Saturday, August 26, 2023

pakistani doctor who sought to support islamic state terror group sentenced in minnesota to 18 years

saturday, august 26, 2023 at 11:27:02 p.m. edt

pakistani doctor who sought to support islamic state terror group sentenced in minnesota to 18 years

“There are jobs that Americans won’t do.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we have segregated prisons?Just for blacks,Pakistanis,Mex,Whites,--some bigger,some smaller.Or is that a lousy idea?

Why can't we have prisoners sent out of our country and into an "International Prison"--in an area of the world where they can rot--away from our shores?Segregated,of course.

An illegal Mex commits a crime in the US--don't imprison him here--send him overseas where countries all chip in with expenses.