"Lauren Tanski, 26, was found beaten and strangled to death inside of her 7th Ward home on Monday morning."/Credit: Patrick Dodson
An undated NOPD mug shot of Henry "Hank" Dolliole who, the NOPD says, is "wanted for questioning" and "a person of interest" in the murder of Lauren Tanski, but who is not, the Department repeats, "not a suspect" (wink, wink)
By Nicholas Stix
The headline for the Times-Picayune’s third story on the January 13 murder of 26-year-old Lauren Tanski reads, “New York woman beaten, strangled in 7th Ward: Friends and family search for answers.”
I have the answer. If a white relative or friend tells you he, or especially she, wants to move to New Orleans, do anything you can to dissuade the budding victim, and don’t let legal fine points like the laws against kidnapping stop you.
Lauren Tanski had spent her life in a city of life, Colonie, N.Y. James Stuart, the father of a girl who’d grown up with Tanski, wrote in the comments that Colonie “has been the safest large town in America 4 of the last 5 years.” Bedford Falls, only real.
Unfortunately, many whites find life boring, and get a hankering for some “diversity.” By the time they realize the mistake they’ve made, it’s too late. Lauren Tanski had been in “NOLA” for barely two months.
New Orleans is a city of death. It is Detroit + better restaurants and music. However, the only good things New Orleans has to offer are for the tourists. Doomed transplants like Lauren Tanski work in the restaurants, but don’t get to enjoy them or much of the music, save for the occasional talented street musician.
The NOPD has both named and denied that Henry "Hank" Dolliole, 39, the ex-boyfriend of Tanski’s roommate, Samantha Placek, 32, is the suspect.
“Police specified that Dolliole, who they said is an acquaintance of Tanski's, was not being named a suspect in the murder yet, but simply wanted for questioning at the moment….”
“Police named Dolliole a person of interest in the case Monday afternoon, but authorities said he is not considered to be a suspect in the murder at this point, only that he was acquainted with Tanski and is thought to have "critical information" on the case.”
Whom do they think they’re kidding? Ever since the federal terror campaign against Dr. Steven Hatfill in 2002, when the authorities say someone is a “person of interest” in a criminal case, that means he’s a suspect. Every sentient being over the age of eight (and some younger than that) knows that. If Times-Pic reporter Helen Freund, who has done a good job so far on this case, believed the NOPD’s line, she wouldn’t be writing about Dolliole’s criminal history, and if the NOPD were serious about it, its people wouldn’t be feeding Freund the information about Dolliole, casting him in such a sinister light.
NOLA’s censors have so far permitted 96 comments through to Helen Freund’s third story on this murder. The comments largely fit three categories. One type talks about what a violent city New Orleans is. (No one talks about race, but that may be due to the censors.) This sort of comment got very little support.
A second type argues that someone should have called the police about the death threats that Dolliole had allegedly made in the restaurant where the victim and her roommate worked. However, these commenters were split over whether that would have prevented the crime. This type of comment often made the matter a feminist issue. Very few readers voted these comments up.
A third type is in denial: The fact that New Orleans is one of America’s most violent cities has nothing to do with Lauren Tanski’s murder. It was an act of “domestic violence,” they tell us, as opposed to a “random act,” and therefore could have happened “anywhere.” Such crimes happen in every type of community, rich, poor, you name it. This sort of comment was by far the most popular.
Another comment, by “thesmartone&thedumbone,” was completely anomalous for the comment board, yet I have re-posted it below, just because it is so crazy, and because it is not at all anomalous for the promoters of “diversity.” The commenter admits to all of the pathologies of the neighborhood, yet not only embraces the neighborhood, but considers anyone who hasn’t experienced crime and violence in New Orleans (and presumably elsewhere) morally inferior to those who have. This comment was tied for the most popular, with seven up votes.
