Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Volunteer and Travel Around the World, Meet Interesting People and Get Raped and Murdered by Them


Beautiful, young, future rape victim


Anonymous said...

For a long time this was a dirty little secret of the Peace Corps. Young whitey American women going overseas to "help" and end up getting raped by the indigenous people.

For whatever combination of reasons the whitey American woman traveling overseas has the reputation of being an easy mark for rape.

Anonymous said...

Another thing about your photo - "cute" little monkeys carry a virus lethal to humans and are known to rip faces off of humans without provocation. Dopey college student...

Anonymous said...

Whitey wimmens taking trips to the Caribbean area and also aboard cruise ships very susceptible to being drugged and raped. Sold into sexual slavery too? They just disappear and are never seen again.