Sunday, April 07, 2013

WJLA “News” Not Only Produces D.C. Hate Crime Hoax, but Censors Dissent on Its Comments Page

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“D.C. Hate Crime Hoax: White Aunt Jemima, Sarah Fox, WJLA “News,” and Youtube Racial Arsonist Collaborate to Transform the White Victim of a Threatened Lynching on a D.C. Metro Train into a Hate Criminal, in Order to Destroy His Life.”]

By Nicholas Stix

Kacie T. to Virginia_Girl

"Actually it was only 80% his fault 10% the lady's fault that started the fight with him (the one that was saying she was going to cut his throat) and 10% the majority of the people on the train. I was there, I helped stop the fight. I didn't say he didn't deserve to get popped but it went to far. The majority of the people on the train were instigating it which didn't help, the lady threating him along with others didn't help, and he had no control over his temper which got worse the longer the ride. People just need to grow up and realize there are some things not worth the fuss they are making."

N.S.: How was it 80%, or even 1% his fault? You admitted that he was being terrorized by the blacks.

Kacie T.: “The majority of the people on the train were instigating it which didn't help, the lady threating him along with others didn't help, and he had no control over his temper which got worse the longer the ride.”

The only way you can blame him is if you support black supremacism and white slavery.

(My post was removed by the thread Nazis, even though they permitted posts by blacks saying that whites were not human. I wonder how many other pro-white comments they blocked or removed.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the same vein as this incident a "Muslim" starts harassing a white male with a black woman. I don't believe this has anything to do with religion, it is simply a black male who resents seeing a white man with a black woman.
We don't see the first comments but I suspect he said something along the lines of her being a race traitor and her husband stepped in and defended her.
I've seen many incidents of black men demonstrating racism toward white men and black men being together, yet white men are the ones stereotyped to be racist against black men and white women being together. Another one of those racial contradictions.

Note the voices ridiculing and mocking him as a "white man" are all black men. It's pretty clear what race and gender has the issue here.

Note also the cop starts pushing the white guy away as if assuming he was the instigator and the "problem".

If a white male is even suspected as having an issue with interracial relationships between black men and white women he is decried as a racist immediately and subjected to a dogpile from blacks and liberal whites alike, black men express a great deal of overt racism toward white men with black women but it's usually ignored or excused. Another one of those racial hypocrisies we live with every day.