The people who play the “this could happen anywhere” card typically play the same card with non-“domestic” violence, often coupled with clichés like, “They were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
First of all, Lauren Tanski was not a victim of “domestic violence.” No one believes that she was murdered by her boyfriend or husband. When someone murders someone connected to the killer’s former lover—and everyone is assuming that Dolliole is the killer—that’s not domestic violence. If Dolliole had killed Tanski's roommate, Samantha Placek, I don’t believe that that would have been domestic violence, either (though I’m sure some observers would debate the point) because Placek had already broken up with Dolliole.
This case has multiple racial angles, though you’ll never hear about them from the media, and the latter will typically not permit readers to comment thusly.
First off, because New Orleans is so violent, and blacks have a virtual monopoly there on violent crime. Second, because the sort of black man who is attracted to white (or Asian) females—I’ve never heard of a non-white with an Eastern European name like “Placek”—is often very violent, and refuses to be told, “no.” Third, racist black criminals like harming whites, and aren’t all that choosy about which one they harm. They will take the flimsiest pretext or connection of one person to someone or something else as an excuse to violate her. Lemaricus Davidson’s white girlfriend had just left him, after having had enough of his beatings, and so the next day he went out and kidnapped, tortured, gang-raped and murdered the first white couple he saw, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
If Henry Dolliole proves to be the murderer, it will be because Lauren Tanski was handy, and any white girl would do.
Diversity is death; the embrace of diversity is a death cult.
By Helen Freund
NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune
January 14, 2013 at 11:11 a.m., updated January 14, 2013 at 11:23 a.m.
The Orleans Parish Coroner's Office identified the woman found murdered inside of a 7th Ward home on Monday morning. Lauren Tanski, 26, was found beaten and strangled inside of a residence in the 2000 block of Urquhart Street, the coroner's chief investigator, John Gagliano, said.
Police said they responded to a call shortly after midnight and found Tanski with blunt force trauma to her body. She was pronounced dead on the scene, authorities said.
No arrests have been made and police have not announced any suspects or motive yet.
Anyone with any information on the homicide is asked to call Crimestoppers at 504.822.1111 or toll-free at 877.903.7867. Tips can also be texted to C-R-I-M-E-S (274637); text TELLCS and then the crime information. Callers or texters do not have to give their names or testify. They can earn a $2,500 reward for information that leads to an indictment.
NOPD seeking man for questioning in murder of 7th Ward woman
By Helen Freund
NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune
January 14, 2013 at 1:24 p.m., updated January 15, 2013 at 6:24 a.m.
New Orleans police are looking for a man wanted for questioning in the murder of a 26-year-old woman on Monday morning. Police said in a statement that Henry "Hank" Dolliole, 39, might have "critical information" about the death of Lauren Tanski, 26, whose body was found early Monday morning, beaten and strangled, inside her home in the 2000 block of Urquhart Street.
Police arrived at the scene shortly after midnight on Monday and found Tanski unresponsive. She was pronounced dead on the scene, chief spokesman for the Orleans Parish coroner's office, John Gagliano, said.
Police specified that Dolliole, who they said is an acquaintance of Tanski's, was not being named a suspect in the murder yet, but simply wanted for questioning at the moment.
Dolliole is described as approximately 5-foot-7 inches tall and weighs about 165 pounds.
Anyone with any information on the murder or on Dolliole's whereabouts is asked to call Crimestoppers at 504.822.1111 or toll-free at 877.903.7867. Tips can also be texted to C-R-I-M-E-S (274637); text TELLCS and then the crime information. Callers or texters do not have to give their names or testify. They can earn a $2,500 reward for information that leads to an indictment.
View the latest crime photos here
New York woman beaten, strangled in 7th Ward: Friends and family search for answers
By Helen Freund
NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune
January 14, 2013 at 4:57 p.m., updated January 15, 2013 at 8:27 a.m.
Lauren Tanski, 26, a petite and spunky brunette, had just moved from Albany, N.Y., to New Orleans in October and was ready to embark on a new and exciting chapter of her life. On Sunday evening, she left her work at a French Quarter oyster house around 8 p.m. and told her friends she was going home for the night. She was never seen again.
Mere hours later, Tanski's badly beaten and strangled body was found inside of her 7th Ward home, and while police haven't named any suspects or motive in the death, investigators are seeking to question Henry "Hank" Dolliole.
