Moslem Boston Marathon terrorists; Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, left, is dead, either shot dead by police, or via one of his own incendiary devices; his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is a fugitive, is believed to be wounded, and is considered armed and extremely dangerous

By Nicholas Stix
A few minutes ago, Jennifer Griffin kept saying that the younger, fugitive terrorist, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is an excellent student, a star athlete, and attended an exclusive Boston public school that Ben Affleck had attended, as if those facts somehow made it unlikely that he would be a terrorist.
Then there’s the current female Fox News host (Jenna Lee or Martha McCallum), who is no better, and just said,
“Why did they do this?”
“We’re trying to piece together this story…”
The Boss responded: “She not tryin’ to piece together nuttin’!”
Fox News reporter Bill Hemmer in Watertwon,
Said earlier,
“These two bombers, these terrorists, these killers.”
And later, “They took care of suspect #1.”
Hemmer just said, “You cannot go more than 30 seconds without hearing a siren.”
Hemmer has a son who went into harm’s way serving his country, either in Afghanistan or Iraq.
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