Moslem Boston Marathon terrorists; Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, left, is dead, either shot dead by police, or via one of his own incendiary devices; his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is a fugitive, is believed to be wounded, and is considered armed and extremely dangerous

By Nicholas Stix
Before taking my son to school, I watched the local CBS affiliate from 7:15-7:25 a.m., but Charlie Rose was worthless, as usual. We learned of the shutdown, but nothing of what preceded it.
We started watching CNN at shortly before 9 a.m., because The Boss likes it. But after watching a stuttering, middle-aged female “reporter” babbling and desperately seeking to fill air time, while saying absolutely nothing, while the images were on time delay, to prevent the public from seeing anything of interest, I switched to Fox News, where we’ve been since.
On Fox News, the endlessly repeated talking point has been that the terrorists were normal, “Americanized,” were “hiding in plain sight” at the Marathon, that the younger terrorist, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was “living the American dream,” and that they must at some point “have changed” and been “radicalized.”
Nonsense. They were Moslems. Moslems can live perfectly “normal” lives on the outside, and be terrorists. Islam is a terroristic ideology, and The Koran is its handbook. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a sleeper.
What did we see with the 9/11 terrorists? They were living perfectly “normal” lives, too.
1 comment:
"Nonsense. They were Moslems. Moslems can live perfectly “normal” lives on the outside, and be terrorists. Islam is a terroristic ideology, and The Koran is its handbook. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a sleeper."
You are right. All moslems must get out of this country immediately along with all of the Illegal Aliens. All construction of Moslem mosques is to terminate immediately. The border fence is to be completely finished within the year. All US forces pulled out of the ME, and Afghanistan and returned to the US for border duty between the US and the invaders. Finally all immigration to the US is to stop immediately.
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