Aaron "Tango" Tang
Cops are seeking these two men (above) who were spotted near the site of the Boston blasts.
Posted by Nicholas Stix
The authorities clearly "like" these guys, but it takes much more than that to make a case. Some Web wags have rightfully invoked the name Richard Jewell, who was falsely accused of the Olympic Park bombing during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, to caution the public against jumping to conclusions. So, let the feds bring them in, and question them, and see where the chips fall.
Authorities circulate
photos of two men
spotted carrying bags
near site of Boston
- Last Updated: 8:42 AM, April 18, 2013
- Posted: 2:30 AM, April 18, 2013
Investigators probing the deadly Boston Marathon bombings are circulating photos of two men spotted chatting near the packed finish line, The Post has learned.
In the photos being distributed by law-enforcement officials among themselves, one of the men is carrying a blue duffel bag. The other is wearing a black backpack in the first photo, taken at 10:53 a.m., but it is not visible in the second, taken at 12:30 p.m.
"The attached photos are being circulated in an attempt to identify the individuals highlighted therein," said an e-mail obtained by The Post. "Feel free to pass this around to any of your fellow agents elsewhere."

Meanwhile, officials have identified two potential suspects who were captured on surveillance videos taken shortly before the deadly blasts, law-enforcement sources told The Post yesterday.
Authorities know the names of the two men, but do not have enough evidence to make an arrest for Monday's attack, which killed three and wounded 176, the sources said.
It was not immediately clear if the men in the law-enforcement photos are the same men in the surveillance videos.
The developments came as:
* Leaked photos show that the 6-liter pressure cookers stuffed with metal projectiles was powered by a $3 battery typically used in kids' toys.
The pictures also included the circuit board, pieces of the shrapnel and twisted chunks of metal from the Fagor pressure cooker.
* The lid of one pressure-cooker bomb was blown off with such force that it landed on the roof of the Charlesmark Hotel 35 yards away, investigators believe.
A guest mistook it for a hubcap and gave it to authorities.
* The federal courthouse in Boston was evacuated when a caller phoned in a bomb threat following erroneous reports of an arrest. A threat was also called in to Brigham and Women's Hospital, where several victims were being treated.
* President Obama and the first lady are scheduled to visit Boston today to attend an interfaith prayer vigil with Gov. Deval Patrick.
They also plan to visit some of the wounded victims. There are 14 people in critical condition, but all are expected to survive.
Investigators continued to sift through clues from the powerful blasts as the suspects remained at large. They took items from the home of Carlos Arredondo, the cowboy-hat-wearing peace activist who bravely helped some of the wounded spectators, including a man who lost both legs.
"They took my clothes, my shoes, my pants, my T-shirt — whatever they needed I provided to them," he told Boston's WBZ-TV.
Officials have also asked people to turn in any cellphone video or photos taken at the bomb sites.
Fagor America, the company that made the pressure cooker, said it was contacted by investigators and is cooperating.
The battery maker, Tenergy, said on its Web site: "Everyone at Tenergy is deeply saddened by the recent events at the Boston Marathon. Our hearts and thoughts are with the victims, their families and the Boston community."
Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack, which is believed to be a domestic plot rather than international terrorism.
Mayor Bloomberg, meanwhile, said New York will remain on high alert. There were at least 94 reports of suspicious packages yesterday, although none proved to be a legitimate threat.
The Times Square subway station was evacuated when someone reported a suspicious package at West 42nd Street and Seventh Avenue. Also, cops cleared a Brooklyn Heights bank over a report of a suspicious package, which turned out to be a cup of coffee.
On Tuesday, there were 77 reports that were resolved.
Meanwhile, Port Authority Police officers were in Boston yesterday offering support and refreshments to weary Boston cops.
"We received a lot of support from other agencies after 9/11, when we lost 37 of our police officers," said Officer Brett Porigow.
"There's a kinship and a brotherhood . . . that we all share."
Additional reporting by Lorena Mongelli and Kate Kowsh in Boston
The confederated Republic of Solutrean states; as a secessionist I sometimes think about a new Republic and a proper name for said new Republic. The term Solutrean refers to the fair haired, faired skinned, light eyed Europeans who were, by many 1,000s of years, the first humans on the North American continent. They were semi-ancient relatives of today’s European whites, and this was their land, long before the Mongoloid Amerindians, who, perhaps armed with a superior technology from the old world, the bow and arrow, stole the land via wars that were perpetrated in perpertude over perhaps as many as 7,000 years or so.