According to shaken coworkers of Tanski's, Dolliole is the ex-boyfriend of Tanski's roommate, Samantha Placek, 32. Both women worked as waitresses at the Corner Oyster House and employees there say the 39-year-old Dolliole had made threats against Placek just hours before Tanski was killed.
"He was clearly crazy and always seemed like he was on something, but I just can't believe something this horrible happened to her," Tanski's co-worker Andrew Santiago, 25, said.
"He came in earlier in the night and was threatening to kill Samantha," said a coworker who didn't want to be identified.
"He mocked having a gun and put it to his head and told her, 'I'm gonna kill you! You're not getting away,'" he said, adding that Dolliole had been estranged from Placek for months but had continued frequenting the corner outside the bar and had often threatened her life.
Placek did not respond to a call for comment for this article but coworkers said that the volatile nature of the couple's relationship was no secret.
Dolliole's rap sheet includes several drug arrests, and in July 1992, he was booked with attempted first-degree murder and armed robbery, although those charges were later dropped.
Police named Dolliole a person of interest in the case Monday afternoon, but authorities said he is not considered to be a suspect in the murder at this point, only that he was acquainted with Tanski and is thought to have "critical information" on the case.
Henry "Hank" Dolliole, 39, is being sought for questioning in the murder of a 26-year-old woman on Monday/NOPD
Santiago said Tanski had moved into Placek's apartment in the 2000 block of Urquhart Street a couple of months ago, and that while Dolliole had never made threats against Tanski, she was unhappy in her living situation and had been planning to move out of the house Monday.
She never got the chance.
According to Tanski's close friend Raechelle Gonzalez, 21, a couple hours after Dolliole stormed the bar threatening Placek, around 8 p.m., Tanski finished up work and told her co-workers she was going home for the evening. Gonzalez said she exchanged texts with her from around 8:30 p.m. until 10 p.m. but after that, never heard back from her friend.
"I assumed she had just turned in for the night, or that maybe she wasn't paying attention to her phone," Gonzalez said.
Shortly before midnight,Tanski's lifeless body was found by Placek and a third roommate, who had just returned home, according to Santiago. Tanski had been beaten and strangled, and was dead on the scene, authorities said.
"She was so was excited to be here and so excited to explore New Orleans," Gonzalez later said of her lost friend. "We moved down here together to get a fresh start and enjoy the city. Now, she'll never get the chance. She was the most wonderful person, just a really great friend."
According to Tanski's father, Leonard Tanski, his daughter was a creative free spirit who loved photography and writing. She attended college at SUNY Cobleskill in Albany but later transferred and finished up a liberal arts degree at a university in Virginia.
"She had just come home for Christmas, we just dropped her off at the airport a couple weeks ago," said a shaken Tanski when reached by phone at his Albany home.
"You always see it on the news, but it's always someone else's kid, never yours. Now it's happened to ours and we just can't understand how this could happen. It's too awful," he said.
Dolliole is described as being approximately 5 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs about 165 pounds.
Anyone with any information on the murder or on Dolliole's whereabouts is asked to call Crimestoppers at 504.822.1111 or toll-free at 877.903.7867. Tips can also be texted to C-R-I-M-E-S (274637); text TELLCS and then the crime information. Callers or texters do not have to give their names or testify. They can earn a $2,500 reward for information that leads to an indictment.
Mr and Mrs Tanski you did a great job with your daughter. She graduated college, appreciated her friends, was close to you both, and wanted to explore what most consider to be the most unique and eclectic city in the US. You could not have done more, nor could more have been expected. We should all be so lucky just to have a friend like you instilled in your daughter.
New Orleans bad side will never change without Our Lord. The odds are stacked against us. 95% of the ex cons who leave Angola come to New Orleans. The entitlement community expects more and more, with less and less being available, especially after our economy crashes. Please do not imagine living here when it does.
People who care will always offer their condolences. People who don't care will never offer their condolences.
We must keep up the fight against evil. Do not let evil bring your hearts down to their level. Thank Our Lord every day for bringing her into your life and those she met through her life. Don't let her last few minutes with evil be what you remember. If you do, God help us all.
