Wheelchair-bound Lauren Garcia testifying at Thandiwe Nkosi's trial yesterday

By Nicholas Stix
Yesterday saw the first testimony, by surviving victim Lauren Garcia, in the trial of Nkosi Thandiwe for the racially-motivated spree that left Brittney Watts dead, Garcia maimed, and Tiffany Ferenczi wounded.
The media presented this as yet another “senseless” (read: motiveless) killing. It was as if Nkosi Thandiwe had, for no particular reason, walked over to the parking deck, turned and saw Brittney Watts sitting in her car and, for no possible reason, raised his arm. Then a gun, which had mysteriously placed itself in his hand, “went off,” “randomly” shooting Watts in the throat, killing her instantly, whereupon Thandiwe entered Mrs. Watts’ vehicle, pushing her out, driving away, and “randomly” shooting two other women. Shortly after Thandiwe’s arrest, which was elaborately orchestrated by his prominent defense attorney mother, he implicitly confessed to the crimes, by playing the “crazy card.” (If you’re innocent of a crime with which you’ve been charged, instead of gamesmanship and playing the crazy card, you simply plead straight up “not guilty.”)
This mope’s crazy, alright: Crazy like a fox! His defense attorneys at the time argued out of both sides of their mouths that Thandiwe was and was not temporarily insane, as a ploy to get the death penalty off the table. Why such gamesmanship, with or without the contradictions, would suffice to get the death penalty off the table is not logically explicable. Short answer: Forget it, Jake. It’s Atlanta.
Early on, an Atlanta source contacted me. This person had heard that Thandiwe had been sexually stalking Watts, using the monitors at his security console. He had seen her on the monitor coming down for lunch in the elevator, and rushed out to the parking deck ahead of her, where he knew she parked her car.
He would have to have been stalking her for days.
I contacted Thandiwe’s employer, Allied Barton Security, and spoke with an Allied Barton VP named Alan Stein, who sandbagged me. Stein didn’t even have the decency to give me a simple “no comment,” but instead played a game whereby he demanded that I apply for an interview, as if I were applying for a job, including my employer’s “credentials.” Was I supposed to send Stein Peter Brimelow’s Stanford MBA?
With time, it became apparent why Stein had nothing to say—he and Allied Barton Security Services had much to hide.
Comes the trial, and it turns out that there were wounds all over Watts’ body, at the very least from a man’s hands, a sharp object, and the killer’s gun. That means that her killer was in the car with her prior to murdering her, and devoted some time to brutalizing and torturing her, slashing her across the forehead and the stomach, and wounding her hips and wrists.
In other words, Mrs. Brittney Watts fought for her life…and her virtue.
Defense and prosecutorial teams gather at the bench for a sidebarThe only explanation for a woman having hips that were wounded by her killer would be if he had raped or attempted to rape her. Oddly enough, Fulton County prosecutors laid no charges that would follow from a woman’s hips being so wounded by her killer. Then again, Fulton County’s criminal justice system is run by corrupt, racist, black DA Paul Howard, with whom we are unfortunately all too familiar.
Another thing we’d learned since Thandiwe’s arrest (but had suspected from the get-go) was that there were three factors the media had covered up in this killing:
1. Race;
2. Race; and
3. Race.
After Thandiwe’s arrest, readers who claimed to be his friends presented a picture of him as a peace-loving Renaissance Man, and the media did nothing to dispel that image.
Eventually, it turned out that Nkosi Thandiwe was not only not a peace-loving man, he wasn’t even your run-of-the-mill black racist, which would merely put him in the company of 90 percent or so of America’s black residents. Rather, he is a bouncing-off-of-walls, openly violent black supremacist.
Although Thandiwe had been employed at the Proscenium Building by Allied Barton Security Services for roughly one year at the time that he allegedly murdered Brittney Watts, he had already committed at least two racist incidents, one of them including an act of violence. In one case, he’d reportedly attacked and hurled racial epithets at a sexless white delivery person, and had to be physically restrained by an Allied Barton colleague.
