By David in TN
Last updated at 10:58 a.m., on Sunday, July 17, 2011.
This story just broke about the murder of Brittney Watts, 26. The suspect, one Nkosi Thandiwe, 22, turned himself in and already has a lawyer. He has been charged with one count of first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault.
Although according to the excerpted Atlanta Journal-Constitution story below, Thandiwe murdered Watts and then stole her Prius, there was no mention of a carjacking charge, though that may have to wait for the feds.

This took place in a parking garage in the middle of the day in Atlanta's business section. The suspect seems to have been waiting for the victim. He was a security guard where she worked, no less.
You can guess at a possible motive-maybe he asked her for a date and Miss Watts said “No.”
The suspect also shot (one seriously) two women walking by the entrance to the parking garage as he drove out.
Although the security company Thandiwe worked for, AlliedBarton Security Services, maintains that he passed a background check, there is one red flag so far: A neighbor says that some of the people living in Thandiwe’s house liked to shoot off guns into the air in the backyard. And the defendant’s father appears to be a belligerent soul.
No word, of course, on whether the defendant and his father are immigrants. If they were immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa, that would entail two more red flags. First, because assuming the defendant was even using his real name, a background check would turn up nothing from prior to his arrival. Second, because South Africa is the world's murder capital, and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa is only marginally more civilized.
[Update 10:58 a.m.: According to neighbors, the Thandiwes lived in the same house for 15 years, so that a background check would have worked with the son. But a father who is belligerent when his son has allegedly shot three women, one of them fatally, is a red flag.]
The name “Thandiwe” is Xhosa for “loving one.” The Xhosa language is spoken by almost eight million people in South Africa, Botswana, and Lesotho. Not terribly “loving,” this one.
Will the defense be diminished capacity? Or “they called me the N-word?”
Family, friends and co-workers Saturday mourned the loss of a UGA graduate killed in a Midtown shooting spree, while her alleged assailant waived his rights to appear before a Fulton County magistrate.
Nkosi Thandiwe, 22, remained in the Fulton County Jail, charged with first-degree murder in a lunchtime triple shooting that left Brittney Watts, 26, of Decatur dead and two other women wounded Friday. The shooting occurred in a parking deck at 14th Street and Crescent Avenue….
The shooting occurred shortly before noon Friday. Police say Thandiwe, a security guard at the Proscenium building, was hired to protect the building where the three victims worked.
Authorities said Watts encountered the gunman as he lay in wait on the third floor of the parking deck. He fired one shot, hitting her in the neck, then got into her Toyota Prius and drove away.
Police issued an area-wide lookout for the car, including a license plate number described by witnesses, and for a man matching Thandiwe's description.
Maj. Keith Meadows, head of Atlanta Police Department's major crimes division, said investigators believed the gunman was waiting for Watts.
Atlanta PD Major Keith Meadows: Killer was "bold." (Background: Mayor Kasim Reed.)
As the gunman exited the parking garage, he fired several more shots, hitting Lauren Garcia, a 23-year-old intern for Midtown public relations firm the MSL Atlanta, and her co-worker, Tiffany Ferenczy, 24. Police believe they may have been random victims….
"All of a sudden, the car came out [of the garage entrance],” Wright said. “The car was blocked and the next thing you know, the guy comes out of the car and started shooting. That's when two of the victims got shot … my daughter and the other girl."
What followed was pandemonium, witnesses say.
Meredith Smith ran into the parking deck for cover when the shooting began.
"We were crossing the street and we heard a ‘pop, pop, pop, pop' and we ducked for cover inside the garage," Smith said. "When we came out, we saw a lady laying face-down in the middle of the street."
John Kupersmith, who works at Tin Lizzy's, heard the gunshots from the restaurant’s patio. He said rather than driving people inside, the shooting brought more people out of the nearby buildings.
“I was seating tables when I heard four to five gunshots in quick succession,” Kupersmith said. “Everybody went to look. I came out and stuck my head out onto Crescent. There was a pretty big group of people on the street.
“And a lot of people were surrounding the lady who was face-down on the ground.”
Garcia lay in the street, a bullet wound in her back, her purse and shoes strewn out across the ground in front of the entrance to the parking deck.
Ferenczy was hit in the leg….
Watts was found in the parking deck dead, a single shot to her neck, police said….