Poor girl traveled a long way to die on the street. She had no idea how dangerous living in our city can be.
Unfortunately stories like this one are not unique to New Orleans. Around Christmastime a 28 year-old was murdered in DC during an armed robbery in Capitol Hill. He had moved to DC just 3 weeks earlier. It's awful regardless of where it happens. Safety in urban America needs serious attention. My sincere sympathies to her family and friends.
the answer to the questions simple: nola = dangerous and violent city.
Terribly sad story. I also recently moved here, and I'm sure she enjoyed being here and chose to be here, despite the challenges and adversity. Unfortunately, these kind of crimes can and do happen everywhere, cities and small towns alike, in 'bad' neighborhoods, and in 'good.' They have happened to people I know, and I myself have been threatened, including publicly. You can bet that I do call the police if I ever hear such threats against any woman, because I've been there. That doesn't mean everyone will, or that you'll be safe if they do. This is a very sad, and very wrong, fact.
I hope that people might refrain from adding this to the 'new orleans is terrible' pile--I bet this young lady would not have wanted that. My very sincere condolences to all friends and family, for the young life lost so terribly.
qwnci you are in denial. These crimes do NOT happen everywhere! New Orleans is the murder capital and the thug culture has created generations beyond help. I am a native born and raised and I know better than to return to New Orleans and invite trouble. Of course it's a terrible shame, but let's be real, out-of-towners move here seeing New Orleans for what it was, not what it is.
I love New Orleans, love living here and am not afraid to live here. If you don't live here anymore your opinion really means nothing to us who make up this city.
But these kind of crimes are more likley to happen in situations where you live in a violent area, and have a roommate in a dysfunctional relationship with a criminal. Choices had a lot to do with this outcome.
kurt, consider this - you can see trouble from blocks away, so you turn the other way. [N.S.: There was no post remaining, signed “kurt.”]
other people can see trouble from miles away - so they just move out of new orleans.
even though you still live in nola - where on the same page.
Zagreb, please don't describe a situation where a woman is being stalked and having her life threatened as a "dysfunctional relationship." As if she was a willing participant. This young victim got caught in the middle of a situation with a psycho. And they come in all types. Look at statistics about domestic violence and the murder of women. Sadly, it does happen everywhere. We do not know if there were other factors, so don't judge, and certainly don't blame the victim. I live uptown, but there is plenty of crime, including stalking, beating, robbery, you name it. Some places hide it, suppress the police reports, whatever. I lived in a city where a particular policy district always submitted their reports just after the newspaper deadline, so it looked like nothing ever happened there!
Why anyone continues to live in this crime factory is amazing. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Terrible news for the family in New York. However for those of us who live here, this type of criminal activity has become an everday or nite occurance. Its a Cancer that is killing not only the city but the entire region!
Your chances of survival in any city is primarily based upon who you associate with and the area of town that you are in at the time of the violence. I choose my friends wisely, my co-workers were military, and my friends do not do drugs - I live uptown in a well secured house on a very very quiet street. I think my chances for a violent attack have just been reduced to less than 1%. If a thug was coming to my child's home - I would remove my child from the environment immediately - not the next morning - but immediately. She did not have enough walking around sense to know to find the next exit immediately upon finding out that her roommate had invited a criminal into their home. The roommate is an accessory to murder in my book. She invited evil into the home.
So lets see, if you stay in your "well secured house on a very quiet street" you will not encounter the violence that others in very secure homes on quiet streets...or you just dense or what? Like the monkey with the short tail said, it won't be long"...
just keep on believing that lie you tell yourself and you will soon see that denial is not just a river..
okay. alright.
people leaving new orleans drive more positive change for the city's crime than the people that want to stay and make these murders acceptable by making excuses like, "crimes can happen anywhere, so any amount of violent crime in nola is expected and nominal".
the most powerful vote you'll ever make isn't with a ballot box - it's with your feet. if enough people leave nola - the city's leadership will be forced to address the problems of violent crime, or the remaining thugs will finish themselves off and the city will implode on itself. either way, every person that leaves benefits immediately - because they won't have to live in nola.
