Posted by Nicholas Stix
At Conservative Heritage Times, HarrisonBergeron2 writes,
I’m afraid the inescapable lesson of this is that we cannot have a free society with open borders. Our handlers aren’t about to adopt sane immigration policies, so we’re stuck with the nightmarish combination of an increasingly diverse, alienated population and a police state to impose order.
Some future.

The second bomb blast at yesterday's Boston Marathon

Chaos in Boston yesterday afternoon

I’m afraid the inescapable lesson of this is that we cannot have a free society with open borders. Our handlers aren’t about to adopt sane immigration policies, so we’re stuck with the nightmarish combination of an increasingly diverse, alienated population and a police state to impose order.
Exactly! This is what I have been trying to get through to people for years. Will anyone wake up and see the reality? IDK, but things will get worse as the lunacy goes on, so maybe folks will wake up down the road, but maybe it's already too late to stop it.
Our enemies don't need invasion fleets, our enemies have the US government, homeland security, open borders, and their homeland enablers.
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