Posted by Nicholas Stix
Note that the Boston Globe story below refuses to call the terrorist bombing a “terrorist bombing,” acting instead as if a gas main had blown up.
I guarantee you that if the Globe’s operatives thought they could hang this attack on a “white supremacist,” they’d be screaming “TERRORIST ATTACK HITS BOSTON MARATHON!” in 48-point typeface.
There’s a special place in hell reserved for Steve Silva and his editors.
P.S. Note that Silva's immediate reaction was, "We've had an attack!" That was the right reaction, but later, his and his editors' racial-socialist "journalism" training kicked in.

The second bomb blast at yesterday's Boston Marathon
By Steve Silva on Apr 15, 2013 at 7:26 PM
Boston Globe
Three people were killed and 144 others were injured Monday afternoon as two powerful explosions detonated in quick succession on Boylston Street near the Boston Marathon finish line in Back Bay, transforming a scene of athletic celebration into bloody chaos.

Chaos in Boston yesterday afternoon
When the smoke cleared from the blasts, dozens of victims lay in the street, some unconscious, some grievously injured, including some whose limbs had been torn off by the blast. >> Story [Link no longer works.]
Boston Police are looking for tips: 617-635-4500 or 1-800-494-TIPS.

Video (above right) shot by Steve Silva, Boston.com Producer, at the scene of the first explosion
The male arrested so far has been described as black or dark skinned, so we many never hear another world about this terrorist attack.
The usual policy after this sort of crime is to come down harder, or be more suspicious of law-abiding citizens.
David In TN
White liberals of the LMSM, seizing their opportunity to practice their religious faith in liberal ideology as it availed itself early on in the Boston bombing news story, could not wait a fleeting second to pretend they believe this type of bombing was the non-liberal, white, anti-government type of action. Really?
This is the type of action most commonly seen in the white world by left wing, liberal, radicals such as Bill Ayers, creator of the weather underground, aka, the weathermen. Bill Ayers, friend of BHO, ghost writer of BHO’s “Dreams of My Father”, liberal professor at a major University, destroyer of our young white people’s minds should be in prison for the 4 bombings he is responsible for but the FBI got anxious, stepped on the law going after his wife and co-founder Bernadine Dohr, and the two skirted justice.
Further pursuing the liberal ideological illusion that now reigns as our zeitgeist, the box in which we are all only forced to think in, the white liberals and their LMSM, which initially blamed non-liberal whitey by implication, then blamed a “white” Saudi once it became clear that a Saudi was the suspected culprit.
White liberals are so insane with their liberal, ideological illusion; they are at risk of causing a catastrophe of Biblical, Old Testament proportions.
Liberalism is the failure to mature. Immaturity denies reality and substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality’s stead. White liberals are so enthralled with the blame non-liberal whitey for all problems; they deny the truth of it being nearly always someone other than a non-liberal white who is the culprit. Does the smell of the immature trait of cowardice wafting through the liberal ambience register in other non-liberal whites olfactory as it does mine?
White liberals are sowing the seeds of ruination for our culture, white race and white gene pool. They are the equivalent of a hoard of locust descending on fields of cultivated crops, satisfying their own immature gluttony at the expense of the white collective. White liberals are the scourge of the Devil, laying waste to all that is of the whites, the white race and white gene pool.
Secession is the answer, the only answer. Thank you.
According to the liberals and their media and their government propaganda you can only think about race if the perpetrators are White.
wake up Nicholas, the Boston bombing is likely another scam to enrich the War on Terror suppliers and out Police State federal government. It's the follow up to the Sandy Hook false flag.
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