I have lived on the dreaded "other side" of St. Claude for almost a decade. I have had some encounters with violence and seen some drug dealing. I have seen third world-like conditions, neglected children, adolescents, animals, old people, and mentally ill people. I have seen the ineffective to nonexistent community policing from the people in uniforms and from the greater community who might step in and make some interventions. With that said, if you live in New Orleans and have somehow not been exposed to violence, injustice, apathy, extreme poverty, and institutional incompetence, your head is so far buried in the sand that you should probably keep it in there and not comment. I love the 7th Ward neighborhood that I live in (about a block away from the victim's house) and not because of cheap rent alone. I love being in an African American city. I love being in an African American neighborhood, despite the fact that my taxes go repair French Quarter, uptown, and Marigny streets. I love being around people who say "good morning" and "good evening". I love my black, white, and Latino neighbors. Nobody is up in your business and nobody looks down at you. This was not about the neighborhood, where the young woman worked, or where she came from. It was about the act of a sick murderous individual.
Ironically – and tragically – enough, that poor woman has "Obama voter" written all over her.
They will never learn.
Most of the comments just goes to show how many people are in denial in this country. Of course, due to the policy of censorship it can't really be known what is actually being said or how many people are saying it. They may have a system of managing perceptions, making it seem the public in general thinks in a certain way.
The victim's roommate must be feeling the pangs of guilt since she's the one who brought this predator into the household to begin with. Perhaps an award should be established, the Nicole Simpson Award, to be given to various worthy (and unlucky) recipients.
A white acquaintance of mine used to go to New Orleans every year for the jazz festival.
One year he went to a club in the French Quarter to listen to some jazz. Apparently, clubs in New Orleans can (or do) stay open all night.
Anyways, he went to leave the club around 4:30 AM. The club doorman stopped him, and asked him where his car was parked. He said about two blocks away. The doorman would not let my acquaintance leave the club. The two-black walk would have left my acquaintance out of sight of the doorman. This was a no-go. So, my acquaintance stayed in the club until the sun came up. Then he left.
According to the National Crime Victimization Survey 2010, 320,082 whites were victims of black violence, while 62,593 blacks were victims of white violence.
Blacks committed a 25 times higher rate of interracial violence as whites, including a 200 times higher aggravated assault. Blacks raped 13,000 whites.
I`m thinking about gene pools and gene pool strategies. I`m thinking about r selective versus k selective strategies and different sub-species of humans. I`m thinking about the nature of the gene pool`s product as necessarily being predetermined, in general, toward specific traits. I`m thinking about good seed versus bad seed.
R selective strategies input more reproductive energy into numbers reproduced and less into the quality of the product. K selective strategies put more energy into the quality of product and less into the numbers reproduced.
Facts and statistics say the black gene pool is more r selective than the white gene pool and the white gene pool is more k selective than the black gene pool. Therefore blacks will out reproduce whites in numbers, but whites will reproduce a higher quality product than blacks.
For those who know their WW2 history, the Nazi`s put out a higher quality tank in fewer numbers, while the American`s put out a lower quality tank in greater numbers. This predisposed very particular, tank, battle field tactics.
Therefore, the product of the more r selective black gene pool will produce blacks in accord with the strategy of higher numbers, lower quality. Blacks will crave more sex, be built for higher sex success, in order to reproduce the greater numbers needed to compensate for the lower quality. Contrarily, the more k selective white gene pool will produce whites in accord with the strategy of higher quality, lower numbers. Whites therefore will crave less sex, be built for lower sex success, in order to accommodate the higher quality.
I`m thinking white males will have a larger head and a smaller penis, while black males will have a larger penis and a smaller head. I`m thinking facts gleaned from measurements would show a fairly strong positive correlation between head size and penis size quite similar to foot size and body size.
I`m thinking white females will have a larger head and a smaller number of eggs, while black females will have a larger number of eggs and a smaller head.
