Wednesday, August 23, 2023

"spider with erection-inducing bite shuts down supermarket, but owners insist store is safe to reopen"

By R.C.
wednesday, august 23, 2023 at 03:29:36 p.m. edt

"spider with erection-inducing bite shuts down supermarket, but owners insist store is safe to reopen

"researchers have used the spider's venom in studies to treat erectile dysfunction."


Anonymous said...

"Members" of retirement communities are requesting these spiders be shipped in asap to their facilities.In retirement homes that have purchased the spiders,screams of pain by elderly males--after being bitten-- are quickly followed by screams of horror by some geriatric females as they encounter previously flaccid "members" in the night.

Was this a problem for "Spiderman"--and is that why his first name was "Peter"?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Black serial killer, Homer Lee Jackson, who nobody outside of pdx will ever hear of, has died at his home (no, he did not die in prison):

The above article was tucked away in a corner of page 5 in the print edition.

Jackson ended up serving about 6 yrs. for murdering 2 girls and two women in the 80's and 90's. From what I remember about the case they cut a deal because the defense argued that finding DNA on 4 murdered women didn't prove that Jackson actually did the deed. It was just coincidence. The OR Supreme Court enabled the defense by ruling that the prosecution couldn't use evidence from one crime scene to another using this reasoning:

"The high court found this week that the prosecution’s so-called “what are the odds’' theory that Jackson’s DNA was found at the scene of at least three of the crime scenes was insufficient to allow sharing the evidence in four separate trials".

There were other issues that weakened the case but as I read the article I started thinking about the CP5 and how finding only Matias Reyes DNA inside of the victim "proved" nobody else was involved in the crime. OK, different circumstances between the two but it's the idea that it was so simple with the CP5 but in the case of Jackson they come up with convoluted reasoning to dismiss the incredible coincidence that his DNA was found at the scene of at least 3 of the murders. Something tells me in the case of Rex Heuerman there will be none of those contrived arguments trying to explain away the coincidence of finding his DNA on multiple victims. At least none a high court would uphold. Guaranteed.

Jackson's story barely got any media coverage and like Samuel Little, was not arrested until he was into his elder years. One has to wonder if there were more victims but unlike White serial killers, there was none of intense scrutiny of his life or media pressure on police to find out if there were. Blacks and woke Whites would argue it's because White society doesn't care about girls of women of color but that's bullshit. It's because too many in White society want to pretend black serial killers don't exist.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to White people's minds?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Tributes pour in for Dave Chappelle due to him turning 50. Doesn't most everybody turn 50 at some point?

I saw a headline online and thought maybe he had died but no, the media and entertainment world is crowning him the "greatest" ever, or the greatest since Richard Pryor. No way. I do recognize Pryor had talent for humor and so does Chappelle but watch Pryor's old routines or listen to his albums. Not nearly as funny as it seemed back then and much of it comes of very dated. Then take away the shock value of his prolific use of the n word and it's even less interesting. Chappelle can be funny also but his routines are up and down and he loves playing the insightful wise black man, which he really is not. I might rate him as a pretty good comedian but not one of the "greatest ever". Black comedians being over praised is something that's been going on for a long time, White liberals love to fawn all over them because it makes them feel "down" with the black man and therefore less guilty.