Meadows said the two survivors were taken to area hospitals where they are in "satisfactory condition" and talking with investigators.
Investigators are looking at whether the gunman was a disgruntled employee who targeted Watts.
"It was a pretty bold move of him to shoot so many people in the middle of the day," Meadows said….
[“Bold”? I can think of many words to describe a craven, racist killer who hides, and then shoots unarmed, unwary women who had no idea what to expect, but “bold” isn’t one of them.]
Thank you for giving this racially motivated hate crime this attention.
Our local TV news has already dropped the story.
See the murdered White girl's life before her fatal encounter with the Diversity Curse-
Please grap and post her photos before they are censored for "too much Whiteness".
We should kill all them people and some jews too while we're at it!
I knew Nkosi. This is a terrible event and has left all of his friends stunned. He was a graduate from University of West Georgia with a degree in Anthropology (i think). He was a loving soul, and I cannot imagine what brought him to do this.
I send my condolences to the Watts family. I can only imagine what Ms. Watts' family is going through, and I have kept them in my prayers for the past few days. However, his family was respectable and definitely not unruly or misguided. I'm sure they are as hurt and stunned at this occurrence as I, and the rest of everyone who knew him is.
With him waiving his first appearance...I'm starting to wonder if something mentally happened to cause this event. I hope for the sake of her family, and for everyone, it will eventually come out...why???
When I saw the name my first thought was "so now you are importing the murderous creatures to your country, haven't you learned from our pain?"
This is standard Alexandria township in the mugshot.
By some miracle, her cell phone was on a call when she was attacked. An inside source has released the recording of the last words she ever said just before she was killed by Diversity-
Nkosi is wicked. He has chosen to follow the devil.
It's that simple.
Furthermore, if he fails to repent, God's justice will find Nkosi. Lots of people in this world (no doubt Nkosi himself) scoff at that idea. I don't.
KILLER family nice home, nice neighborhood.
MAKES ME WANNA HOLLER by Nathan McCall [born 1955]
[Prof Afro Am studies - Emory U] Published 1994 page 38
“ I could tell that my stealing confused my parents. That wasn't the kind of example they had set for me. It wasn't like I had to steal. We weren't dirt poor. My folks didn't understand what I know now: My stealing had nothing to do with being hungry and poor. It was another hanging rite, a challenge to take something from somebody else and get away clean.”
Must read for anyone interested in how USA got into its present precarious race relations condition.
I fear that this horrible crime may have a racial element to it, and possibly an indirect religious element. I am not a racist; i take each person as an individual. However, I am exhausted with the racist attitudes of our African American fellow citizens. Citizen of Atlanta must unite,and organize so that we may affectively politically counter the increasing social ills of our community. We need new leadership in Atlanta immediately. So, what do we do as a community to stop the random violence that is seemingly on the increase?
This is a shocking and tragic event. Id like to send my condolences to both the Watts and Thandiwe families. Both have lost incredible family members.
I personally know Nkosi. He is not the overbearing and disgruntled guy they are portraying him as in the media. He is a son of a constitutional lawyer. He is a citizen of the USA. He is a college graduate... a honors graduate at that. He is extremely intelligent and very responsible. He enrolled in college at the tender age of 16 or 17. He is silly and full of laughter. He loves to dance. The reason why the background check came out clear is because IT WAS EXACTLY THAT...CLEAR. He was a good child. No previous run ins with the low. This breaks my heart it has come down to this. He really need mental evaluation because the Kosi I know wouldnt have done anything like this.
"He is not the overbearing and disgruntled guy they are portraying him as in the media."
Actually, the media coverage has been notable for its scrupulous UN-portrayal of Nkosi. Did this murder even happen--the media don't seem too interested in it.
The mugshot shows a dead-eyed, feral savage. I would be interested in seeing any pics for comparison. Maybe the one with his reading glasses on, perusing his well-thumbed anthropology text.
from: Roswell High School Alumni Association 7/18/2011
Several of her friends have posted a tribute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1csr0dxalpI
from: Officer Saul Goldberg 7/18/2011
There has been a new development in the investigation into Brittney's murder. When she was attacked, she was leaving a voicemail for a friend, and we have retrieved her last words: http://goo.gl/qPK9T
Sandy Springs, Ga.