Last April, Mrs. Watts’ widower, Brian Watts, Lauren Garcia, and Tiffany Ferenczi all filed separate lawsuits against Allied Barton Security Services, ManuLife Financial Corp. and John Hancock Life Insurance Co., co-owners of the Proscenium building, charging the companies, worth billions, with negligence, alleging that they had all known of Thandiwe’s violent racism, prior to his murderous spree, and done nothing.
[Court filings] said Thandiwe demonstrated an intensely negative attitude toward another race, which was unnamed [?!]. About a month prior to the shooting, Thandiwe had an altercation with a visitor with the parking garage.Documents state he assailed a visiting courier with racial epithets and had to be physically restrained by company personnel from striking and causing harm to visitors.
Company officials, lawyers and shooting victims declined to comment on the matter.
But attorney Musa Ghanayem, who is unaffiliated with the case, gave his legal perspective.
"I saw where there were a couple of instances prior where they have red flags come up; that Mr. Thandiwe has some issues as a security guard," Ghanayem said.
Thadiwe [sic] is still in Fulton County jail. His defense team has asked the court for a mental evaluation. According to documents found before the shooting, there was another act of violence, Huddleston reported.
Mug shot of the racist killer, er, “alleged” killer (just ignore his implicit and explicit confessions to the crime)
Diversity is a double-edged sword: If a firm doesn’t hire unfit black, Hispanic, Moslem or homosexual workers, it gets sued for discrimination, but when it does hire them, they wreak havoc.
Had a white security guard committed such a hate crime against a black delivery person, not only would Allied Barton have fired him on the spot, but he would have immediately been arrested, jailed, and charged with a hate crime. Instead, Allied-Barton allegedly did nothing at all, and Thandiwe was not arrested, either. Meanwhile, had a white (or white-enough) security guard gone on a racially motivated murder spree, it would immediately have been promoted by the media around the world.
With apologies to Mrs. Watts’ widowed husband and family, what a juicy story we have here, yet no one in the MSM wants to tell it! Outside of Atlanta, the only people who have reported on this case are yours truly and Stuff Black People Don’t Like’s Paul Kersey. nbsp;
Previously, on this atrocity, at WEJB/NSU:
“What was the Motive in the Atlanta Murder of Brittney Watts? APD Bigwig Calls Craven Killer ‘Bold’”; “Brittney Watts Murder Update: After Triple Shooting, CBS News Reporter Asks, Is Midtown Atlanta Safe?”;
“The Brittney Watts Murder: Fellow Victim Lauren Garcia, 23, May be Paralyzed for Life”;
“Brittney Watts Murder/Atlanta Midtown Shootings Update”;
“Hearing Re-Scheduled in Brittney Watts Murder Case”;
“The Brittney Watts Murder Case: Nkosi Thandiwe is Playing New Variations on the Crazy Card”;
“Brittney Watts Murder Update: Suspect Loses Lawyer”;
“Never Too Busy to Hate: Affirmative Action Criminal Justice in Atlanta”; and
Chicago crime just keeps rolling along...Jerry
Thandiwe just took the stand and said he did it becasue of "the way white people treated black people." He then said his "mind was a blank and it was an out of body experience."
Something of a contradiction, one would think.
David In TN
Compare and contrast the media and our presidents response to Treyvon Martin. Insane. This country has turned utterly and completely insane.
The issue of women in inappropriate jobs has often come up here. Well here's an example. Watch the woman helplessly try to stop this man from attacking his ex girlfriend. I've seen female security guards and cops that wouold have been even more ineffectual. Jerry
His mother is a prominent defense attorney so one supposes she would also be involved in coaching him as to what to say. So how far did the apple fall from the tree in this case? How much of his outlook did he get from her? Kind of wonder about that. He really regressed back to the mean in double time.
And I see Atlanta is still using female guards to escort dangerous and murderous felons in court. They didn't learn anything from Brian Nichols.
I think that a law should be passed that when one murders or rapes someone outside of one's own race it should be automatically deemed a racial hate crime for which it would be punishable by death.That would be justice.
As a tax payer I'm damn tired of seeing such criminals get rewarded with free housing,food,clothes.electricity,water,dental and medical at the state resorts where they lift weights and play basketball all day while we work to pay for it. Put these worthless bastards to work or put them down.
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