A tip ‘o the hate to reader-researcher “W.”
By Dave Levine
NumbersUSA President Roy Beck made the following statement recently:
“The difference between now and 2007 is that there weren’t 20 million Americans looking for jobs who couldn’t find work then,” Mr. Beck said.
I beg to differ. The difference between now and 2007 is there are 40 to 60 million illegal aliens in the U.S., not "20 or 38 million" as found by the CAPS Panel Study in October 2007. The Heritage Foundation (which is about to come out with an study of the financial costs of legalizing millions of illegal aliens) is using the 11 million figure. They need to "get with the program" and realize that the 11 million figure was passed back in the early 2000s under G.W. Bush.
The actual number of illegals in the U.S. is 40 to 60 million. Heritage's figures of "$2.5 trillion dollars in added costs to Americans" or whatever the figure is they come up with therefore must be multiplied BY 4! Like, $10 TRILLION DOLLARS?
For references on "the numbers", please see the two Independent studies done in 2005 and 2007:
The January 2005 Bear Stearns Report by Justich and Ng ("18 to 20 million illegals or more") at
The 2007 CAPS Panel Report (half the panel finding 20 million illegals and the other half of the panel, 38 million) at
It's also important to note that on March 30, 2006, TIME Magazine front page writers Bartlett and Steele at
estimated the Invasion from Mexico in 2006 alone to be at least 3 million illegals.
Add it up, folks! The 11 million illegal aliens figure is "a joke" conveniently used by pols and pro-Amnesty orgs quoting the undercounting Pew Hispanic Study and the always undercounting CENSUS to keep their Amnesty plans alive. The above two Independent studies of "the numbers" indicate that today, 7 to 8 Invasion years later, there are upwards of 40 million illegal aliens in the U.S.
While the Amnesty debate is going on, currently, about 10,000 illegal aliens are breaking into the U.S. across the U.S.-Mexico Border every 24 hours which is, if you compute it, about 3 million this year. The BP is catching 1 out of 7, if they're lucky. If Amnesty passes, watch that 10,000 figure double or triple. We are being invaded, pure and simple!
The current Gang of Eight plan is using the 11 million figure, but it matters not because if their bill is passed, it won't be "11 million illegal aliens" who are Amnestied but 40 to 60 million not counting the millions we aren't stopping from breaking in along our Southern Border!
If Americans knew this, the Gang of Eight plan and every other Amnesty plan would never pass.
1 comment:
Dear Nick:
I was wondering if you would like to link to this post of mine or make a similar one of your own?
It's about a strategy for rewarding the campaigns of Senators and Representatives who are good on immigration as a way to send a message to the entire Congress.
It's based on something some comment poster at iSteve said, and I thought, hey, let's give people the information so they can do this without having to do the research themselves.
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