Dr. Leicha Shaver, the principal of Roosevelt High School
Posted by Nicholas Stix
Revised at 1:06 p.m.
I thank my reader-researcher RC for this article.
The allegations below are nothing extraordinary. When a school, i.e., any “diverse” school, is granted extra money to “close the achievement gap,” this is the reality behind the platitudes. Such schools cater to low-IQ, anti-intellectual kids, and are operated by black or brown racists who are demonstrably incompetent, who got their jobs based on their race or ethnicity and their anti-white racism, and who don’t give a damn about educating black and brown kids. The school functions as a racist political stronghold, and pork barrel, with which to steal from the white net taxpayers who fund it.
The supporters of such schools always refer to them as “underserved” and “underfunded” (also “underresourced”), but the opposite is the case. As Pat Buchanan and Jason Richwine both have shown, they are all overfunded. It is white schools that are underfunded! As for the term “underserved,” I don’t know what it means in English, but it serves as racial code for simply “black or Hispanic,” and “racially oppressed.”
By Carla Wade and Jason Whitely (Follow: @jasonwhitely)
April 26, 2013 at 8:47 p.m.; updated today at 8:27 a.m.
DALLAS –– An internal investigation accuses a Dallas Independent School District principal of putting relatives and friends on the payroll and misspending federal funds on items including a cash grab machine for a student award ceremony.
The comprehensive investigation completed by the Dallas ISD’s Office of Professional Responsibility and obtained exclusively by News 8 alleges Roosevelt High School Principal Dr. Leicha Shaver engaged in nepotism and mismanaged thousands of dollars in Texas Title 1 Priority Schools grant funds. That money is awarded to schools that show the greatest need to improve academic performance.
The 44-page report concludes, among other things, that Shaver spent $200,000 of grant funds on a student award ceremony in which children received gift cards, electronics and even got the chance to pocket as much money as they could in a ‘cash grab’ machine.
They’re the size of a shower stall and blow cash around when fans are activated, alowing participants to grab as many bills as they can in a short amount of time.
Some children walked out with $800 to $900, the report said.
Spending Title 1 grant funds on award ceremonies, entertainment or gifts is considered an “unallowable cost” according to the Texas Education Agency, DISD's report added.
The district's investigation also accuses Shaver of nepotism and even paying relatives stipends with federal grant funds.
A whistle blower email in October 2012 sparked the district’s investigation. It said Shaver allowed a specific teacher to act as an administrator and that person became “a source of intimidation and discouragement for many teachers because of the way Shaver allows him to speak to teachers.”
It went on to say, “He has been directed by Dr. Shaver to hang around in the main office just in case Mr. Miles pops into the school unexpectedly.” Mike Miles is the superintendent of DISD.
The report also said a witness told investigators “…Dr. Shaver has only hired people who were either highly favored by her or friends of her family members.”
Despite accusations of violating district rules on nepotism and state rules on the spending of grant funds, neither Shaver nor any other employees in the report were placed on administrative leave.
One DISD trustee contacted by News 8, who didn’t want to be identified, said it’s a good question why Shaver is not on administrative leave.
“The district is in the process of reviewing the amount of funds that will need to be reimbursed to the TTIPS grant,” said Jon Dahlander, Dallas ISD spokesman. “It is also examining steps that could be taken to provide more oversight to special grants such as the TTIPS grant. It should be noted that the district's OPR thoroughly investigated the matter, allowing the district to self-report the issues.”
News 8 called Dr. Shaver at Roosevelt High School on Friday but she would not answer questions. A message left with her attorney was not immediately returned. Dallas ISD would not elaborate on why Shaver remains on campus with the allegations she faces, saying it is a personnel matter.
Concern appears to be growing. Investigators from the Texas Education Agency are now reviewing the allegations as well.
Email cwade@wfaa.com or jwhitely@wfaa.com
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