Saturday, August 26, 2023

White Man Fools nEGRO police chief/media with manifesto of compliments

[“Whitey counter-attack against bLACKS in Jacksonville? cnn suggests Whites should just accept being destroyed by nEGROES.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, august 26, 2023 at 9:55:00 p.m. edt

In Jacksonville, police were scratching their heads over the mass shooting saturday, at a black party store, by an as yet, unidentified White man who, according to his manifesto, thought “blacks are some of the finest individuals on the planet.”

Sheriff Jacquarious Jones’ press conference revealed the writings of the apprehended White man, and Jones admitted he was stumped.

“There’s no racist talk against blacks, no hate speech about lazy, no-good ni**ers—and yet—he mowed down 12 of them today. I just don’t understands it.”

When asked if this was a hate crime, Jones responded, “I don’t know how it could be.” --GRA


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The desperation for hate crimes reaches a new high...or low:

Yes, it's the old "a racist Whitey wrote something racist on a receipt" scam, except this one has a twist. The one who wrote the "slur" was black:

Doesn't matter if the perp was black, they still come up with way to make it an act of racist hate and Whitey is to blame. Check out this excerpt:

"The teen went on to say that he himself is Black and that he wrote the word in reference to that. Amira didn’t show his face in the video – but she did show his lower body and it’s clear his skin is light. Even if the teenager identifies as Black, his light skin tone indicates that he might not personally experience the same level of discrimination and systemic disadvantages as someone with darker skin, like Amira. This is known as “colorism.” Moreover, the teen claimed his friend – who was undoubtedly White – told him to write the racist message"

That's hilarious, to service the hate hoax industry suddenly light skinned blacks experience less discrimination and systemic disadvantages than darker skinned ones. That's sure not what wanna be's (Spike Lee's jigaboos & wanna be's) say when they play the race victim game, or send White men to the moon, like that light, bright and mostly White octaroon did in Hidden Figures, then they might as well be coal black like they stepped straight out of the congo jungle.

This incident is getting quite a bit of play in the media and I was suspicious when I saw the first headline (aren't they all?). I noticed the articles themselves were weirdly worded like there was something that wasn't being said, and I was right, that something being that the perp was black. But I had to sift through 5 or 6 before I found the MSN article that stated it directly. Most of them are dishonestly omitting that information altogether.

That's how the game it played, it's headlines that matter, not content. Vast majority of people only remember what they see in the headlines, that actual details contradict what those headlines suggest, doesn't matter. The general public is left with the false impression that there has been another act of hate committed by Whitey.

Oh yeah, gotta love the way the negro tried to blame his White friend. Sure pal, Whitey made you do it so you have no responsibility whatsoever. Note in the article that one of the White kids offered to tip her, but she refused. Sounds like at least one of the White kids was a decent guy.

What's that saying? Oh yeah: "The demand for racism exceeds the supply" We see affirmation of that every single day.

Anonymous said...

"The demand for racism exceeds the supply."
Only pertaining to Whites--there's a HUGE supply of it from blacks--while the reporting(demand)of black racism is microscopic.


Anonymous said...

The black server behaved reasonably and sounded fairly intelligent (believe it or not, there are intelligent black people). She even hid the name/CC info on the receipt when she held it up to show "black" written on the line meant for the tip ("gratuity").

In contrast, the white kid (his legs looked white, meaning the black server was also careful not to show their faces in the video) she talked to about it sounded dumb or he was playing dumb. Either that or he was stoned. Said someone told him to write "black" there. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know what "gratuity" meant.

Dumb, pointless nonsense. More social media fluff.