July 18, 2011
Brittney Fox Watts and the Fatal Business of Diversity Acceptance
by Danton Cartesse
After a few days confusion, it's all coming together now and beginning to make perfect sense, along with its implications.
Remember how outraged we were when our beautiful, blonde, blue-eyed, and very Nordic Eve Carson was murdered by two hideous negroid Diversities? One was supposed to be in jail at the time, but his Affirmative Action negroid Diversity probation officer was too incompetent to keep him there. (Or was she?)
Our outrage lessened slightly when we learned that Eve Carson had used her support of the UNITAS Diversity-Themed Housing in her successful campaign to be elected Student Body President at liberal UNC.
In our raciss imaginations, we all saw her negroid Diversity abducting killers arriving at her unlocked apartment door, walking in on her, and then her saying, "Well, hey there ya'll, come on in, but the Diversity House is way over there on the other side of campus." (The Walt Kowolski response would have been more appropriate- http://goo.gl/ahuF)
When the blacks heard her say that, they must have become enraged that she had hypocritically supported Diversity, but when it came to choosing her own apartment, she chose one that was "way" away from the Diversity House. Sometimes, blacks really do deserved to be offended.
In spite of all her Diversity appreciation and medical mission trips to save non-White lives, communities and futures in third world Ecuador, Siona, and Muslim Egypt, when she came face to face with the genuine, authentic, typical NAACP species Diversity, she didn't survive the encounter.
The symbolism shouldn't be missed. Eve Carson learned early enough that to be White and ambitious, you MUST "passionately embrace Diversity and help minorities." She was rewarded for it with the presidency of the student body of one the oldest, most prestigious universities in America. She was on her way to the top of the medical profession. She probably would have won a Nobel Prize one day.
All ambitious Whites get that message, especially college students and young professionals. They see how in order to get accolades and opportunities, you must attach "Diversity" to your activities and get it into your biography as soon as possible. Just saying "Diversity" at the right time to White liberal elite is like giving yourself a sudden promotion up another rung of the ladder, maybe even several rungs as once. Jump ahead of the best (White) competition- out "Diversity" them! Those in positions of power who can help you expect to see "Diversity," as though it was a job requirement. They become suspicious of those who don’t stamp “Diversity” on their lives. The game is won by those who know the rules of the game, and Eve certainly did.
Eventually, the iron laws of nature won't be mocked, because nature rigs the game against us, against transgressors of race purity. (God segregated the races for His perfect reason, and He put the blacks down in Africa where they belong and should have stayed forever. God is angry at us for interfering with His global system for race integrity. Mulatto mongrel Obama is our jeremiad.) We simply will not survive the Diversity we embrace. Eve didn't, and neither did Brittney.
Sandy Springs, Ga.
July 18, 2011
Brittney Fox Watts and the Fatal Business of Diversity Acceptance
by Danton Cartesse
Part II
On TV news today, Brittney's White boss was interviewed. She had the typical short hair to prove she's serious and doesn't expect to use her femininity to get ahead. She's earned her way. She's that good. She said, "Brittney was a rising star in the advertising world."
What does that mean to you? It should concern you just like it did when you saw that Eve Carson had supported Diversity.
Today, the advertising world is busy with the unfinished business of wiping Whiteness out of the minds of White Humanity. We've all seen the absurd and offensive commercials. Diversity, Diversity, Diversity. All the ads have blacks surrounding Whites. Blacks giving orders to Whites. And now, blacks kissing Whites. Little White girls hand in hand with little black buck boys at the picnic or breakfast table. Soon, we'll see ads for bath soap that depict White and black children in the tub together. Brittney worked in that world, where she was succeeding so well, that she was known as a "rising star."
Would she have ever received such a glowing post-mortem eulogy if she had recoiled in disgust during a planning meeting for the next ad that called for a "diverse, interracial cast that accurately portrays the contributions of oppressed communities and leads us the future of America"?
I don't suspect that Brittney was as calculating as Eve Carson was. Brittney just was going with the flow of the culture. "They want Diversity, so we'll give 'em Diversity." She probably never made a critical judgment against Diversity or assessed how the fatal Diversity Plan was part of her future. (Did her UGA sorority rush, pledge, and initiate any blacks while she was there?) She seems like just a nice, sweet girl who absorbed the culture as it was given to her, and being a happy person, she didn't fight against it, but just went with the flow and got along with everybody, and they all liked her.
