By “W” and An Anonymous Reader
Gunman opens fire inside Bronx hospital, multiple people shot
By Larry Celona, Shawn Cohen and Danika Fears
June 30, 2017 | 3:18pm | Updated
A man with a doctor’s coat and a rifle opened fire on multiple floors of a Bronx hospital Friday afternoon, killing one woman and injuring up to six people, sources said.
The shooter, Henry Bello, is a former employee at Bronx Lebanon Hospital, according to sources.

Killer, Dr. Henry Bello
He’s dead, sources said.
Bello went on a shooting spree around 3 p.m., opening fire on five floors of the hospital, sources said. There was an explosion on another floor, sources said.
Three of the victims are doctors, according to the New York Times.
As a gunman opened fire, people inside hid in place as authorities searched for the gunman.
“What do you do when you hospital has shooter in it,” @herrydrk posted on Instagram, with a photo showing her door boarded up with a chair and and [sic] garbage can.
She later took a selfie in the same room, with the caption, “Nice start of the weekend.”
Another Instagram user, @bodonf, posted a video in Spanish calling himself “just a guy stuck in a room in the hospital.”
He said was told to stay put while the hospital was placed on lockdown.
why put black MD then?
Score another one for "affirmative action." I've heard about blacks getting into medical school after failing undergraduate chemistry. How they pass the medical boards and become doctors is beyond my understanding.
Anon Coward,
Would you have me put, "White M.D."?
Stupid headline to call out black. How about Christian doctor? Someone was not thinking here.
Yes! Put "White" shooter when the perpetrator is white-- or leave the race baiting out! Your very first headline word is "black" to immediately incite racial polarizing. When you reported the congressional baseball practice shooter, did you put "White male" shoots congressman??
I am assuming this to be a hate crime? About time we treat thugs like they deserve to be treated! I am sure the hospital is lawyering up for the Ambulance chasing lawyers to bring suit after suit trying to extort money like the little boy in Ferguson that the LEO shot with his hands up and his back toward the LEO. Why do these municipalities agree to these multi-million dollar settlements to the criminal elements. Where was Michael Brown's Parents during his wild thuggery trip thru Ferguson.
So what you're saying is that the majority of MD's that are black only got into school because of their skin color, and not because they are smart and have worked hard? If I understand that correctly you are an ignorant person.
I think there is quite a lot that is beyond your understanding.
really affirmative action WOW
Wtf is wrong with people? Stop putting color on a tragedy.
Sounds like bullshit
Wtf is wrong with ppl? Stop putting color on a tragedy.
who cares if he's black? how about another worthless media idiot TRYING to incite a race war?
But guns are outlawed in NY? this has to be fake news....
Thanks lefty this could be obamblas brother....
You must be a blast at parties! Have a great weekend!
How about neither black or white? Just his name is all we need, what's the matter with you?!
This tragedy was unrelated to affirmative action. The usage of racist language only propagates hatred and makes events like this more likely to occur in the future.
Your privilege is showing and you're using those code word I see, if you would do some research, Affirmative Action was gutted years ago so I'm not understanding your logic of making a reckless statement like that, and if you want to know that the truth it benefited white women more than any other groups. When you say ignorant things like this there's no surprise that Donald Chump is the president.
Ravener said...
Friday, June 30, 2017 at 5:19:00 P.M. EDT
“Stupid headline to call out black. How about Christian doctor? Someone was not thinking here.”
Of course, you always complain when the media identify criminals as “white.”
Of course, not. “Not thinking” – pot, kettle.
You are an ass to talk about affirmative action how dare you he was an international doctor they are usually brilliant. Like the doctor that opened up the concussion debate, he wasn't affirmative action he was simply brilliant. He knew that football caused concussions and brain damage before any of his White doctor counterparts knew so, please. I am a speech/language therapist who holds a Masters from New York University affimative action had nothing to do with my degrees.
What's wrong with listing the facts? Why avoid the fact he is black? Would you be whining if he was white and it said white doctor, or is it only when someone is non white that it shouldn't be listed? A description is simply a description. If he was running around your neighborhood, what would you need to know to keep safe and protect your family? Most media consistently avoids 'identifying' certain races to shape perceptions, rather inform. Simply go to the FBI crime stats if you want to know the facts.
Typically whites are not mentioned by race nor are their pictures posted immediately, if at all. Hence, the point others are trying to make.
When a white kills a black, the races and racial motivation are emphasized. If you're denying that, you're a liar.
Complex issue! Here was a guy who was desperately trying to become somebody! Despite not having the academics, enrolled in a medical diploma mill. Sadly, he was not able to keep up with his medical peers and was fired. Lost his opportunity to become a doctor, had no wife, no kids, in deep debt and at 45 years, was most likely looking at a minimum wage job! His ego just could not handle it!!!!!!!
The root evil stems from these private, money hungry micky-mouse medical schools that tender false hopes of desperate people like Mr.Bello.
As a physician with a US medical degree and a PHD on why our criminal justice system doesn't reform criminals, may I suggest the real origin of this tragedy.
1. Dr. Bello was sexually violent long before he went berserk.
2. What most of us don't know is that our justice system is filled with judges - white and black - who for various reasons treat our most violent criminals better than all the others. The most violent quickly learn from our judges that violence works.
4. This is what happened with Dr Bello isn't it? A judge gave Bello a sentence of community service for his first (media reported) sexual assault and attempted kidnapping of a young woman - a horrible crime. This minimal sentence reduced a felony to a minor misdemeanor. This is what allowed Ross to accept him into medical school, the state to license Dr. Bello and the hospital to hire him. This is a unrecognized and very very important factor in the US problem with violent crime.
We will always have killers among us. But this tragedy would not have occurred had a judge given Bello a felony sentence and put him behind bars the first time. Because Ross Medical School would never have accepted him, the state never licensed him and the hospital never hired him. We truly need judges who give violent criminals sentences commensurate with their violence from the start E Morgan
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