’d been fired, due to a sexual harassment complaint by the vic he murdered. My hunch is that he was yet another African immigrant, possibly form Nigeria. (I found a Linked In page with his name that said nothing but “Nigeria.” No pic.)
[Previously, on this atrocity, at WEJB/NSU:
“Breaking News: Black M.D., Dr. Henry Bello, Former Employee Commits Mass Shooting in Bronx Hospital, Shooting 7, Killing 1; Killer Has been Killed.”]
Lesta has got to go.He led off with this story,appropriately,but then spent more time on a road rage incident in Pennsylvania.
Why?An 18 year old black girl was shot by a white guy(allegedly)as they drove down a highway.Of course road rage cases occur across the country,on a regular basis--so what possible reason to cherry pick THIS one?
I'll let everyone figure that out.
Also,Serena Williams sister,Venus,is being sued for killing a white man in a car accident that Lesta admitted was Venus's fault.NNN gave an animated replay of the accident--from Williams' lawyer point of view.
"She was stuck in traffic when a light changed and she was where she shouldn't have been."
Or maybe she thought McEnroe was in the other car.
--GR Anonymous
Urg let's make everything about race.
It's time for Trump to give bribes to white people to knock each other up.
Instead of Cash for Clunkers,make it,"Bucks for Babies."I was going to say "Bucks for Fu*ks",but ehhh.
To qualify:
1.)You have to be working. (That eliminates most minorities).
2.You must be in a two parent,normal household(that should eliminate the rest of the minorities).
The amount can be given as a bonus exemption on your Fed taxes.
Next problem?
--GR Anonymous
Any word on the race of the woman doctor he murdered? Hate crime?
See: http://fosterspeak.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-exterminationist-left-happy-trails.html
Once a photo is found of the woman who was sexually assaulted by this 'Doctor' - ie, 'the bitch that got me fired' - is found and posted, the story will be much clearer here.
Made advances to a co-worker and was rebuffed? "Advances".
However, the New York Times reported that it’s not clear whether Bello was born in the U.S., but he had a social security number since his teens; he was born as Henry Williams Obotetukudo.
According to The New York Times, Bello went to medical school in the Caribbean at Ross University School of Medicine in Dominica, and convinced Lebanon Hospital to take a chance on him as a “house physician.”
Bello was listed as a family physician on the hospital website. However, despite the fact that Bello is listed as a doctor on the hospital website, The New York Post reported that “there are no state records of a Henry Bello with a medical license.” The New York Daily News reported that he “worked as a licensed pharmacy technician in the family medicine unit.”
So he's an illegal alien. worked his way into the US via the medical mill Ross University. Doesn't anyone wonder why he was working under a fake name? Convicted felons change their names to try to stop background checks.
Sounds like a typical son of the third world. Living in a homeless shelter while dressing up.
When is the press going to print that he's an illegal alien? He had no right to be in the USA. The hospital, wanting to push a black African doctor on the masses took a chance on him? No doubt he exhibited a lot more threatening and aggressive behavior but because blacks get away with murder and it's all explained away he was allowed to act out. Bastard. There's a lot more Nigerians just like him living in NYC.
He thought he was Bill Cosby.
He is not Nigerian. Nigerians do not have names like that, I would know seeing as I am Nigerian. Immigrants are not the problem, ignorant dumb Americans are. Even if a person is an immigrant, does that automatically make him/ her a criminal? The only Natives of America are Aboriginals not Caucasians anyway. Also, there are not many Nigerians in NYC, there are lots of Americans who claim to be Nigerians and are not Nigerian. Carribeans are not Nigerians, perhaps you don't know there is a difference? Lastly, the Bronx Lebanon hospital has a number of African doctors (Nigerian doctors included) and a number of Asian doctors too. The hospital is quite diverse but then again, so is New York. Obviously, you are not from New York because just about everyone knows how diverse New York is.
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