I`m thinking just as people in general have some desire to marry up, so to in general do people have a desire to mate up, to reproduce a better offspring. I`m thinking that black males with their higher need for sex in order to reproduce greater numbers, the natural desire to mate up, and their smaller head size, lower IQ, combine to predispose black males to rape white women.
I`m thinking murdering a white woman keeps her from reproducing her white, higher quality seed, and that after the black male gratifies his sexual need through rape of a white woman, that murdering the white woman does not further the black seed, but, conversely, it lessens the furtherance of white seed and is therefore tantamount.
I`m thinking the lower IQ black male, after having gratified his sexual need and want for the white woman via rape, and knowing ending her seed is tantamount to furthering his own seed, he can therefore, quite easily silence the white woman via murder to presumably, prevent knowledge of his crime from coming out, and the subsequent retaliation by whites and or the law, and thereby calm his instinct for self-preservation, itself having been elicited by his immoral deed.
I`m thinking black seed in a white world is bad seed. I`m thinking race has very little to do with the color of the skin, and everything to do with r selective and k selective gene pool strategies.
Lastly, I`m thinking of all the Nicola Furlongs and Eve Carsons the world over, and why they must be sacrificed to black animals for the cause of both low IQ blacks, and the white liberal, ideology agenda. Thank you.
I'm not sympathetic to the victim. She was a parochial, dimwitted white girl who bought into the Big Lie that whitopias are dull because they are too vanilla. She needed to be in a "vibrant" city, preferably living in a "gritty" 'hood so that she could "experience" the world.
Wonder if she bragged to her roommate about the "great, animalistic" sex?
Sure she did.
A black male didn't kill her.
DIE-versity did.
Someday I hope the genetic defect in the human genome, that causes women to be attracted to the worst male sociopaths society has to offers, will be eliminated.
I have noticed through my years, it is the worst men who gain women most easily.
sounds like she finally found what she was looking for
Lauren was one of my best friends. The justice system failed Lauren. Her murderer had more than enough violent convictions to put someone away for a long time te he was a free man. Three days before he brutally beat and strangled Lauren the police were called to the house. Although he had been released from jail four days prior he was not taken into custody. Even though he was on probation he was not taken into custody. His ex girlfriend showed the officers marks he had left on her body yet he was not taken into custody. They drove him a few blocks away and dropped him off. The night Lauren was brutaly murdered her killer entered her job making threats on his ex girlfriend but this time the police were not called but you can't help but ask yourself...would it have even made a difference? Would they have just taken him for a ride? Lauren did not know her killer she had just been renting a room from this woman for less than two weeks and that was all it took to realize she had made a mistake. Lauren was moving out of the house the day after she was killed bins he never got the chance. Lauren Tanki was not a stupid little white girl moving to a big city in ignorance. She was incredibly intelligent and street smart she loved to travel and was looking for a new city to help her get inspired in her writing. She moved with a few of our friends. Lauren didn't like NOLA very much and planned to move to Portland in June....she never got the chance. RIP Lauren.
The racism in this post as well as the comments is sickening. Just because a person of a certain race did something horrible doesnt mean the entire race is capable of the same thing. What the fuck is wrong with you all?! Hitler was WHITE. The point of the matter is that a wonderful woman was killed by a crazy ass motherfucker which could have been prevented if the police officers were doing their motherfucking jobs.
Potty-Mouthed, Anonymous Coward (July 1, 2013, 11:19 a.m. EDT),
Are you implying that whites have the same crime rate as blacks, and in particular, the same rate of victimizing blacks that blacks have of victimizing whites? If so, you’re a lying racist. If not, you have no point, true or false.
But it gets better. The reason the police don’t do their jobs and arrest blacks like Henry Dolliole for making death threats is because of people like you, who terrorize and destroy the lives of whites who talk honestly about black crime, support the Dollioles of the world, charge dedicated policemen with “racial profiling,” and have run many such cops off the job, while variously intimidating the rest into being clock-punchers, and discouraging any but clock-punchers and “allies” of minority criminals from becoming cops. Your hands are drenched in Lauren Tanski’s blood.
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