Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Educational progress! It took a while for homosexual "teachers" to start grooming four-year-old boys in pre-k, but they're doing it now

By A.L.
tuesday, august 22, 2023 at 06:00:10 a.m. edt

It took a while.


"pride book featuring men in bondage wear shown to four-year-olds in pre-school

Archie Bunker from 1974. The episode, "Cousin Liz."

"They want to get into the schools and teach the kids this stuff," says Archie.

Yes, it did take a while, but they have succeeded. That WAS the idea all along.


Anonymous said...

What would Archie have thought about two queer guys adopting a hetero boy?Or two dykes?THAT would have been an explosive episode.


Anonymous said...

In Paddy Chayefsky's NETWORK, if I'm recalling it correctly, the TV folks are brainstorming to come up with outrageous ideas that will attract viewers as Howard Beale's on-air outbursts have been doing. One of the suggestions is a TV series about gays, and the idea is dismissed as too far-out. This was in long-ago 1976. -RM

Anonymous said...

Some people have long memories. So much the better for it too.