By David in TN
Last night on the ID Channel (Investigative Discovery) there was an episode of 20/20 on ID Presents: Homicide. It was about "The Yoga Store Murder." It will be repeated on the ID Channel early Sunday morning, November 20, at 5 a.m. ET. You can set your DVR for it.
The show isn't bad. The racial aspect is mentioned in a roundabout way.
When the detectives realized Norwood was faking her injuries and had killed Jayna Murray, they were cautious and "took it slow." Brittaney Norwood, you see, was "a typical upper-middle-class black kid," and accusing her of falsely claiming rape and then murdering a white woman could mean "hell to pay."
It's acknowledged that "petty theft followed Norwood where she went."
The lead detective, a light-skinned black man, said of the brutal murder: "I can't fathom it. A woman doing this to another woman. It makes no sense. Zilch."
Maybe the proprietor of NSU/WEJB could enlighten him.
Friday, November 18, 2016 at 7:46:00 P.M. EST

Apple employee Jana Svrzo told two managers what she'd heard, but they refused to do anything

Apple store senior manager Ricardo Rios suffered no repercussions for his negligence; instead, Apple made the security guards the fall guys
[Previously, on this racist atrocity, at WEJB/NSU:
“Bethesda Cops: Black Yoga Store Worker Murdered White Colleague, Made Up Story about Masked Rapist-Killers, in Order to Avoid Jail for Thefts”;
“Black Bethesda Yoga Store Worker Brittany Norwood is Charged with Killing Her White Colleague, Jayna Murray: Five Videos”;
“Trial Date Set For Britanny Norwood, in Non-Hate Crime Murder in Bethesda, Maryland, lululemon athletica Store”;
“Reader Who Claims to Have Known Jayna Murray, Whose Killer Smashed Her Skull in for 20 Minutes in lululemon athletica, Has Compassion for the Killer, but None for Those Who Would Judge Her”;
“In Web Posts and Emails, Friends of Brittany Norwood, the Racist Lululemon Killer of Jayna Murray, Paint Mutually Contradictory Portraits of Norwood”;
“In 2007, Ex-Boyfriend Charged That Lululemon Murderer Brittany Norwood was Stalking Him”;
“Already in August, Lululemon Killer Brittany Norwood’s Lawyer was Playing the ‘Crazy Card’”;
“New Details in Grisly Lululemon Murder: Brittany Norwood Used at Least 4 Different Weapons to Kill Jayna Murray; Prosecutor: Crime was ‘Pre-Meditated’”;
Lululemon Trial of Brittany Norwood, for the Murder of Jayna Murray, Day 1: The Defense is Not Using the “Crazy Card,” but the “She Lost It Card”;
“The Desperate Struggle of Jayna Murray: Lululemon Murder Victim Tried to Escape, and was Alive Through Most of the Horrific Beating Brittany Norwood Inflicted on Her, Sustaining 322 Wounds (Washington Times)”;
“Lululemon Murder Trial, Day 2: A Bloody Video, in a Tear-Filled Courtroom”;
“The Lululemon Murder Trial, Day 3: The Apple Employees Who Heard the Murder, but Did Nothing”;
“Lululemon Trial: Is the ‘Crazy Card’ Off the Table for Jayna Murray’s Racist Killer, Brittany Norwood?”;
“Lululemon Trial: Rotten Apple; Computer Giant’s Employees Listened to the Murder Through a Shared Wall … and Listened … and Listened”;
“Lululemon Verdict in: Brittany Norwood Convicted of 1st-Degree Murder, for Killing Jayna Murray! Ice-Cold, Calculating Killer Faces Up to Life Until Parole”;
“Racist, Savage, Remorseless Killer Brittany Norwood Inflicted 322 Wounds on Jayna Murray, but Killer’s Family Says She Has ‘a Heart of Gold’”;
“The Murder of Jayna Murray: Killer Brittany Norwood’s Family, Friends, and Defense Attorneys Made Ludicrous Attempts to Justify Granting Her the Possibility of Parole”;
“Washington Post's Melinda Henneberger Sympathizes with Lululemon Killer Brittany Norwood and Her Mother, While Ignoring Victim Jayna Murray and Her Mom”;
“Jayna Murray Murder on ID Channel Sunday Night”;
“The Lululemon Murder: Videotapes of Police Interrogation of Brittany Norwood, the Racist, Savage Murderer of Jayna Murray Just Released!”;
“The Yoga Store Murder: New Book Published on Brittany Norwood’s Savage, Racist Murder of Jayna Murray at Bethesda’s Lululemon Store”;
“The Lululemon Murder: Racist Black Murderer-Thief Brittany Norwood was also a Prostitute, Reports (Other) Book on the Atrocity by Peter Ross Range”;
“THE YOGA STORE MURDER: Book on Black Brittany Norwood’s Savage, Racially Motivated Murder of White Jayna Murray in the Lululemon Athletica Store, Where They Both Worked; Washington Post Buries the Real Story”;
“Savage, Racist, Black Brittany Norwood is Appealing Her Conviction for Murdering White Jayna Murray by Stabbing and Slashing Her 331 Times in Lululemon Athletica, While Managers in the Apple Store Next Door Listened and Did Nothing.”
Masked rapists/killers? I bet the women said that regardless of the masks she could TELL they were white men.
This is about a good of a sentence as you are going to get. Sad to say but the family of the victim got about the best that can be gotten.
Black women will never admit the intense jealousy,resentment and hatred they harbor toward attractive white women.They know that they could never compete in the looks department.Nothing could have prepared me for the abuse I experienced being the only white woman in a major city department.I was sent to areas of the city where black staff were too afraid to go.I really caught the wrath of black females when black males would hit up on me.I found these bitter,surly malcontents nothing but saboteurs.
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