Saturday, April 06, 2013

D.C. Hate Crime Hoax: White Aunt Jemima, Sarah Fox, WJLA “News”, and Youtube Racial Arsonist Collaborate to Transform the White Victim of a Threatened Lynching on a D.C. Metro Train into a Hate Criminal, in Order to Destroy His Life

By Nicholas Stix

Take a look at the original video here, as posted by a racial arsonist calling himself LookingForSomeVids.

In today’s diversitopia, to be a respectably dressed, masculine white man is to be a marked man

“LookingForSomeVids” posted the video under the fraudulent title, “Racist White Man On Train in DC -- Assaults Black Woman (FULL).”

The white man is clearly responding to a racist black man hurling epithets at him, and threatening him with harm, and the mob of black racists supporting said black man, who are threatening to murder him. Meanwhile, a woman tells the white victim to “calm down,” instead of telling his racist black harassers to leave him be.

Here is the heavily edited, WJLA “News” version.

I have often been in the identical situation in New York, on subway trains and buses. Although I never threw back the “n-word,” that was purely out of prudence. I had every right to use it, as did the white man in the video. The First Amendment has no qualifier saying, “applies only to blacks and other protected classes”… (yet). Blacks call whites racial and sexual (“faggot,” “whore”) epithets with impunity, including even “nigger,” millions of times a day in this country, but no TV “news” outfit sees fit to try and destroy the black racists’ lives.

As is often the case in such incidents, an additional racist is involved, whose support of the mob is decisive: The white woman, Sarah Fox, who is taping part of the incident on her cellphone, and who later lied about it to WJLA “News”, asserting that the white victim started everything. WJLA then doctored the tape, going well beyond silencing the profanity, to the white victim shouting, “He started it,” regarding the big black man who had cursed and threatened him, in order to cover for Fox.

Fox says that she told the white victim, “Could you watch your language?,” but said nothing to the blacks who were cursing, terrorizing, and threatening to murder him.

Had Fox truly been concerned about civility, she would have gotten out of her seat, and pulled the emergency brake, to protect the white victim, who was in danger of being lynched. My hunch is that that wouldn’t have bothered her at all.

She emphasizes that “I have my son sitting next to me on the train and I said, ‘You know, could you watch your language?’ to rationalize her telling the white victim to quiet down.

WJLA “reporter” Roz Plater says, “She says she was on the train with her 15-year-old son… We blocked out the offensive language, but on the tape you can hear a verbal free-for-all—racial slurs, homophobic slurs, profanity.”

Note that Plater refuses to mention the death threats blacks were making against the white man, much less that they had been calling him “homophobic slurs”—presumably, “faggot.” She and her WJLA anchor, Leon Harris, bury the latter aspect under “passengers calling each other…”

“I have my son sitting next to me on the train, and I said, ‘Could you, you know, watch your language?” (Actually, she can be heard telling the victim, “You’re so disrespectful.”)

“And that’s when he just smacks at me, smacked the phone out of my hand,” she continues to alleged reporter Roz Plater.

Note that this is a woman who lives in Anacostia, one of Washington, D.C.’s most racist, violent, black slums. Although her older son is white, her toddler is mulatto. She spends a great deal of time around blacks, which means she and her children hear a constant stream of profanity, yet she lectures a besieged white man, whose life is imperiled, on his language.

She heard blacks on the train cursing and threatening to kill the white victim, yet she did not make a peep to them.

Fox is teaching her white child that he is a second-class citizen, and a walking target, and that he should seek to harm his fellow whites, when they are victimized by black racists. While I’m sure that, living in Jim Snow, he has already been taught the lesson of his second-class citizenship thousands of times, his mother is supposed to protect and support, not destroy him.

In a spirit of generosity, Fox tells Plater, “Maybe people may disagree with me, but I think that he had a bad day, and he probably took it out on the wrong person,
and got in over his head. It’s not worth going ahead and pressing charges.”

I know darned well that Sarah Fox isn’t lecturing blacks on their language, because if she had, she wouldn’t have lived this long. Fox is what I call a white Aunt Jemima. That’s not because she had a child by a black man, but because she looks for opportunities to aid and abet racist blacks in terrorizing whites. I have been in just such situations many times in New York City, and have called such whites “white Uncle Tom” and “white Aunt Jemima” to their faces. As I have also learned the hard way, such whites are not above committing the crime of lying on police reports.

My understanding is that it is illegal to photograph or videotape a private person without his permission. If that is correct, the white man had a legal right to slap the cellphone out of the white female racist’s hands.

According to civil law, the white victim in this piece—the man who was threatened, cursed, illegally videotaped and almost lynched—could sue the racist white “videographer,” but of course, the way things are, he’ll be lucky to stay out of jail. Already, racist scum are seeking to destroy his life.

Under the criminal law, threatening to murder someone is the crime of “Making terrorist threats.”

I am linking to, rather than posting the doctored, WJLA “News” version, because local news videos, WJLA’s in particular, have been driving my readers (and me) crazy, due to being set to automatically play, in order to subject viewers to an endless barrage of commercials that, if done to POWs would count under the Geneva Conventions as torture. This particular WJLA video is even worse than usual, as it repeatedly stops and starts and jumps around within the story.

Sarah Fox and WJLA are engaged in a sophisticated form of “polar bear hunting.”

Thanks to reader-researcher RC for the original hoax story, which follows below.

* * *
Only on 7: Woman records attack on Metro
By Roz Plater
April 5, 2013 - 11:54 pm

A disturbing Metro ride is caught on camera and ends with a man attacking a woman who was recording a hate-filled argument between passengers.

The passengers called each other homophobic and racial slurs. And the woman who recorded it all is talking exclusively with ABC7.

The woman who shot the video says she's ridden Metro for five years and has never seen or heard anything like it.

She says it began at the L'Enfant Plaza station and continued all the way to Anacostia.

Sarah Fox says the man she captured in her cell phone video appears to have started it all. When he realized she was recording the argument, he "smacked the phone out of my hand," she says.

Metro Transit Police have contacted the Brandywine man believed to have started it all and are investigating.


Anonymous said...

Are you a writer/reporter for WJLA rival FOX News?? Because YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT.

Anonymous said...

Any White who stands up for himself is of course a racisssss. The proper procedure in these situations is as follows: White says nothing, if struck he covers up with no thought of striking back, also he must look scared and bleed profusely at least, although death is preferable.

Anonymous said...

The jungle sounds at the end of the video are priceless.

Anonymous said...

The jungle sounds at the end of the tape are priceless

Anonymous said...

I see a heated exchange, I dont see a racist person in the bunch, really. The white dude clearly rides the metro every day with all races of people, as do the others on the train. So it's a he-said, she-said. But it's on tape. So, there's no way to understand what happened first, but you gotta keep that temper under control. This is how people get killed.