MS-13 tattoos: If you're a member of MS-13 and you don't kill people frequently enough, your gang brothers kill you!

Last year's winner of the city's parking sticker contest was a Hispanic gang-banger from a fine, traditional criminal family, who incorporated his gang's signs into his sticker design. Aside from that, the "artist" is awful! Then again, my studies of Hispanic gang tattoos leads me to expect little in aesthetic value from gang artists.
By Nicholas Stix
I hope I’m not being too subtle.
My personal Ground Zero for Obama/ Rubio Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill: On the Rockaway Peninsula, where we live, Hispanic immigrants and their families have taken over a public beach in an area that is over 90 percent working class white.
Prior to Hurricane Sandy, my son and I would often walk the now-washed-away boardwalk and pass by the beach, at Beach 116th Street. Little Hispanic boys as young as eight years old would stare daggers at us, as if we were trespassing on their property....
[Read the rest here.]
I have witnessed the aggression of outsiders, sometimes Hispanic, in my own neighborhood. My wife and I live in north-central Austin, Texas, in the Crestview neighborhood. It is located about five or six miles due north of downtown. Crestview is mostly a white neighborhood, which my wife describes as working class. Many of the houses are old and pretty modest; the lots are modest too.
For one thing, we're seeing a lot of graffiti around here these days. Much of it doesn't amount to more than scribbling; the majority of graffiti "artists" in this city have no talent, in addition to being petty criminals. But our neighborhood is being marked up by outsiders who invade under the cover of darkness. Failed businesses seem to be the preferred targets, as well as public property. For now, private residences seem to be generally spared. It is possible that that the hoodlums know that there will be a real backlash if they start vandalizing private homes.
Hispanics? Quite possibly, and probably. After all, wretched scribbling is the trademark of Hispanic graffiti "artists", at least in my city.
I have also noticed a lot of Hispanics at two of our neighborhood parks in the last couple years, particularly in warm weather. Some of them just want to have a family picnic, or shoot some baskets. If they behave peacefully and decently, I can accept them, if their own neighborhoods parks are full (are they?) Other Hispanics, however, are here to be a thorn in the side of the people who live here. They sometimes blast loud music at their parties, and on at least one occasion, drove a pickup truck into a park where no vehicles are allowed. While loud music blasted from the truck (I witnessed and heard this myself), some young Hispanic punks stood leaning against the truck with their arms folded, in defiance of anyone who might challenge them. I had never seen these people before this time, nor have I seen them afterward. One thing is for sure: they didn't come here to make friends.
I am not proud to say that our neighborhood newsletter has beat the drum for a volunteer neighborhood watch, and that I haven't responded. It is probably high time that I did.
There is other crime that occurs in our neighborhood, much of which will never be solved. But I won't forget one day a couple years ago. Our neighbors across the street were remodeling their home, and had much construction material in their front yard. (I later learned they'd suffered a lot of theft during the construction process.) One morning, I noticed a pickup truck with a trailer behind it. It moved down our street, and parked in front of our neighbors' house. A Hispanic lady got out of the truck, and stood in front our neighbors' house with her hands on her hips, surveying the bounty before her (she probably had some help with her, or had it readily available.) I was going to work when I noticed this, and I stopped, in order to see if I should warn my neighbors. I am happy to say that the man of the house opened the door, asked the outsider what she was doing there, and then the would-be thief quickly took off.
Sickening, isn't it? Whether it's New York or Texas, our neighborhoods are under siege.
Most of the illegals are Catholics.
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