The mother of the two Chechnyan brothers suspected of setting off two bombs at the Boston Marathon was arrested last year for allegedly stealing $1,600 worth of clothes from an upscale department store. Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, 45, was charged with two counts of malicious/wanton damage and defacement to property after allegedly swiping the merchandise from a Lord & Taylor in Natick, Mass. in June 2012.

Moslem Boston Marathon terrorists; Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, left, is dead, either shot dead by police, or via one of his own incendiary devices; his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is a fugitive, is believed to be wounded, and is considered armed and extremely dangerous

What was the sentence? Probation, most likely.
David In TN
They are coming here for a better life.
No, they are not. They have other things in mind.
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