Mass Murderer and possible serial killer, Tamerlan Tsarnaev: The would-be new Tamerlane

Papa Bomber, Anzor Tsarnaev: He named the would-be new Tamerlane

Mama Bomber, Zubeidat Tsarnaev: She'd love to come back to defend her "angels," if only we'd forget her own "angelic" past here
Posted by Nicholas Stix
The comment below is from a reader of my VDARE colleague Steve Sailer’s splendid new column at Taki’s Mag, “Chechens Coming Here to Roost.”
• le Père Mersenne
Steve Sailer: "Of course, it would be bigoted for anybody to notice anything about Chechen society, such as its ancient tendency toward valor and violence."
Why would a sane person name their son for one of history's greatest mass murders? Tamerlan Tsarnaev was named after Tamerlane, who managed to kill 5% of the world's population while destroying much of 13th century Central Asia. It's as if Germans started naming their boys Adolph for sh$ts and giggles. Tamerlan was born and named in hopes he would something like he did, or worse. Yet in the case of the Chechen Tsarnaevs, we are not supposed to notice this affront to humanity because non-whites always get a pass.
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