Friday, July 11, 2014

RALEIGH: Unwed Mom of 6 Struggles to Pay Slain Son's Funeral Costs After Stabbing; Note to Black Females: Not Bearing Bastards Gives You a Much Better Chance to Pay for Your Kids’ Funeral Costs

By Nicholas Stix

Thanks for this article to reader-researcher “W,” who writes,
Single mother of six…the son who just died wanted to be an engineer….Another loss of “potential.”

At the News-Observer.


countenance said...

Tahje, Sincere, Tylah.

Great names.

Before his arrest on first-degree murder charges, Jerome Gardner’s sole encounter with the law was a 2011 conviction for felony breaking and entering in Wake County. State records show that he was sentenced to one year of probation and community service. He was also ordered to earn a high school diploma.

Why not order him to earn a Harvard Ph.D. while the judge was at it?

Anonymous said...

Harvard PhD?

Does Harvard offer one in ethnic studies?

Nicholas said...

Anonymous said...

"Harvard PhD?

"Does Harvard offer one in ethnic studies?"


Nicholas said...


Alleged reporter Thomasi McDonald is clearly a liar. It is impossible for him to say, “Jerome Gardner’s sole encounter with the law was…” That’s the sort of crap you’d expect from a defendant’s defense attorney.

It’s highly unlikely that a black American male who was convicted of felony B&E at 17 or 18, and charged with murder at 20 would have no juvi record. Add to that the practice of giving criminals “ACDs” (adjournment in contemplation of dismissal) or the equivalent, whereby if they stay out of trouble (or even if they don’t) for six months, their misdemeanor arrest and conviction are both expunged. (And the underlying crime might have been a felony, for which the perp was radically undercharged.) Plus, a black can commit all matter of mayhem on a regular basis without the police arresting him at all, such as lynch mob action.
Thus, an honest sentence would have read something like,

Before his arrest on first-degree murder charges, Jerome Gardner’s only adult criminal conviction was in 2011 for felony breaking and entering in Wake County. It is not known if he had a juvenile record, as such records are sealed.

Anonymous said...

Right, the bad guy probably had a lot of run ins with the law but was not arrested or tried, or jailed. Just doing something wrong and given a warning and such.

Anonymous said...

Some funeral home will donate the casket, some cemetery will donate the burial plot.

And everyone will be expected to chip in so the deceased can be buried in a new suit of clothes.

Anonymous said...

A fight started, no one knows why, and someone gets stabbed. That is how it always seems to be. NO ONE knows WHY, other than to fight and stab.