Thursday, August 24, 2023

Did anyone catch this part? Or is it a hoax? Ramaswamy vs. Haley in gop debate (video)

By R.C.
thursday, august 24, 2023 at 11:27:29p.m. edt

OT1776 3h · Did anyone catch this part?


N.S.: I call b.s.


Anonymous said...

Politicians usually don't let their actual selves slip out from under the veneer.

True--or slightly false.


Anonymous said...

It is obviously a joke--and a pretty funny one: two Indians babbling away at each other--makes them look ridiculous. I wouldn't trust either one of them--they are typical aggressive and ambitious Indians who do whatever it takes to advance themselves. Read about how Vivek made himself rich with a clever con. He bought a drug which didn't work then his doctor mother helped cherry pick the data to make it look like it did work. He made a fortune when the suckers believed the doctored data. By the time another study showed the drug indeed did not work, he had already make his millions. And he is all for bringing in more dishonest Indians like his mother and himself. He is a slick con artist.