Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Breaking News! Second City Cop back up and running; google sabotage increases

By A.L.
tuesday, august 22, 2023 at 09:31:08 p.m. edt

Second City Cop back up and running


N.S.: My google minder is up to new forms of mischief. Until recently, he would sometimes revert posts I'd just published to "drafts," especially closing in on the witching hour of midnight. But now, he does a few things completely different--he blocks me from accessing my posts, sometimes for several hours at a time (e.g., from circa 12:30 a.m. until just before 6 a.m.), and when I try to update a post, he tells me "update failed." It can take me six or seven attempts at updating the same post. And if I leave the post and shut it down, I'll lose all of my update work. And when he freezes me out of fixing my primary blog during the wee small hours, my traffic also freezes.

In mid-May, my daily traffic exploded to three-fold what it had been for the past several years. App. ten years ago, google had slowed me down by, among other things, pushing all of my new posts way back from its front page. Longtime contributors, like Jerry in PDX, have noted that they never see my work on the front page anymore. Back in 2006, when Bruno Kirby died, my Kirby obit and other pieces I wrote about him and Billy Crystal were all over the front page under "Bruno Kirby" and "Billy Crystal." Accordingly, all sorts of blogs and Websites were talking about my work, and it got hundreds of thousands of hits.

google has since disappeared me from those pages, unless you search through page after page. However, my work can still be found at duckduckgo. I suspect that it is through duckduckgo that kentucky state university political scientist Wilfred Reilly found my work on the Knoxville horror, which he discussed in both of his last two works, Taboo and Hate Crime Hoax.

If you look up the "Knoxville horror" at google, these days, all you'll read about on page one is an annual horror movie festival.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The ONLY cops in the second city(is it really 2nd city anymore?)