Moslem Boston Marathon terrorists; Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, left, is dead, either shot dead by police, via one of his own incendiary devices, or through his brother running him over, while escaping from police; his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is presently in custody and in fair condition

Mama Bomber, Zubeidat Tsarnaev: She'd love to come back to defend her "angels," if only we'd forget her own "angelic" past here
By Nicholas Stix
The Boston Bombing is Just One of Millions of Reasons Why Another Mass Amnesty of Illegal Alien Invaders is Insane
If the Boston Marathon Massacre had never been committed, but instead someone had written a screenplay depicting such an attack, it would have been a black comedy featuring Keystone Kops and crazy Chechens. But it’s not a comedy. Four people are dead and 208 wounded, many of them maimed for life, who should never have been harmed—because the attackers had no business being in our country.
Yes—our country!...
[Read the whole thing here.]

Papa Bomber, Anzor Tsarnaev

Auntie Bomber, Maret Tsarnaev

Uncle Ruslan with the cops
1 comment:
Just caught this on MSN. Doesn't show any faces but the names (Tavyon), plus the video has a list of names of the females involved (Tiffany, et al). Might be worth a column. Jerry
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