Today we whites are locked in a new struggle for our land, a land rightfully claimed as ours because of our ancient forebears who conquered and tamed the inhospitable land long before other non-white usurpers arrived. Our struggle today however, clearly begins with our own kind, those of us who fail to mature, and the alliance they forge with other, different sub-species of humans, who for one reason or another, have failed miserably at achieving, via creating and maintaining, the higher culture of white civilization so envied by all non-whites.
These, our fellow whites who fail to mature, the sick and the stupid, are known as liberals; and as liberals they successfully skirt their personal responsibility of nature’s charge to mature, via a social chess tactic, which in turn, forces the collective to pay the debt incurred by this act of guile. Further and therefore, liberals are the immature; immaturity denies reality and substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality’s stead. Lastly, it is their illusion embraced, that is the seed of ruination all liberals sow culturally as a defense against the perilous complications arising within themselves, those who defy nature’s charge to mature.
This I believe is the well from which white liberals draw their water of the phenomenon known as the “white man’s burden”, a weltanschauung, whereby whites must care for all other sub-species of humans, and worse, do so at the expense of our own kind.
This particular self-flagellation recently exposed its ugly head when Chelsea Clinton and husband announced, that after failing as a white couple to have their own children, they would adopt a black African baby, not a white European baby. By the way black Africans have an average IQ of 70 compared to whites IQ of 100. The young Clintons are in for a future shock when their adopted, “little bundle of joy” achieves adolescence and begins sociopathic behavior because he or she is incapable of proper functioning in the white man’s culture.
The recent Boston bombings really exposes just how sick liberal dementia is and further just how much it is costing all whites. I could care less if liberal whites alone paid their own bill, but liberals make all whites share the responsibility and do so by forcing non-liberal whites to pay the larger share, incredulous!
The first liberal horse out of the gate on the Boston bombing was blame whitey, that probably some conservative, non-liberal, right wing, white guy did this. This bombing had the smell of Islamic all over it, but white liberals needed to pretend they smelled whitey. Worst of all, the amount of white tax dollars spent on the humungous DHS, as staggering as it is, not only left HS incapable of preventing this atrocity, but clueless in the aftermath as well. Why are we spending and enduring so much, when the DHS does nothing before and is incapable after. Has DHS been transmogrified into a tool of liberal ideology?
I am thankful for Paul’s blog and others, who ring the bell of alarm when it comes to blacks, the lowest IQed sub species of humans. Also however, I am alarmed at all those, non-white sub-species of human and some of our own, who have chosen to transmogrify our white gene pool and culture into some mulattoed, loser, phenomenon.
Whites are now entering the halls of perdition.
Secession is the answer, the only answer. Thank you.
The Islamics have brought another first to a diversified country, the US, pressure cookers used for bombs. That is what was used in the BB, Boston Bombing. Pressure cookers are a common type terrorist bomb in the ME, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc and pressure cookers were used in the one tried in NYC that the FBI stopped.
The first thing you have to take from this affair is the amount of hope invested by the MSM that the perps will be to their liking. The MSM doesn't care about the victims or even the idea of punishing those responsible, whoever they turn out to be.
The left has been that way since the 60's. Everything, but everything is political.
David In TN
David, good point. However I think the liberals achievement of the 60s was the culmination of a century or more in the making.
Liberalism or the left were at it long and hard since the 19th century, the Haymarket affair comes to mind.
I certainly concur with your point that liberals and their ideology has vested interest in blaming whitey, non-liberal whity. Thanks.
Maybe it's just my imagination, but I don't think so, the photos of the preps that are hauling cargo, bombs, on their backs seems to me to be much lighter in complexion than the original photos I saw of them. Plus the altogether politically correct announcement made by the law enforcement simply calls them "young men". Monsters maybe would be a better description. There's no way anybody comes to stand and watch a marathon packing that kind of load unless you are a jihadist.
Why does Prisonplanet.com show a number of males, all dressed alike, and all carrying backpacks? http://www.prisonplanet.com/fbi-ignores-men-with-backpacks-at-scene-of-boston-bombings.html
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