Monday, November 07, 2016

Detailed Voting Rules for Tomorrow: Carefully Read These, so You Don't Screw Up!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I thank the old buddy who sent this along.

If you're an illegal alien - you get to vote twice.

If you're an illegal alien and dead - three times.

If you're an illegal alien and dead and you're a member of La Raza - four times.

If you're an illegal alien and dead and you're a member of La Raza and gay - five times.

If you're an illegal alien and dead and you're a member of La Raza and gay and a feminazi - six times.

If you're an illegal alien and dead and you're a member of La Raza and gay and a feminazi and on welfare - eight times.

If you're an illegal alien and dead and you're a member of La Raza and gay and a feminazi and on welfare and an honorary member of Black Lies Matter - nine times.

If you're an illegal alien and dead and you're a member of La Raza and gay and a feminazi and on welfare and an honorary member of Black Lies Matter and you've assaulted a Trump supporter - ten times.

If you're an illegal alien and dead and you're a member of La Raza and gay and a feminazi and on welfare and an honorary member of Black Lies Matter and you've assaulted a Trump supporter and you don't even reside in America - as many times as you can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about whites?Will OUR votes get counted AT ALL in some of these Soros states?
There are some late polls and stories making the rounds tonight.Redstate watcher is saying that,"Hillary has given up on Florida and Ohio and North Carolina."
Would be great news.
Redstate watcher,a very optimistic site for Trump.
They also deem to report that,with poll adjustments for an exploding white vote and a disinterested black vote,certain states can be moved into the Trump New Hampshire,Nevada and Virginia (neck and neck).
Pennsylvania still 2% up for Clinton,Colorado is 1% up for Clinton--even with adjustments.
That's the latest.
--GR Anonymous