Saturday, August 19, 2023

give a democrat a fish... (graphic humor)

By An Old Friend


Anonymous said...

All these words we grew up with do not have the same connotation anymore:America...Democrat...


Anonymous said...

Give,give,give--more welfare for "Dems"(blacks)--they even get FREE fish.


Anonymous said...

Black folks like fish and like to fish. A favorite past time of theirs they need to engage in more rather than killing one another.

Anonymous said...

Dialogue of two negro fisherman:

"Youse took my CARP--nigga."

"I did NOT--I CAUGHT that carp."

"You don't even have a damn FISHING POLE."

"Don't matta none--don't need no fishin' pole.Reached right in the water and pulled one out with my bare hands "

"Those hands haven't seen water in a month,boy"--they STINK!"

"Must be your own hands you smell,nigga--cuz mine is CLEAN."

"If that's yo' idea of clean,yo' butt must be a REAL mess."

"Don't you worry 'bout my BUTT--that's cleaner than any part of YOU."

"You is one lyin' nigga."

"Right after you."

(Guns come out)

Next day headline:
Murder Near River Over Carp Disagreement.