The TV news interviewed her friends at what looked like a Whites Only visitation today in Roswell. "Hundreds came to pay respects to her family tonight. The funeral home kept their doors open because the line of [White] people wrapped around the building while they waited to pay their respects." It didn't look the NAACP cared enough to send a delegation of sympathy and justice.
But the Whites who knew and loved her were unafraid to admire her: "She was just an amazing, amazing person; she touched everybody she met... I never saw her without a smile on her face... She was a sweetheart, a great, great girl."
But earlier today, her boss said something that unlocked the mystery of why Nkosi T., the murderous negroid Diversity, thought he had a relationship with her. She said, "She embraced all different kinds of peoples and cultures. Her death was senseless, and I don't understand."
Only a successful White ad executive would not be able to understand how "embracing all kinds of peoples and cultures" will get you killed by a negroid Diversity in a Midtown parking deck.
Obviously, Brittney was sweet to everyone, even folks she should have avoided, such as specifically the negroid Diversity "security guard" who worked in the lobby of her office building and leered at the White girls who swished their butts in front of him all day long as they walked through. Probably Brittney's intentions excepted, but there are some real hotties working in Midtown, and they don't mind dressing for show. They just don't think about who is watching the show. The negroid Diversities have eyes, too, not just the rich White boss man.
Part II
What Brittney didn't realize was that being nice to a negroid Diversity isn't just being friendly- it's opening yourself to a relationship with a ghetto ape who doesn't understand anything except "gett'n a 'lil sump'n sump'n" from another White girl, consensual or not. (Legally, blacks can't rape Whites, just like blacks can't be racist or commit hate crimes, because White skin is all the "consent" needed). Noksi T. obviously said something with the expectation of moving things forward toward his fantasized and intended interracial tryst, she rejected him, so he shot her dead.
Being nice to negroid Diversity got her killed. The moral of the story? Accepting Diversity may be a job requirement in business today, and may even be easy for warm-hearted Whiteys, but Diversity is deadly, and just as you wouldn't make a house pet out of a rattlesnake, you also shouldn't make a friend out of a negro.
If Brittney's sacrifice means anything lasting to her family and friends, as well as White Humanity at large, let it be that.
The TV news just reported: "Police have been going through days of surveillance video to see if they can find any connection between Thandiwe and Brittney Watts."
What else will they see Thandiwe do? How many White girls will he be seen harassing? The first day reports on TV said that he was known as being aggressive with the office girls, then that tidbit just disappeared. Will the tapes confirm the rumor?
Why should we be worried about negroid Diversity? Thandiwe would have known where every camera was located, given that part of his job was watching the monitors when he wasn't watching the White girls in person. That's how he knew which car was hers- he had studied her coming and going from the garage. The news said that he left one minute before she did and hid next to her car. He had such a bad chimp-out that he completely forgot that he'd be recorded in the act. Are you as apprehensive and worried for the future as we are, especially given that your hired negro security will hunt you down and kill you at work right under the cameras?
Thandiwe looks like a remorseless punk in his picture.
Brittney Fox Watts was very kind and not racist.
That being said, people who are racist do not deserve to be murdered. If they did, than every single person who has posted on this article would be up for termination.
Both families and friends of the victim & the suspect deserve our thoughts and prayers. The suspect, however, is still with us.
Who are any of you to judge and determine what a person who was murdered did to deserve what happened to her?
What would people say about you if this happened to you?
This is from Brittney Fox Watts' blog. This is the kind of person she was:
"22nd June 2011
This was my morning
got up late
had nothing to wear
took a dark shower because both lights were out
had to go downstairs to dry hair because plug didn’t work
then realized the bathroom fuse was out
spent 5 minutes looking for my car keys
spent 5 minutes trying to lock the old-school door
spilled half my coffee while i was trying to lock the door
wreck on ponce, horrible traffic
could not find my key card to get into the parking lot
that was my morning.
But as I started typing this, I realized that i am not dying, my family is healthy, and happy, and when i have bad days/mornings, I realize my day is a dream compared to others who are suffering from much worse. that is all. "
Shame on you, Mr Stix, for allowing the "last words" cell phone posts.
i knew nkosi and i couldn't believe this. he was super smart, in the band, and this is just out of character. while i am on the fence, im pretty sure this has to be a case of insanity. there's more to this story than what's being reported.
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